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Advertisements & Notices

... r, O t; etci /ti't, ifI' te' CfOniiy ?? Oa i d. . ElNTLE31rNX, T Have been highly gratified by the unanimity with . which you have been pleased to replace me in the lbo. nourable situation of representing you in Parliament. I infer from that unanimity, not a general approbation of my conduct, but a readiness to do justice to the motives by which I have been actuated. Anxious to promote ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and TO THE EL CTORS OF THE BOROU6 '.OF PORTSMOUTH. has CYErTr.EtrEN, the m Day, of Nomination is fixed for Monday._ her T ?? Polling (th et fre 'od are Tuesday and Wednesday next. lock W Ne shall cortV to- the -contest without the lge. ?? fear of thcc tgsur and we hzive only to requit the rl.ta nay attendance lforffriends at thl Poll- ah a There ihs jhowever,-one point to wiriehin jstiee t- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GEORGE NOR'lRIS, of Plites/r, Baker, lliel DECEASED. r L persons who stand intebtt d to the Estate of er, G EORGE MORRIS, of Bicester, baker, deceased, late are forthwith to pay the amount of their respective debts to ,teMr r. James Atkins and MAr. William Horwood, of Bicester, St. the Trustees and Executors ; and all persons having any it), claim upon the said Estete are hereby requested to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;31ISS BECK respectfully announces the recom- imencement of the duties of her SEMINARY on Thursday the 22d instant: she begs at the same time to offer t her grateful acknowledgements to her friends for their hind encouragement, and to assure them that her utmost ondeavosurs shall be exerted to merit a continuance of their confidence. ChippbikqXorlon, Jane 7, 1835. c CHURCH GREEN, WITNEY. - l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SCHlOOLM.5AST'ERS. tl if WANTS a SITUATION, as TEAC SR,-R ,e A Youn, Man, long accustomed to Tuition. os p -Address to A. Z. 19, Commercial Road, Landport, It Portsea. It Potsa.; in a Gentleman's Fanifly,-A stea to y 'IV MIan,as Gnoom and GARnDENER; anda g n, 'slMan, as in-door SEICVAaNT, and to make hinise ene va i, rally useful; also a good plain C0oo.-Apply (If by I letter, post-paid) to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I 7 ~ ous a SOUT31ALPTON. I ar- IIE MASTER of the CERlEMION'IIS' BALL, saty ad will be at the ?? Victoria Archery looms, on gan . Thursday, 8th of January, 18:B5..-Tickets, six shillings of t Y; each, to be had of' Messrs T. 11. Skelton and Co., Book- rani o sellers, No. 11i3, iligh-street, where a Book is opened ity to for Subscribers' names.-Tea, one shill cach, to be Di' CIV paid at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L -; HIANDLEY respectfullyv informs hlir 'riends andl the public that the duties ot' her S0CiOOL will be resumed on Monday the 19th instant. 0 A vacancy f6r a Parlour Boarder. clliplin9 Nforton, Jranuaqj 8, 135. P os 'g C2 EP ?? LOLVTDOX-FThida 'Ile ?? intporta ut antioutncetnent appeared i tbe French Papers of WVcdncrday - ?? f l~ig has recalled Al. Scrruricr, his inister at ,Wllill gton. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t RICIHARD.STREIT, NEXAR GOSPOtRT. porl M RA lS, BIwNtl~L,'S SUIOLASTI( D'EE the Vwill be itsuifED on Wednesday ylsr of twaer .January, t NORTH GAI'E, CII ICHESTER. R. G.A'tJNT'rLETT respectfully announces the RE-OPNINX G ofhi SClOOL, on ljond6 the i 19th of January. 1 . CEIICII, ST1.1t *JII. 18:I,38. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J brV received -. valuable supply ofthe followhin T( JO1l(; HIG AR'I'l t l-S, by the Agents, as I 0il'lANOXS 1 ASSAR I IL, the first pro- | fi Ct' rithe age tfor iUprovilng, preserving, and beau- I tile tlhying the ji lar ItiVI i le lulest price of the Original Iacassar, or Row itlI land's Oil is 3S. Gd. per Bottle. The label has the up 'Sb Rowland's Milncassar Oil, and betweeit those I e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CO,,IC1AL SCHOMl, BUirORLD, °Condsueted by 11[r. D31LLE]£. TERMS. ith Instrection in Reading, English Orammar, S02ri'.ti Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Geograpby, &c. W n e ZTsrf' G i3UISEAS rER AINrU.M. M t ggratefully acknowledges the favours hi- therto conferred upon him, and hopes, by an assida- ties to the morals and inmprovement, as well as to h5alth anda domestic comfort of the pupils ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the Gen try, Clergy, Freeholders, ?? of thle County of 1lWiccinghaw. G ENTLE 1 E N, Take the earliest opportunrsity of conveying to you my cordial and heartdrlt thanks for the support you have given me during the late contest for the county. The active exertions of my friends throughtout the county, the anxiety to render me evcry assistance, and the itoble and genierous conltct of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ittion I ISS ANDRE VS Srespertfuilviniformisler frieneols t this MI-V Nt and the public that the duties of her SCHOOL will arlev, be resumed on Wednesday next, January 21. Ies in Bear-lane, Highl-street, Oxford. thing /ISS BYGATE has the honour to inform her Ins at t friends that her pupils vill re-assemble on Monday ,hlsthe 26th of January instant. te A young Lady, 12 or 14 years of age, ...