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Advertisements & Notices

... K ENID A LL and SOQ.N, ?? &CABINILT CASHl' MAK(ERS' to thel-i MOS. GRACIOUS IVA lS~ES T aidch 1414bl~iilssawO thme D U C II E. S S sREN1'aI %7lVCj OR1 A%. andS to this 1srlilrslp COURTS- I II'NES the Cl V-E' CAT. 417,1 E ST STRtAsitf, inre E ?? the Nobility. Gentry. land 1 jabiic griipeotlly. 11hat01 the have opened th~sr MAGubilileaSIN, thtshl N 0 VE A UT E A G ,d IIet of EatsD Eirnch of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IkE'D~and.RA8PHD! DYEWOOD tr SALE ~~ I~2mt.- 78. 6d Z o D okOp(EY7 y 1a ADY, (Mra. ~U~lELSP M EST[C. C.OK W Ot1Poo. 14 AY, A 2ip I34 bu H.AWL' 90 N' Al Nal.t~~ I_ hI -IONMVS .G4V(EttawaICiE I' * fiOZ~.LR~ao~ f*7duonis'clra1 BR3FISTOL A'i' CARDFF. Theew'an 'wat~ong 3 VAMPACKtT, e 'd0' Xlbrie Power,'- Jouiz 'A'Ligg, Co6matldaar, intiaitagito, '.1y, dei~tlhe 'Monith of JihdnaIry, I'l:PA gerns ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -DEAFNESS. EDt~ AuR13T, from London, and of Castle-Street, Edinlburgh, has the honor of infosrming the S.A 0r Bristol, Clifton, &c , that, as her Stay in Bristol is limited to the 2d February, it will be tec ssary for those who Id tonhabit Ives of her assistance, to do So without delay. A'dto vi terjvj~ this Citv, Mrs. G. has been instrumental to the receovery of sever-il Indlividuals %%vIto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V ~~ T;WEST HAjUPT-Mg. EANIVEKSARY BALL, :fat thc CROWN tN., YrIl~Vtfr~rPtreeR wiI eoke piace on WEDNESDAY Next, h~ltla~gic.Ticetq.28 6d- each- DWA REP JRl' WELLERY TRADR. ' ecelentt oppor'ttinlity ors for a Party desirous of Aty eri,,;ito the above Trade, tcither Alonenor in l'art- > onte s 1 a .tJ Eatablished Business, in the best situation in perhasd hich ma either bwceoniected with a rood ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / . s : $rn~E I-NG OFF; No. 42, WINE- STREET. AR~IW &EES heg to inform their Friends, ant) the ibliC of Bristol and itB Vicinity,, that on MONDAY B N EXT',the 2nd February, they will commence SEL~i~NG FFiconsiderably utder Prime Copt, the remaining Part oftheir SILKS, MERItNOS, SIAWJ£S, fFLANNELS, HOSIERY, PRINTS, RIBBONS; &c. &. CLO TH, PLAID, and A SILK CLOAKS and an Assotintent of FU.S, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MOUNTr RADFORD, NgAR EXUTER. p0 he SOLD, without reserve, on MoNDAY, the [ 19th day of January instannt, at -sib o'clock In tdi .alternoon, at tbe OLD LONDON INN,- Excter, (uniless previ- ously disposed of by Private Contractj)tbe FEE-SIMPLi- of 1 .n excellent and ?? DWELLING-HOUSE, with a .Gardert and Court edjoioing. The Hoouse comprises every convenience, and is now in tile occupation of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . .ANTEDsiiverl Men,whoutsderstandtheBRUSHE VT and MOP-STICK MAKING Busiless, where they may bave constmiI 'erploy.#.-Apply to Mr. THOMAS HARRss, Timber- D l~ealer and GeneraI Truijer, 4I,'Castlewsteea, Bristol.. I.QXMUNICATION BET WEEN BRISTOL AND CORNWALL.. Tlke publie'attenatiom tu repecsPe lly called io the facility and econaonimy with- which, the Land's End, the Minaing District:, a.nd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUITION. GRADUATE (IB. A;) of OXFORD, Q fmUehI A ?? lia Tultion, il desirous of an applliitiacnt in a'.Claflidcl, Mathereatiical or Cominoeriai Sohool, (or as Private 'l'utor.) where domnestic advantages are of higiher conl- sideration than tiilpendiory ?? (post-pald) A. ?? V., care ot Mr. Troake, Chemist and Druggist, Top-bamn. ?? . ,. -; NOTICE. 1[HE EglW3, 'PUBlRIC LY CAUTION ?? iesn A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ROTIYAL IIRIISTOL. |t TOATRE-R0'L'RBL 3FLLE CLA RKINI, bavingrecovered fron her AD MAlr o t nill have the honour of appearing NI boNDAY Evening next, Jantlary .5, when will l'ed the Nautical Dramatic Play called 0 bePFesenE PILOT; or, A Tate of the Sea. After the Play, 'l enhibit her wvonderful performances on the I ClJorl 'fIGHT ROPE. 'fhei c- , acgvarianl Broom Girl, by Miss Bioui'ssxaa ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRISTOL.' STEAM-PACKET COMPANY'S OFFICE, 1, QUAY, BRISTL.. .Swift and commodious STEAM VgsStLS areintended toSail from CUMBERLAND, ! BASIFN, BFistol, to the undermnentiofle places, with or without Pilots. and with11berty to taw Vessels; and from SOUTHiiAM*ToN to ' .. . . :HAVRZIY.GKAORB, G iansr.v, and 'Jearsi. Intended Days& 'Hoursef Sailing during the Month of janiitrvy. . FOR: D UBLIN. .- - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of _- ea iTHE MUSIC BOOK:'OF BEAUTY FOR 1835, ,id ( ONTAINI!U 12 gina. Songs tiril a set of %4sd- a -t rilles, the , WiC written eijeneb' bg the fullowinger nnt 31- Conapos rs:.Bsriett,J. Bliwitt,l I R. Bisfiop,3BA ant,. rs L. Myers, T~ H. Severn, and the CbevafiertNeukomm. On no one work published during the last century have we such a record of the uniformity of criticism as is here ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sTrAN0, GE S' , IN S~EY N SUNDIAY tieXt, tile 18th JANUARY, the N'AI, SER O Sfr h bnfit of this Intatitia- tioel, wvill be prvilebed at thae WerSLEVAN CHAr'zL, Mint Lunie, baythe Rev. EDIWA RD FORD. Service to coionuenee nt F~rflalfee Ten, and at Six o'clock. The SraANGEReS' FILIrr4tr SOCIETY wait imitituted in this ..I Qjty,, Ar'ait, 11, 1582, for thle purpose ot rlieving Sick 1111n Dist ...