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... LAi NOTICES.-Tins DAY. if o COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER. Sittingn at tell. ADJoVatNan CAUSE PF ?? re Wolf; two patent petitions, part ?? v Bernal; pauper ?? v Hall- Cownlay vlledwell, LUNATIsV PrTITrnNs.-ln re Foavler-Iln re lHumphreys; two ?? re Tarbuck; ditto-I; re Harris; ?? re Jojes- In re Blagden, two ?? re Osbaldeaton-In re Gunning; two ?? re Fowler-In re Rowley; two ?? re Hill; ?? re ...


... LA TW INTELLIGENCE. I - U. COURT OF CHANCERY.-NONDAY. ?? This being the first day of Term, the Lord Chancellor, ot the Judges, and King's Counsel having breakfasted in of Lincolins-inn, came in procession to Westminster-hall in 0- the usual manner. ill At half-past one the Lord Chancellor entered the er Court, accompanied by the Master of the Rolls and the r- Vice-Cluisecellor. 0, The ...


... THE RECENT EXTENSIVE ROBBERIES | OF JEWELS. The police, as well as the officers of Bow-street and Marlborough-street, have been actively engaged in tracing out the means by which the late robberies of jewels, &c., amounting to between one and two thousand pounds, have been accomplished. As yet nothing has been discovered to afford ground for hope that the perpetrators will be de- tected; but ...


... COURT OF. CHANCERY.-TuEsDAY. LEE V. ENTICKNAPP. I This case was partly heard yesterday. The question was, whether the trustees under the will of a testator had or had not exercised their powers according to the inten- tions of the testator, and whether a debt of 3,000!., which they had incurred in the management of his farms was to be paid out of the real or personal estate? Mr. KINDERSLEY ...


... V, COURT OF KING'S BENCH.-WESTu INSTER, JAN. ?2 Tie KINaG v. CAPTAIS RoBIsoN.-The Attorney-General moved for judgment against Captain Robison, who was tried on the 11th of December Sas andconvicted ol having published a pamphlet containing several libels on Lieutenant-Genejl Daring, late Governor of New Son'th WlVales-the libels chargvinlg him ith having been guilty of differert acts nf ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-SATUnDAY. JOHNSTON V. KENNETH. In this case, which is un appeal from the Vice-Chancel- lor, the legatees of a person named Kenneth seek to charge the real estates in the hands of bona fide pur- chasers with the payment of legacies which the heir-at- law had neglected to discharge. The purchasers had taken bonds of indemnity from the vender against these legacies. The Vice ...


... LAW NOI TC.-TE s DAr.. COURT OF CHANCERY,W WETMINSTER. Sittingsfat ten. Ravensbaw v Nouller, appeal, part ?? v GrabS'. ap- ?? v Lamprey, dttO-HarrhiiTlO v Wiltshire, ditto- Bower v Morris, ditto. VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. Short causes, after which Davies v Cutler,'by ?? v Wheatey ?? 8afery-Ho ei ~ v owl, fur-on thor direcytions and cotst-St. John r St. Johr, ...


... LAW NOTICES.-THIS DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. I . Lewis v Lewis; two appeals, part. ?? v LIngham; ?? v Leach; ?? v Kennett; appel- Htardy v Lee, appeal. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. Turner v Newport ; to he spoke ?? v Haworth; petition by ?? v Leigh-Ditto v Ditto; twvo ?? v Sprade-IItto vn Prior-Hatiieid v FSrnivai; excepttons by nr es- Scott ...


... OLD COURT. . [Before Mr. Justice BOsANQUET.J John Green, 21, and.Caroline Allen 20, were indicted for breaking and entering the dwelling of James Thos. Valiance and stealing therein a gold watch, chain, and seals, of the value of 20?., his property, on the 23d December. Mr. CHA PiRts and Mr. PAYNE defended the prisoners. It appeared that the prosecutor, who is a surgeon, re- siding at West Ham ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. Benjamin Isaacs, Jacob Moses, nnd John Gordon were brought before the Lord Mayor, charged upon suspicion of having robbed Abraham SImmonolds, the owner of thd Cutlers' Arms public-house, ill Cutler..street, Hoursditch, of 4g5Ol in hank-notes and cash, end a large quantity of very valuable jewels. Mr. Simmonds stated, that between twelve and three o'clock on the preceding day, ...


... LAW INTELLIMENCE. COURT OF OHANCERY.-WEDNESDAY. GRAVES V. iICKS. The arguments in this case were concluded this morning. The LORD CeIANCELLOn said he should not dispose of the matter then. He had' a strong impression on it, but as it was one of the cases in vwhich it was difficult to arrive at any certainty, he thought, in deference to the autho- rities cited, that he was bound to consider it. ...


... POLICE. INTRLLIGBNCR GUILDHALL. Inspector Martin,' of the City police, produced 47)., which, he itated, had eots into his possession in the following manner _-In passing down Ludgate-hill the previous evening, he found a boy crying bitterly, and saying, that a man who was standing with him had 501. of his money, and was going to run away with It'; and, as the man admitted he had nearly that ...