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Advertisements & Notices

... )hn (1LI1URITON, NrEAP ALRESSFORDIU,7 cih I55 JIARU IS rewpectrfully alneun1ces th t r Il~Ooli will ?? onl Tuesday, the 27th I January, 1pi.-k 5,If1. pe-r arnnur. P1 COS11 ~ ~ P~iitrx 1~1PC`2(17retory SelleOl for a li-ited'munber of DLy rpIHE MISSES WILKINS 'respectfully-&fnL A- the ?? of their Preparatory SCHOOLI Icc for atlimite l mbe of YOUNG GETLEMIEN 1an- Il-h e Ne.l yersof age, on Friday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MASONRY WORE j77 I OTICE is hereby ?? Tues ythe N1 27th inst. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, I slald be ready, at nay Office, to receive Tenders, sealed up froto such competent Persons as may be willing to enter into an agreement for LAYING THE FLOOR of the NERI MAST STORE in this Dock Yard, with +uernsey Squares at the sides, and the reanainder with t Pitchers set in Mortar-about 430 yards. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Iy IC ir 5 as of se t- ig ite ft. ad ra 1'e all ,,II lIE Friends of a Young Lady ?? quitting * T K School froil Whenlice she can lhe highly recomi- mended, desire to mneet with for her, a sitniation of' GOVJl2IINlES in al'amily wherelher Pupilsare under 12 year of age, (;r as a JUlsoiL TEACIHEI in a School. ble IS contpcetellt to tcaclh the rudiments of l'reneh, Dancing, and Music, with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIrTy0' OXFORD. T H F Friends of DONALD MACLEAN, Esq. T . P. intend to celebrate his Eleciion by a DINNER on Mlonday February 9th, and by a BALL on Thursday February 2,th, 1835, at both of,which that Gentleman will attend. , Vprther particulars will be published next week. dWOTfiCE TO CRIEDITORS. A Lb persons having claims upon Mr. HELY H. Al RICPKARDS, of Morton college, are requested to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TItll ?? Freeinell and Electerml OF THE CITY OF OXFORDt GENT 473EN, r %NE of the moat stirring Conteqts ever witnessed in your City has this day terminated in my return,fotr , thefaur&l time, as one of your Representatives in Parliament, by the sull'rages of a number of Voters greater by 137 than Y evcr bdrer polled for a Candidrate at any EIlection of Members for your ancient end loyal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R, a . WI LLIAM BELL, of King's Sutton, in the a J countyof Northampton, StinGrom, &c. respectfully requests all those who are indebted to him, and Ahose bills are upwards of one year's date, to pay the same to the said e William Bell, on or before the 25th day of March, 1835, as a means of preventing additional trouble and expenue. For the time to come, lawful interest will be charged upon 0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF THE ISLE OF WI GHT, 'rownr.I JAMES EARL OF I'IALIMESBUR V, Governor', tp Captain-6cneral. and Slieriffof the County of thle Isle of Wighit, and THO0M1AS SEWELL4 EsJrnire, Deputy, SheLriff of the said Counity.-To all whonm ii Wheras I the said TfisoirAs SwE~fLL, lavd received his MAjlesty'sMWrit under the Great Seal of Great Bri- tain, in these words WILLIAMr T`HE FOUoRTH, by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILLIAMI1 BROOKS BEHAN, . ESalesman, '30, NEWGATE MARKET, LONDON, 4 11)EGS to return his sinceretlhanks tolis numerous _D friends for the very flattering support which he has experienced since his commencing business in the above branch on his own account; and while he most respectfully solicits a continuance of their favours, to assure them and the public, that they 'ay rely on his constant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dissolution of Parliament. 1IAIONEY A)VANUED for short periods, on the Mi. personal security of Noblemen and Gentlemen of known respectability. Communications by letter, from principals only, stating name and residence, addressed to H. R. Brown, solicitor, care of Mr. Ninm. Duxcosnbe, law J1 stationer, 14, Now-square, Lincoln's Inn, London, will re- fc ceive immediate attention. at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,&Br Balloon Ian, Abrtinngdon. JOIHN KENT B EGS respectfully to return his sincere thanks to Bhis friends for their kinO support during the six years lie has been landlord of the Bear Inn, in the Stert-street, in this town, and to inform them that lie has taken that old ant established House, known by the sign of the AIR BALLOON, in the Ock-strect, for many years conducted by the late Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... er e 4 EJ JCATION ted At the Grammar Sylchool of CfIPPING-NORPON, al- Under the direction of Mr. Hartley, eritse. OUNTG Gentlenren are carefully instructed in ns, X Classical and Mathematical Learning, and expe- ad ditiously qualified for the Liberal Professions, Government all Offices, Commercial, and other pursuits. his T ITERMS. ton Board, and Tuition in the various branches of English he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To ilhe Vreneua Mulvogi OF THE-r CITY OF O.VFoJ1D AS-soon as I had reason to apprthend an I Ice-a A soution) of Parliament, I did not hesitate to mlakea aimmediate declaration of my future internhiO'IsP ndtovet Ithose tried friends at liberty upon whose ?? ihaen never relied in vain. The expected event has lioiV takn. piece, and new Candidates for you conbdence are before you ;bat I cannot ...