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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle


... -LAW NQOTfES.-Es DAY. I COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER.. Sittings at ten. Mortara v Heal, pegtilon, part ?? v Rhodes, to be spoke ?? v Boner, appeal, part ?? v Fox, appeali-cre- dith v Bowen, ap ?? V Jackson, appeal, to bereheard Same v Greer wood, ?? v Bawtre, cause by order. VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER.. Sittings at ten. ?? continued-after which Twyford v Trail, to be spoke to ...


... IRNE riANY. INQUEST Al' IZATHCORMAC. [From the Cork Reporter.) TENTHI DAY-YRIDAY, JAN. 2. Tke Court opened thie morniig tit eleven'o'eloch. Lientelant'rTalt Alles Duacan, 4th Dragoon Guards, examined: Recollects the 18th of last monith, ond passitg a place called Biartle. say-eroms ois that day; was accomipanied by Captain Bagley, Mr. Ityder, aid six of his men; saw a concourse of people there ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-SATUnDAY. JOHNSTON V. KENNETH. In this case, which is un appeal from the Vice-Chancel- lor, the legatees of a person named Kenneth seek to charge the real estates in the hands of bona fide pur- chasers with the payment of legacies which the heir-at- law had neglected to discharge. The purchasers had taken bonds of indemnity from the vender against these legacies. The Vice ...


... LAW NOI TC.-TE s DAr.. COURT OF CHANCERY,W WETMINSTER. Sittingsfat ten. Ravensbaw v Nouller, appeal, part ?? v GrabS'. ap- ?? v Lamprey, dttO-HarrhiiTlO v Wiltshire, ditto- Bower v Morris, ditto. VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. Short causes, after which Davies v Cutler,'by ?? v Wheatey ?? 8afery-Ho ei ~ v owl, fur-on thor direcytions and cotst-St. John r St. Johr, ...


... LAW NOTICES.-TJIS DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. In re Rowley, two lunatic petitions, by ?? re Hawortli, In. natic petition, by ?? v Entickrap, ?? V Hicks, ?? v Palmer, ?? vWatrombe, ?? v Hallier. VICE.CHBA*CELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. Gibson v WVellesley, to be spoke ?? re Trist, petition, by order -Candler v Reed, cause, by ?? v Bonner, five motions, y ...


... LAW INTTLLIGENCE. COURT OF CHANCERY.-TuESDnAY. BERNAL V. BERNAL. Mr. WVAKEFIELD appeared hi support of a petition pro- sented in this case by one of the kindred and legatees of Gasper Bernal, a person of the Jewish persuasion, who had left his property in the hands of trustees to be divided in certain proportions among his descendants and genera- tion of the same religion. The petitioner was ...


... LAW INTELLIGBNCE- COURT OF CHANCERY.-FasDAY. SPICER v. JAV. s. This was an appeal from the Vice-Chancellor. The suit was originally instituted by the creditors of an intes- tate against the defendant, Mr. James, an attorney, who had been permitted to take out letters of administration to the estate. A decree was taken for an account in the usual form, and the parties wont before the Master, ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-SATURDAY. STONES V. COOKE. This was an appeal from the Vice.Chaficellor. The plaintiff is the personal representative of a lady who ob- tained a divorce from her husband, the defendant, on the ground of adultery. The alimony was fixed at 2M. a year, but the wife having 1601. a year in her own right, as well as ofher property, neglected to press her husband for the payment of ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. An inhabitant of Sherborne-lane complained that the houses in the neighbourhood were nightly in danger of being plundered, in consequence of the facilities which were afforded to thieves by means of an empty house, No. 5, which had, he understood, been purchased by the Cor- poration, according to the terms ?? new street. The house had been for some time left without watch, and ...


... POLICE INTE'LLIGENCE. GUILDHALL. A young man unamied T'honas Fry was brought before Sir Peter Laurie yesterday, charged with committing a daring robbery. Mr. Avant, assistant to Mr.Gray, a silversmith In Fleet- street, statetl that about a quarter past seven cclock the preceding evening he heard a violent blow struck against the shop window, and looking towards It he sasi that at re- markably ...


... COURT OF. CHANCERY.-TuEsDAY. LEE V. ENTICKNAPP. I This case was partly heard yesterday. The question was, whether the trustees under the will of a testator had or had not exercised their powers according to the inten- tions of the testator, and whether a debt of 3,000!., which they had incurred in the management of his farms was to be paid out of the real or personal estate? Mr. KINDERSLEY ...


... MANSION-HIOUSE. ALLEGED FRAUD IN TIlE SALE OF ANNUALS.-On Saturday Mr. ADOLPHSUS appeared to prosecute the firm of Bellamny and Co., booksellers, of Coribill, for an al- leged fraud upon Robert Jennings, the publisher of Jen- nings, Laindscape Annual. Edward Cadell represented the firm of the defendants, but admitted that there was no such person as Mr. Bel- lamy in existence. Mr. SYDNEY ...