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Advertisements & Notices

... 21 ENSIIAM, NEAR OXFORD. f'VO be LET, and entered upon inmmediately,-A T X comfortable DWELIfNG-HOUSE, consisting of fai two parlours, kitchen, back kitchen, 2 cellars, 4 bed-rooms St on the first floor, and attics over, a walled garden well lo planted with choice fruit trees, stable, yard, &c. A few Acres of Pasture Land may be had if required. wI Ensham is situated C miles from Oxford, 5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HI lioarS, Ensham, near Oxrfor. ISS WELLS and MiSS BADCOCK respectfully .1 inforr their friends and thie public that the duties of SCHoOOL will be resumed on Moniday the 2thi inst. Jaaflor!/_21, 183 6.- _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ - -- OXFORDv feicial Dispensary and Lyinqg-in Chtarity. A eneral Annual Meeting ot the Subscribers ivill A b holder at the Audit Room. undir the Town Hall, 0, T11rday next ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL ACADEMY iOSP T ani th HF VACATION of this hSTABL INT Er e W. ill rrnMrNATE on the 26th ofJanuary, 1835. - T. PEST'1ALOZZIAN ESTABl ISHEII N : t For a limited nlumber of YOUNG LADIESkIJIigh. M1. Street, Gosport. e- VHE MISSES LEGG avail themselves of this op-P 6 p ortunity for expressing their sincere thanke. to _2 t. those 'riecids who have so kirdly favored them with their nec patronage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a F~ARiINGDON BEITi 0t j~ be LET, and, enteredi illeti ilII1(, ,. a .T. tween 70 and i3o Acres of excelleet Ili,-l, e. a PASTURE LAND, tittle free, with ?? ce yard, and sheds thereon. l ot arie, ter Far a view, and further partictilar, a olpe be Crowdy, solicitor, Flelilgdwlr. All letter apply to ?? I n R5 . DOT20~ ~ S~ce1~1 a Onl the Ist of Janu was blished, a r Jat bound in silk. gilt edges, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T'o the E1I,E-cr-cts 0q thes SoulusIrN,- DU isioxN 01 To theC.( (ttN-l'y oj 11Ii'os's. ?? (!E'J'lfAo L (f LORD ?? osvdndii is ?? (ltOfltlii STA UNTWE'N in UtP:2 have mnet, and Still i' lare recady, at Their post, to assist the I.jeu itir fin taking ?? thicnece.4sary tcintsttreS fbr tecuring their ilecetict. in tile 1Ossi event of' a L ohniolntt in Parliamuent.ko )TA stand citist be inade in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to HENLEY DISTRICT SOCMETY roF PP.1MOTING toI CHRISTIAN KNOWLLDGE. 11 'W'I-E Annual M1eeting of this Society will be held Is 1 at tie Town Hall, Henley, on Tuesday next the 3d of id February, at One o'clock precisely. e. .. G. BUSSELL, Secretary. cc MONEY. EVERAL Sums, fronm £50 to any amount, ready St7 S to be advanced on M ORTGAGE.-Apply to Dlr. Hester, n solicitor, St. Aldate's' Oxford. I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NP.W NOVELS. k 1. ~ITTlARLEIGEl; or, the Fatal Oak: a Legend ?? of Devon. By Mirs. Bnths'. 3 vols. 11. l Is. Gd. t 2. DACRE. Edited by the COUNTESS of MORLEY. 3 xols. U. lIeI. Wd. 3. LIFE and ADVENTURES of JOHN MARSTON HALL: aRomance. ByMr.JAACEs. 3vols. 1l.ll.Cd. c 4. The DOCTOR. 2 vols. 21s.-A Third Volume is -in the press. Ad 5. The COURT of iSIGISMIUND AUGUSTUS, or t. POLAND in the SI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GiROOM AND COACHMAN. vi f A Gentleman is desirous to find a Place for a MIADo - L l-,SERVANT, fbir whom hehas no further octabn Ile can give ?? the highest character possible iwonld be an acquisition to an Officer. Apply at the Bush Hotel, Southsea. U' Oi i LJ Persons having any Claim against the Estate Sa . SXV of thet late Mlr. Wmn. SElt IW iNT, of Queens co] street, Portsea, WINE AND SPrInT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T O THE ,,,dpendentt Freemefn anl E, leetrn OF THlE CITY OF OXFORD. CF SILT~r MEN illS eventfu contest has now closal, an d we bat e triumphed i l a manner as gratifying to I ly feel- it, st be satisftctorv to the patriotic exertions you jigs c's ae Ior the advancement of our cause. ?? in ?? ba'e nilacr yuffleielY thank yoa for the lasting obligations I h bve placed t e under, I hope that my ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I, Be PURSUANT TO THE ACT FOR THE RELIEF OF !u ?? INSOLVENT DEBTORS IN ENGLAND. ur iIE COURT FOR RELiEF OF INSOLVENT DEBTORS. ' N. B. See the Notice at the end af this Advertisemiient. 'e fm'iHE Matters of the Petitions and Schedules of the L, A Prisoners hereinafter named (the same having been , filed in the Court) are appointed to be heard at the Court . House at Oxford, in the county of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... red a ISS STOK LEY respectfully informs her i Ln VM friends and the public the duties of her SCHOOL Ird will be resumned on Monday the 19th instant. to Nso. 10. ?? Placoe, Oxrford. Nr INN HALL LANE b(l-1OL, cmuiluctedi nd N by'the Rev. J. T. DOBNEY, with the assistance of ice ?? of the University, will reopen for Day Pupils on tly Mnday, Jan. l9th, and for Boarders on the 2LLh. ad BE AUS ...