... CRIMINAL LA Tr. In the course of the last session of Parliament, Lord Brorrtana presented the report of the Coaltrrissiorners ap- pointed to examine into the Criminal Law, and to that io. port was appended a code upon tlre single subject cf theft. His Lordship ?? a sort of promise io introduce ?? code to the legislative consideration of the House in ti(! course of the next session. We hope ...


... -On Monday morning the Don coach left the Tontine, Sheffield, at its usual time (five o'clock), and although the horses proceeded at full speed, yet a thief, with extraordinary dexterity, contrived to attach himself to the hinder part of the coach, when he managed to unlock the door of-the boot, and abstract therefrom five parcels. The robbery was not discovered ?? the coach reached Rotherham, ...

Heaumaris Quarter Sessions, Jan. 6, 1835

... Seaumaris quarter _essios, Ganu. 6, 1835. 'Tiese Sessions were opened with thle usoal formnalites by Jolts\V WiLLA.11os, Esq. Clailil nino thle Rev. lilessi's. If JOlNE l od 1). G-. WV ILL5IAMS jury :-Rlltliill lioherlii,fleii'Y firretoo, Grithdil Jones, .Jllies Rolhlw'ts. Uwen Jones, Wililillin Jones, John Jones, Lewis H h(Clies, Henry Evans, John Lloyd, Owen Richards, John Jones. John ...


... CASTLE or EXETER.-FIUDAY. .'EaoriiJ. Caralrike ETq., Chanirmano H. L.. Toll, J. Milferd, A. tawsy, ' . J.. S.iTitm u, J. H. Ley, Esqr., nad [tev. H. Stratiriwaes, Jiiti icesi. Riding- and Driving without Reins.-Notwitllstanding the rtany fiocas inipovedi ZhI4 practile 19 nill cositiniued, ned on tihl day NVtlmn :( nrqnt,1 a, ,'geoiler ito thie *erviee of Mtr. William Case, tif Uploii ?? ...


... LA4W NOTICES.-Tils DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. Graves v Hicks, appeal, part ?? v Palmer, rehearing- Aogell v Westcombe, appeal-RavenshaV v Hollier, ?? v Graham, ditto. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER, Sittings at ten. Pittv Bonner, fifth ?? v Taylor, by ?? v Hudson, cause, by ?? v Ward, ?? v Roberts, petition, by ?? v Spronle-Dittoy Price, two pleas- Hatfield v ...


... MUIRCMT COURT O0 JUSTICIARY. OLASGOW, JANUARtY 7. Tre Circuit Court of Justiciary was opened here yes. terdav forenoon by the Rliteh Hon. the Lord Justice- Clerk and Lord Gillies. Cosuno lones, Esq. officiated as Depute-Advocate. Jaivpsr Sceoullc,- and Georqe Jenkins, old offenders, pleaded Guilty of six deferent ncts of theft, by tmeans of housebreaking. Sentenced each to seven years' ...


... QUEEN-SQUARE. Catvir.'ry ro ANIMAlS-.Juames Kirby,', a dlraynman in tlhe ?? of A1Iessrs. Joseph CarteC Wood, Hsq., and Co., porter and ale brewers, Artillery-place, Strutton- ground, e'cstmiriil ster, was charged ivith cruelly beating a fine tlray-liorse, the property of his eolple) Lrs, hir. Frederiek Wood stated, that oss Satiurday eight last, aoutst seven o'clock, he heiard one of the ...


... On Noonday a case-came to be tried before the City SeniRh;ett Court, which bas excited considerable inte. eest. t ttequires no comment. The eresiding Jsticese Were Balije Donaldson and Mr Smellie. Mr JAR Macphorsop, journeyman baeer, pur- sued Mr Robertson, baker, Lawn market, for the sun o f LI ls.Ad. --beingwages for two %weeks, and board wages for one oelc.eelm having, contrary to the rules ...


... MARLBOROUGH-STREET. SrNGUL..A CAs..-A VOLung- man of very repulsive ap- pear-abe, having lis hair fastened in a knot, with a comb in the same manner as a woiman's, wet yestortloy brought before Mr. Conant on the followiag charge:- The previous afternoon he had been seen to decoy a lit- tle child into a house in Church. street, in which he occu- pied a garret, and information of the ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-FsuDAY. WHVrrrAleE. V. LEACH. This was an appeal from the Court below, against a decision on exceptions taken to the Master's report. The question arose out of the construction to be put on the will of a lady named Slade, who had devised certain free- hold avd copyhold lands, situate at Bampton Abbots, in the county of Oxford, to Richard Whittaker, for life, and then to his ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENTC.E. MANSION-HOUSE. WOI.ESALtE COI.NING.-On Saturday, Samntel Shannon, a butcher, wvhto resides at No. 33 IPetticoat-lane, was brought before the LolD MAYOR under the following cir- cumstanees': Mr. Wityear, the superintendent of Police in the City of London, stated that hc had received information that a good deal of counterfeit coin was secreted in Petticoat.lame. lie in ...


... -1f-ANlT- EPIPH 2ANY SESSIONS. s trc Tfie Epphann Sessions for this County corn- are muenced atte atle of Winchester, onl Tuesday IIast, Ba ,and adjturned from thence to thle Grand Jury Room.- an, In consequence of' the absence of 11. Pollen, Esq. the tot du ties of Chairman were Pterfbrmed by Sir Thomas M11r Biaring, Bait.-The fifllowving Magistrates wvere also present ?? Sloane Stanley, Esqj ...