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North East, England


Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... WAS&fZHflON AsaaOOArzON WOZ'rH0 PaOabM oU vZO 'oW rW.LONS. A T the Alinjual Meeting of the Members of the A AssociatiOn, held at tile House of ilr Moses Proudloci ill Washinigton, on Tuesday the 6th January, 1835, it was solved to enloirce, with the utmost Rigour and .lfct' tile ji, solutions of the Society for detecting, apprehending, and pro. seculin to Conviction, all Persons who *halt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIME PAY. HE DIRECTORS of the STANHOPE and TYNE RAIL ROAD COMIPANY do hereby give ce, that Nr E:DWARD WADE will attenl on the twvo ing Davs, at LANCHESTER and Si-lOTLEY DiGE, for Ihe Porpose of reeeiving the Sums owing to laid Compan, for Lime sold during the Year, It3Si:- ~UESDAY the 20ih inst., at Mrs INNIS'S, Blue Bell, richester ; HURSDAY the 22nd inst., at Mr WM. BECK- liI'l'H'S, Shotley ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jtist publSohod, ln12ino, '71h Edition, Price lOs, a~d. BdS-., GRAMMARL of Oie GERMAN LANGUAG A 13Y GEORGE El. NOE HDEN, Ph. D. LL.D., le, It.S., &C. &C.- By tile siane A Whor', EXEr1CISES in W l'llING GERMAN. 6th Edit., iondo:8 Loogman and Co.; J. Booth; J, Booker; Dulau and Co. ; Whittaker and Co.; Simpkin and Co.; Black end Co.; 3. Maynard; and J. Wacey. mHE LEASEHOLD TENANTS of the RIGHT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -1 ildvertisermeis tor this Paper, ,nust reach the Ojfle not later than the 'aursdiula, to be w Time oir Pullicafion. 100 CASKS PETERSBURG TOWVN-MELTED B v y, C.TALLOW. PETERSBU IG DEALS and BATTENS. PETERSBURG KIPS., PE'TERSBUtG and RIGA HEMP. A small CnTgO of St. Ube's ORANGES, in exceilent Or- der; and CORKWOOD. MUSCATEL and VALENCIA RAISINS. A few Half-barrels of RtAlSINS ofthe Sun. A felv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SECOND HZAND CAMBOUSES. TO CaIrames AwND OWUEHTS OV S3HIPS TRADING TO AND ?? THE NORTH. TO 1lE SOLD, AT C0OST PRIORH, ROM THIRTY to FORThY OLD SHIPS' F CAM BOUSES, Iii sound and thorough good Condition, having been taken in Exchange for MesirsC. Winchestcr& Co.'s aecesitlyimproved Patent Ship's Fire Hearths. NO.'S I and 9 IN THE LONDON DOCKS, W1E:ST.a EN ENTRAN9fl LONDON. NOTICE TO DA1RINERS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M.Y Desre andudl thepatronage of V HE ~ 1rS UnYO January 23, THlE r ~present Friday EvenIgat HO SE EpER; or, thle WVHITE ROSE;afe which, C HARLES the SIECON D; or, the IVJEany' MC- NAtce. Tocor5cludC sith the LADY and the DEVIL. On Monday next, the 'Iragedy, cf the CASTLE SIPEC- TILE ; after which ivill be revived the popular nautical Melo- Ona Wedflesttea'r Shakespetre'5 ragedy of KING RICH- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... laxWZO 8V8922Tfl'sWZON SU1 7M 6.. next BALL is fixed for Friday tihe 9th Janu' L ary Instant, and will he held in the New Rooms, by riflission of his Grace the Dukeof Norihtm~bhelafld WILLIAM' FORSTER, Manager. anuery 1, 1 135. 5 ~NORLTH GflZELDS V s RSEIBLES tic h~c0;N 5 HALL for the esason will take 'lace on Thursday jrvening, 15th January, at the As- bly Rooms. DANIEL. LEVY, U Managers. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE OCO$TTB: MQcJUITA13LM LIFE G=B- RANCk SOCMETV, No. L, George Street, Zdinburgh. On the Princ'iple of ths Londonf Eqaeitable. T HE Wi'OuE PILOFISrS are (livisible aniongst the - a sulred . /he Success of this Rociety is believed to hate greatly exceededi thoeu onpt/tther . indiliar histildivon r, itis Cortl- try tflring /itbe Periotl it /etn been irt tiperastion. As thu P'rotitsare ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m HE MANCHESTER ASSURANCE COJM- T 'ANY, for ASSURANCE AGAINST FIRE, and ON LIVES tud SUltVIVORSHIPS, PURlCHASE Ol ANNUlTIES, REVERSIONS, &c. &c. OFFICE, 98, King Street, Ma1nchester. CAPITAL TWO ?? March, 182-4. VIRE DEMawralEInw. The Assured are entitled to One-1hird of the Profits, with- out any Liability on their Part to the Losses. LII'3 DEPARXfTMEr, The Assured are entitled to Tw o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vi'HE next BALL is fixed for Frday the 0th Jaa by .Jtay Instsuit antd will be hold in the New Roomsb ission of his) Grace the Dukeof Northumberland. .. o VILLIAN FORSTER, Manager. JanuaTy 1, ISS5, ?? _ __ 4,000, 3,v00 2,000 and 1, ar rad L be vsdance on Freehold or Copyhold 1,0W0, nre ready tmNorthuminbcrland, or Newcastle upon ecurity, in rhn STyne. I l and Svinhnrne, SoliciiOTs, Gateshead. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PILIS AND FISTULA. DAVIDSON'S REMOORAROIDAZ OIIZfMENrS, Wor the effectual and intallibe Cure of PILES AND FISTULA, Without the Applicationl of the Knife. O F all the Diseases that befal Humanity none have been found a greater Scourge to all Classes, in all Ages, than tile PILES and IFISTULA. The Space of an Adver- tisenlelnt dloes nut per mit eniteriig elaborately iito the Causes of these ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALLM139ALD TUZNPIXS %O&D. NOTICE is hereby given, that the General Anrnual MAectimg of the Trustees or Coinnmssionters oF tie 'aid Itoed is appointtedl to hL held at the I-loume of Mr XVilliam Holmes the Younger, Kien's Head Inn, Allenldale Town, ont Friday tbe lith Day of leblruary next, lat ciuven o' Ciock in the Forenoon, for the Vurpose itf uluditiiig the Accoutas; and ?? other Business ...