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... I On Friday the criminal business at the Sessions, corn- mtriced before WILIAM MAYNE, Esq. Assistant Barrister. In vonsequenlce of preparations being made at the Court- house, for the approaching election, the proceedings were carried on in the Police Office, where atconmodation was afforded for that purpose' The following Bench of Magistrates were present C. M. Skinner, William Boyd, Robert ...


... A NIcE COuPilI.-UNION-1HALI.. -iI the course of the day i man aid womalu p resentedti tIemnsellves. art d the man, addressing the magistrate slid-__ YoUr worship, I took the liberty of calling to know whether I might marry this here ,VOnllirI Wort stands by my side?`!;The Magistrate said that he was at liberty to marry tire woman if he pleased.- Applicailt: Bit I have one wife already, your ...


... 11 BAIL COURT-LONDON. COLDIIAM, V SIR R. GILL, XNT. Mr. PLATT stated the case. It was an action to recovel dairages for the loss of the services of the plaintiff's daugh. ter, who had been seduced by the defendant. a man of rank. rThe damages were laid at 5001. Ann Coldham stated that she was the daughter of the plaintiff, and was 17 years old last May, on the 26th of which month she went to ...


... . F=GITN o Bo -A %by named Chapel, who is calledi ightng Boh;'.. was brirght before the Lord Mayor, charged with hauiag rescued a gang of youug thiecesI Isaacs, a constablle, stated, that a gang ot youlng valgabonfl.] wvere in the habi t of plundering the orange merchants in Thames-street, and it was no small vexation to those who were robbed, that the thieves, by ulnderselling, contrived to ...


... NORTII-EAST CIRCUIT. The HIun. Mr. Justice Johniston. The I-Ion. Mr. Justice Burton. NORITH-WEST CIRCUIT. The Right Hon. the Lord Chief Justice Doherty. The Right Hon. the Lord Chief Baron. HOME CIRCUIT. The Right Hon. the Lord Chief Justice. The Hon. Baron Sir William Smith, Bart, LEINSTErt CIRCUIT. The Hon. Mr. Justice Moore. The Hon. Baron Pennefather. CONNAUGH1T CIRCUIT. The Hon. Mr. ...


... iI MAIGISTRATES, COURT, TUESDAY, JAN. 20. RiOTS AT TIlE BELiFAST ELECTION.-A person of re- spectable appearance, who gave his name James Smith, appeared to answer the complaint of Robert Grimnshaw, Esq. j.r. In the informatiojis sworn by Mr. Grimshaw, before the Bench of Magistrates (which consisted of the Messrs. Skinner, Mir. Boyd, and Mr. Gregg,) it was stated, that, whilst he was using his ...


... Ma ROTHSCHILD FirqNN Is. !-Mr. Rothschild was summoned to the Marlborouigh-street Office, on a charge preferred by Carter, the informer, of not having his name painted on one of his carts, clear of the wheel. Mr. s Dyer_ The act requires it to be clear of the wheel. Such is not the case ; but as it is a slight offence, I shall only a levy a fine of Is. Carter-; One shilling, your Worship ...


... SPRING ASSIZES-1835. NOllTil-EAST CIRCUIT. Drogheda, Monday, Feb. 23. Louth, at Dunddalk, Wedniesday, Feb. 25. Monaghan. at AMonaghan. AMon0daly, Alirch 2. Armagh, at Armiagh, Friday, Mtarch 6. Antrrin, at CarrickfeigLs, Ihursday, March 12. Carrickfergus, same day. Down, at Down patrick, Wednesday, March 18. Hon. Justice JoIINsoN, 11on. Baron PiNrrNE.v'roicam. The Treasurer of the Ladies' ...


... SPLTNR AASISTZES-19,35. Circumstances iiavilig rendered it neuessary to postpone the Circuits from the time originally appointed, they have been fixed as follows NOTl'UII-lAS'L CI'lCUIT. Drogieila, at Drogheda, Morlnday, iarch O. Louth.i at DI)undalk, Wednietsday, 1Ialrchl 5. Montaghan, at MIonaahian, Mlonday. March 9. A rmagh, at Armagh, Fr'iday, March 13. Antrim, at Carrickfergus, ...


... UNION-M ALL_ -MISS MARIA MILLS.-Monday; James Balfour, a sallow-looking man, upwards of fifty years of age, was brought before Mr. Wedgwood, under the followv- ing circumstances :-The. proprietor of Hanover-house, Peckham, stated, that for a considerable time past his fa- mily had been very much annoyed in consequence of the conduct of the defendant; who was constantly lurking about his ...


... CQORK.CITY SESSIONS COURT-FRIDAY. ' IBEFORE THE DEPUTY RECORDEIt. James M'Aul'e, a cobbler, from the Coal-Quay, or, as he the more elegantly designated himself, i a cordwainder, was indicted for having intlicted divers blows arid bruises on the peirson of Mary Terian, on the 9th of the-present month. On the prisoner being directed to appear at the front of the dock. he cried out, with ...


... Tna RAL1Ht WILL CASE.-The Court of Kings Bench have made an order, that the plaintiff in this Cause, the person claiming as heir-at-law of thd late Mr' Ralph shall not be permitted again to go to trial to question the validity of the will of Mr. Ralph, until be shiall have first paid the costs incurred by the defendants, on the trial at the hist Spring Assizes, at Downpatrick. These costs must ...