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Morning Chronicle


... CENTRAL CRIVMINAJL COURT.-OcT. 28. ?? Mr. Justice GAASELFE and AIr. JuitiCe 1AUOnA N.] George Williams, 16, was indicted for a burglary in the dwelling-house of John Rawlett, and stealing therein a purse containing four sovereigns and a piece of pudding, his pro- perty. It appeared that the prosecutor occupied the rooms over a stable in Manclhaster-mews, Alary-la-bonne, with his wife. The ...


... I CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT.-MONDAY. I OLD COURT. At ten o'clock, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen Kelly unl Ti rinmr, the Rlecorler Mr. Sergfanit Arabia, thc S'nffi, .s rc. entered t!, (ovi,, Iand Mr. (.Inrk, ?? ?? Ithe eo art proceviled to call oerr tilot iand Jury. A i ,n thie callcdl upon to entel the box was ilr. -uine, M ?? lo) \liddi sex. The ii :Iourable u ontlemiain aidressel the Colut, and sail ...


... LAW NOTICES.-THis DAr. ROLLS' COURT, CHIANCERY-LANE. Sittings at ten. v Tarbuck-Weston v-roe PErZTION S.-Attorney General ?? ?? v Sbepherd..-la1nireg v Thesiger-Attcivell v Cleverton-Dixon v Neatby-In re tie aayor of 1,don-Csmpbell v Campbell-Bow. %her v OsmOnd-Keen, v Chalinner-Thonlron v Constable-Mbartinl v Sheekell-Cbahncey v Westwood-GrinnicY v Mlason-William v, Kersfiaw-Larkin v ?? v ?? ...


... BOW.-STREET. Mr. Dattgerflcid; a solicit or, residing ut No. 20, Lin- coln's-ionntields, appeared to answer t~o a complaint laid by Carter, the informer, charging him, under thle 89th of Goo II., ithpubishng ertain bills, without having the printer's namie attacbed thereto, thereby rendering hinmselfliable to a penalty of 201. Charles Dlgby, the informer's witness, deposed that on the 14th ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. On Saturday, a young man, named Johsn Lawson, who was servant to a gentleman of rank at the west-end of the town, was brought before the Lord Mayor, charged with having entered the house of an inhabitant of Leadenball- street, and concealed himself on the roof, where he was found at two o'clock in the morning. A constable stated that as he was going his rounds at two o'clock in ...


... -LAW NQOTfES.-Es DAY. I COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER.. Sittings at ten. Mortara v Heal, pegtilon, part ?? v Rhodes, to be spoke ?? v Boner, appeal, part ?? v Fox, appeali-cre- dith v Bowen, ap ?? V Jackson, appeal, to bereheard Same v Greer wood, ?? v Bawtre, cause by order. VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER.. Sittings at ten. ?? continued-after which Twyford v Trail, to be spoke to ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. Yesterday a man of very respectable appearance ap- peared at the justice-room, and conilained that a very odd and sovere trick hadt been played upon him bv his family and friends, for basing embraced political views dilerent ffrom thoic entertained and acted upon by them. At the time of the elections his friends wore all for the Whig or Radical interest, while he thought that ...


... FLAW IN'EL~IGENCE:. IIOUISE ()F LOR]iS.-APPE:AIS.--A\e tsDNat.L1 Al At'iali;r iiATS() (Cacti' ti) 1.A\N C\At5ON N'D ornies.l In this case Sir \i s Si. EI.LTI' and Mr. FM'NE L~ appeared for the appellant, who pleadedl i tto feeea pa spec ie and Dr. L'IublrNtots and ,lr. Ie e-ln flor the responident. Sir XX er. loria Ta -tilted the nature ot thc ('one, *vhichl wac an appenli froml the C ourt of ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENGCE. ?? a the Lord Mlayorwas en gaged a conidremlde IItime in omplet ug the exanmination of' witnesses against ?? s005, 31art'tbit Precre anti Henry I'rceec, msother and son. ?? asppeaired fionathe factswfiich iw re br-ought forwiar-d, that eI ly intlie month of~,ugust last, l)r. Bell, ofiNewvlroad-street, intnde lavigrwn ccopaiedbyhilaldy; hehad accord- inglyfiail three ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENV CE. ii- ,in MARLBORO UG H.STREET. ast On Saturday Mrs. Bowleys, a fierce-looking little msan, was or charged with having committed assault and battery on the an person of Dr. Crane', his lodger. ut The Complainant said he and his family occupied the prin- h cilpatohe edfnatsou.Lst night, or early in d the mornu ting, thewinmates wr dc'lintstubdb) r nesn ig ce- ung at thedr ...


... ASSIZE INTELLIGNACE. ed ?? 'as ?? CI RCVIT.--Cti.%srw'ottn, FnraD . ed ca6OIWN ct Itl'. he [Before Sir .Triu As A SAN PARsK.] mi- .iaorh Mliller, a wretched looking old woman, agedl *a th- yeats, WiS place(l attthe liar, chargei-d with tic wiilful mul-d.-1 ?? as anillegitimate female child,oiily 11 weeks old the dauthlter ii in Maria, Miller, her daughlter. Ml ari M iller wau included a. It ...


... POLICE INTELLIG EA CE. MANSION-HOUSE. A young man named Wl'illirrr JHltonr, who, although no morethan eighteen yearsofrgs isamarried lman, was brought before the Lord Mayor ?? Lorrester, the officer, cltarged with having committed a forgery upon the banking-house of Williams and Co., of l3irehin-lane. ?? Saturdav last a young woman named ormma Litchfield, who it was tiscertained afterwards was ...