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... MANSION-HOUSE. An inhabitant of Sherborne-lane complained that the houses in the neighbourhood were nightly in danger of being plundered, in consequence of the facilities which were afforded to thieves by means of an empty house, No. 5, which had, he understood, been purchased by the Cor- poration, according to the terms ?? new street. The house had been for some time left without watch, and ...


... POLICE INTE'LLIGENCE. GUILDHALL. A young man unamied T'honas Fry was brought before Sir Peter Laurie yesterday, charged with committing a daring robbery. Mr. Avant, assistant to Mr.Gray, a silversmith In Fleet- street, statetl that about a quarter past seven cclock the preceding evening he heard a violent blow struck against the shop window, and looking towards It he sasi that at re- markably ...


... V, COURT OF KING'S BENCH.-WESTu INSTER, JAN. ?2 Tie KINaG v. CAPTAIS RoBIsoN.-The Attorney-General moved for judgment against Captain Robison, who was tried on the 11th of December Sas andconvicted ol having published a pamphlet containing several libels on Lieutenant-Genejl Daring, late Governor of New Son'th WlVales-the libels chargvinlg him ith having been guilty of differert acts nf ...


... COURT OF. CHANCERY.-TuEsDAY. LEE V. ENTICKNAPP. I This case was partly heard yesterday. The question was, whether the trustees under the will of a testator had or had not exercised their powers according to the inten- tions of the testator, and whether a debt of 3,000!., which they had incurred in the management of his farms was to be paid out of the real or personal estate? Mr. KINDERSLEY ...


... MANSION-HIOUSE. ALLEGED FRAUD IN TIlE SALE OF ANNUALS.-On Saturday Mr. ADOLPHSUS appeared to prosecute the firm of Bellamny and Co., booksellers, of Coribill, for an al- leged fraud upon Robert Jennings, the publisher of Jen- nings, Laindscape Annual. Edward Cadell represented the firm of the defendants, but admitted that there was no such person as Mr. Bel- lamy in existence. Mr. SYDNEY ...


... WORSHIP STREET. The informers seem to have calculated on a profitable speculation by pro- ceedings against the placard-bearers of the candidates at the present general election, many of the placards being without the printer's name, an offence against the Printers' Acts, 39th and 51st Geo. III, which enacts a penalty of not less than 51., or three months' imprisonment, for printing ...


... - On Tuesday night last a most numerous gang of the swell mob attended at White Conduit ?? during the meeting of the electors of Fiesbury.- Mr Abrahams, a constable, who attended the meeting to look after thieves, was himself robbed of 14s. from his trousers' pocket. Several gentlemen com- plained at tbe entrance of having been robbed of their watches and pocket- books, containing money, &c. ...


... LAWI INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF CHANCERY.-TvlIsnDY. GREEN V. JACKSON, This was an appeal from a decision of the late Master of the Rolls. The matter was argued before Lord Brougham a short time previous tp his resignation of office; but no judgment being delivered, the parties were now compelled to have the case reheard. The question arose out of the construction of the will of Joseph Chap- man, ...


... MARY-LA-BONNE. e TiE FAVOURITE MEIssaIa, on HuME Fon VVEn I- is Yesterday, Mr. WilliUan Allen. a gentleman residing at of Spa Cottage, Rosamon-strcet, Clerkenwell, was charged s. before Mr. Rawlinson, as follows: - :E It appeared from the evidence of police constable Balls, No. 26 of the E division, that about three o'olock on Sun- Ad day morning, as he was on duty in the Portland-road, he ...


... I FREEDOM OF THE CITY TO AIR. PATTISON, THE CANDIDATE FOR THE CITY. On Saturday a Court was held for the purpose of en- abling Mr. Pattison, the Governor of the Bank of England, to be admitted as a freeman of the City of London, in or- der that in the (extremely probable) event of his election as one.of the representatives of the city no objection might be made against him upon the score of ...


... - I COURT OF CHANCERY.-TnutSDAY. nOBSON V. NOEL. This was a motion to discharge an order of the Vice- Chancellor, directing Sir Gerard No.l to deposit with his clerk in Court the books and documents set forth in his ausiver in the cause. Mr. Tw qs was heard in support of the motion up to the rising of the Court on the first day of the present Term. Mr. BACON' now followed on the same side, and ...


... COURTIor EXCQUER.t. ' (L9udOstSitsingS .at.Nisi .Prz, ,befiore M~r. . Baon Park, aind a. LodonJury). RICHMOND V. MARSHALL ANt:ANOTHER. This was, oR actiots brought by Aldiander DaVid-RiebrAond, whse nbas e haS been log: familiar to she public as coxnrected with IheO state.trials in the west of Scotland ill.8 l7 ,.for ibies6 PUbHiShnd iD Tait's Magazine, of MayI Jlune-, July, and- Aognst, 1833. ...