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Morning Chronicle


... POLICE INTE'LLIGENCE. GUILDHALL. A young man unamied T'honas Fry was brought before Sir Peter Laurie yesterday, charged with committing a daring robbery. Mr. Avant, assistant to Mr.Gray, a silversmith In Fleet- street, statetl that about a quarter past seven cclock the preceding evening he heard a violent blow struck against the shop window, and looking towards It he sasi that at re- markably ...


... THE RECENT EXTENSIVE ROBBERIES | OF JEWELS. The police, as well as the officers of Bow-street and Marlborough-street, have been actively engaged in tracing out the means by which the late robberies of jewels, &c., amounting to between one and two thousand pounds, have been accomplished. As yet nothing has been discovered to afford ground for hope that the perpetrators will be de- tected; but ...


... These sessions commcnced yesterday morning. In the absence of F. CoNs', Esq., the official chairman, who, we regret to say, is seriously ill, Mr. RAvWLINSON, Of Queen- squire police-officc, presided. Harriet Diron, an interesting looking young woman with a child in her arms, was indicted for feloniously steal- ing, on thQ 21st of December last, a sovereign, a half- crown, a shilling, and a ...


... GUILDIIALL. - Yesterday a labouring man, named ?? Castlc, was brought beforn Sir Peter Laurie' charged with carrying on an illicit still in Butler's-alley, Milton-street. ilur-ess and Smith, two excise officers, entered the house about four o'clock the previous afternoon, and found a still at work on the first floor, which they seized, with about 20 galb ns of wash, and a small quantity of ...


... MARLBOROUGH-STREET. SrNGUL..A CAs..-A VOLung- man of very repulsive ap- pear-abe, having lis hair fastened in a knot, with a comb in the same manner as a woiman's, wet yestortloy brought before Mr. Conant on the followiag charge:- The previous afternoon he had been seen to decoy a lit- tle child into a house in Church. street, in which he occu- pied a garret, and information of the ...


... FESTM INSTER SESSIONS-FimmAy I [Before iMr. RAwI.INsoN, Chairman (pro tem.), and a Beinch of Mlgistrates.) DiSTRESS AND Cm~iIE.-Fran1CiS Devine, aged 13, was inilicied for stealing two books, value 2s., the property of Mr, Gco. Willis, a bookseller in Princes.strect. Police constable C W5, stated that about six o'clock in the eveniiig of Saturday last, hc saw the prisoner standing at the ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENTC.E. MANSION-HOUSE. WOI.ESALtE COI.NING.-On Saturday, Samntel Shannon, a butcher, wvhto resides at No. 33 IPetticoat-lane, was brought before the LolD MAYOR under the following cir- cumstanees': Mr. Wityear, the superintendent of Police in the City of London, stated that hc had received information that a good deal of counterfeit coin was secreted in Petticoat.lame. lie in ...


... I FREEDOM OF THE CITY TO AIR. PATTISON, THE CANDIDATE FOR THE CITY. On Saturday a Court was held for the purpose of en- abling Mr. Pattison, the Governor of the Bank of England, to be admitted as a freeman of the City of London, in or- der that in the (extremely probable) event of his election as one.of the representatives of the city no objection might be made against him upon the score of ...


... COURT OF DELEGATES-SA'rCfl DA. EXTRAORDIXNARY CASE OF ADiULT'ERY. Air. Justice lPattiqorr, M1r.-.lisftic Alderson, i~lr. Baron Gurney, Dr. Daubeov, and l)r. iBurnaby) attended this day in Serjeants' Inn llall, lo hear an appeil front thc Archies Court of Canterbilry hit the' ease of Story v. Story. It was a suit brought by Mr. Joub Sainuel Story, it so- licitor residin tat St. Albans, Io ...


... QUEEN-SQUARE. Catvir.'ry ro ANIMAlS-.Juames Kirby,', a dlraynman in tlhe ?? of A1Iessrs. Joseph CarteC Wood, Hsq., and Co., porter and ale brewers, Artillery-place, Strutton- ground, e'cstmiriil ster, was charged ivith cruelly beating a fine tlray-liorse, the property of his eolple) Lrs, hir. Frederiek Wood stated, that oss Satiurday eight last, aoutst seven o'clock, he heiard one of the ...


... IRNE riANY. INQUEST Al' IZATHCORMAC. [From the Cork Reporter.) TENTHI DAY-YRIDAY, JAN. 2. Tke Court opened thie morniig tit eleven'o'eloch. Lientelant'rTalt Alles Duacan, 4th Dragoon Guards, examined: Recollects the 18th of last monith, ond passitg a place called Biartle. say-eroms ois that day; was accomipanied by Captain Bagley, Mr. Ityder, aid six of his men; saw a concourse of people there ...


... LAW NOTICES.--TWIA DAY. PALACE COURT, WESTMINSTER, Wheatley and another v PyrnmSaiisbOry ir Probart. INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT. Sittings at ten. U?:oprosEo.-Cbarliu Henry Wmsgrr, James Phillips, Jotn Willimsm, John Lauract, Jamnes Hubb ard, Philip Pepler, Thomas Davies, John filffin, James Rivett. Atioutr-vEn CAaS, S-Geore Biggs. Edward Lee, Daniel M`Crvl John WVIndall, John'Seymour Cock, ...