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... LAWV NOTICES.-TAIs DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER. Sittisgs at ten. APPEALS.-SpIcer v James-Jekyll v Montford-Stones v Cook- Aidridge v Forhes-Lewes v Lewes. VICE CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER. Sitting at ten. RsMrAININO CAUSE PETITIONS-FOrty v Reay-Cotton v Cotton -Dawee v Heaton-Bowden v Bayley-In re Grimwood-Cartilch v Cartlich-Exparte Shaw-In re. Lereske-Taylor v Taylor-In re ...


... LAW NOTICES. -ThzS DA . COURT OF CHANCERY, WE9STMINSTER. Sittings at ten. Exparte Chambers, for ?? Elton, lunatic petli ?? v Forbes, ?? v Lewes, ?? v Leaech, ?? v Kennett, ?? v Lee, ditto- Lord Lonedonderry v Beckett, by order. VICE.CHANCELLORTS COURT, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. Drevorr Maudesley, exceptlons and ?? v Bolton, pe. ?? v Ramsay, ?? v Phelps, to be spoke to- Taylor v Newport, ?? ...


... COURT OF COM3lMON' UNCIL. Yest erday at Cou rt wvas lie!ct I 1. It tas tile first 5111cC tht% elcinof the Commonna Councilmenc, atnd it was ottO 0 ullusual initere~st. It was nirat fully attendel. TH E ItEEFU SA! O F THIE L.OR'D MA YORP TO CALL A COMMON IIALL.. Upon the raotion for placing the name of the Lr Mayor vipon thu list. of ilie City Lands' Commitutee, Mr. E:FFINGHIIAM WILSON rote to ...


... FESTM INSTER SESSIONS-FimmAy I [Before iMr. RAwI.INsoN, Chairman (pro tem.), and a Beinch of Mlgistrates.) DiSTRESS AND Cm~iIE.-Fran1CiS Devine, aged 13, was inilicied for stealing two books, value 2s., the property of Mr, Gco. Willis, a bookseller in Princes.strect. Police constable C W5, stated that about six o'clock in the eveniiig of Saturday last, hc saw the prisoner standing at the ...


... LAW NOTICES.--TWIA DAY. PALACE COURT, WESTMINSTER, Wheatley and another v PyrnmSaiisbOry ir Probart. INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT. Sittings at ten. U?:oprosEo.-Cbarliu Henry Wmsgrr, James Phillips, Jotn Willimsm, John Lauract, Jamnes Hubb ard, Philip Pepler, Thomas Davies, John filffin, James Rivett. Atioutr-vEn CAaS, S-Geore Biggs. Edward Lee, Daniel M`Crvl John WVIndall, John'Seymour Cock, ...


... POIC7 INTlELIGNC.E a-4 MANSION-HOUSE. A boy, named Chopel, who is called Fighting Bob, was brought before the Lord Mayor, charged with having rescued a gang of young thieves, The case excited no small degree of astonishment. Y Isaacs, a constable, stated that a gang of young vaga- bonds were in the habit of plundering the orange mer- chants in Thames.street; and it was no sniall vexation to ...


... INS.OL VNTDEBTORS' COURT.-TuBSmD v. IMPORTANT MOTION. IN THE MATTER OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM STOKOE. This was an application on the part of the insolvent for a re-hearing, under the 67th section of the Act, on the ground that the adjudication had been improperly made. The matter, which involved a point of some importance, had been before the Court on several occasions, and to- day the Learned Chief ...


... These sessions commcnced yesterday morning. In the absence of F. CoNs', Esq., the official chairman, who, we regret to say, is seriously ill, Mr. RAvWLINSON, Of Queen- squire police-officc, presided. Harriet Diron, an interesting looking young woman with a child in her arms, was indicted for feloniously steal- ing, on thQ 21st of December last, a sovereign, a half- crown, a shilling, and a ...


... LAWT INTELLIGENCE. m COURT OF CHANCERY.-MONDAY. C- IN 111' C1A'tAlliE11s, A BANKSRUITr. ig The petition in this matter was argued some time be- ni fore Christmas. His Lordship this morning gave judg- 1y* ment in what was called theprieliminary question, although *al the whole of the points at issue were touched on in the id course of the argument. The petition ha(l been presented st by Mr. ...


... _ At the Cork election, a man named Cantillon committed several acts of riot, and was at last taken into custody. It appeared, however, that as the policemen were taking Cautillo to the guard-house, they were surrounded by the people, who commenced throwing stones at them, and eudeavoured to res- cue the prisoner. The policeman in command of the party, finding that their lives were in danger, ...


... COURT OF DELEGATES-SA'rCfl DA. EXTRAORDIXNARY CASE OF ADiULT'ERY. Air. Justice lPattiqorr, M1r.-.lisftic Alderson, i~lr. Baron Gurney, Dr. Daubeov, and l)r. iBurnaby) attended this day in Serjeants' Inn llall, lo hear an appeil front thc Archies Court of Canterbilry hit the' ease of Story v. Story. It was a suit brought by Mr. Joub Sainuel Story, it so- licitor residin tat St. Albans, Io ...


... Before the RECORDEi.)] A!fred Booker, 18, wras indieted for stcalirrg an ox,, the property of Jonas Payne. It appeared that the prosecutor, who resided at Brix- ton, on the 15th December purchased an ox in Smithfield, which he marked with P, the initial letter of his name, eand left it in the market, in I he cars of a manl namned fHor- ton. He then proceeded, in the usual manner, to the ...