... LONIDON POLICEr MANSION Hoursr.-On Monday Al CrCuouer, a Very aativeslleteio rgent, well known in the city of London, w wited upon the Lord Mayor. - The police, u nder the immediate directions (f the Lord Mayor, led, it will bc recollected, seized several placard boards, three of which were the property of Mr Croucher. The following con- versation took place upon the subject:- Mr Croucber-I ...


... FESTM INSTER SESSIONS-FimmAy I [Before iMr. RAwI.INsoN, Chairman (pro tem.), and a Beinch of Mlgistrates.) DiSTRESS AND Cm~iIE.-Fran1CiS Devine, aged 13, was inilicied for stealing two books, value 2s., the property of Mr, Gco. Willis, a bookseller in Princes.strect. Police constable C W5, stated that about six o'clock in the eveniiig of Saturday last, hc saw the prisoner standing at the ...


... .Q*1ONER' S ,ItNUEST. Thoiswlltls heaving ekiprossoed' &Wist thnalti 8'b 6tldul '~l~C~~4 lh~ sitgilav case enirela, we have deterine iprtof i't which appeas's'd in ~olr 'lait weektls pv~ere rent Imerest whichl the inquiry has ex'cited will, Wie ~d~ bseurse accinptabild id ourfreaders generally.) shipl. on ihts Uusrtt, OM4ilqiti A, hi~te phetictelar~sof t'he d aeo ~tde~llsdy, amed Clarta Anin ...


... - On Tuesday night last a most numerous gang of the swell mob attended at White Conduit ?? during the meeting of the electors of Fiesbury.- Mr Abrahams, a constable, who attended the meeting to look after thieves, was himself robbed of 14s. from his trousers' pocket. Several gentlemen com- plained at tbe entrance of having been robbed of their watches and pocket- books, containing money, &c. ...


... ?? HOUSE. We alluded last week to a case in which the Lord Mayor Winchester had particularly distinguished himself, and which arose out of the singularly gross conduct of the majority of policeen present at the political meeting in Bishopsaate street, for the sole purpose, as would appear from their conduct, of snatching away the boards and placards from the Reformers, and endea- rouring to ...

Published: Sunday 04 January 1835
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2575 | Page: Page 10, 11 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... I FREEDOM OF THE CITY TO AIR. PATTISON, THE CANDIDATE FOR THE CITY. On Saturday a Court was held for the purpose of en- abling Mr. Pattison, the Governor of the Bank of England, to be admitted as a freeman of the City of London, in or- der that in the (extremely probable) event of his election as one.of the representatives of the city no objection might be made against him upon the score of ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENTC.E. MANSION-HOUSE. WOI.ESALtE COI.NING.-On Saturday, Samntel Shannon, a butcher, wvhto resides at No. 33 IPetticoat-lane, was brought before the LolD MAYOR under the following cir- cumstanees': Mr. Wityear, the superintendent of Police in the City of London, stated that hc had received information that a good deal of counterfeit coin was secreted in Petticoat.lame. lie in ...


... COURT OF DELEGATES-SA'rCfl DA. EXTRAORDIXNARY CASE OF ADiULT'ERY. Air. Justice lPattiqorr, M1r.-.lisftic Alderson, i~lr. Baron Gurney, Dr. Daubeov, and l)r. iBurnaby) attended this day in Serjeants' Inn llall, lo hear an appeil front thc Archies Court of Canterbilry hit the' ease of Story v. Story. It was a suit brought by Mr. Joub Sainuel Story, it so- licitor residin tat St. Albans, Io ...

Law Intelligence

... WUn Jlntdrige Otter ai A T-Ioe.tFUT YO'Tnt-.At Marlbormtigh street Id1 Police toflice, otto (la last week, ait surdy ryring ur- )o chin, rippar~etitly t(tI 1more thair 12 rears of age, ivsput iii tire bar charged by Amelia Willis, with r,;hefolowing during outtrarge.-.'hle weils passing le slong Wlhiteiriibe stireet rather late tire irther night. when she was ocertaiket by ' thle prisonter ...


... At the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, for the Town and Liberties of Beverley, held at the Guild-hall, in that town, on Tuesday last, MATTHEW RICH4ARDSON and WILLIAM CON- STABLE pleaded Guilty to an indictment for stealing a quantity of bacon and bams, the property of the Rev. W. R. Gilby. MATTHEW RICHARDSON was also indicted with GEO. GIBSON for a second robberyat the same place, to ...

Published: Friday 09 January 1835
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1200 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... QUEEN-SQUARE. Catvir.'ry ro ANIMAlS-.Juames Kirby,', a dlraynman in tlhe ?? of A1Iessrs. Joseph CarteC Wood, Hsq., and Co., porter and ale brewers, Artillery-place, Strutton- ground, e'cstmiriil ster, was charged ivith cruelly beating a fine tlray-liorse, the property of his eolple) Lrs, hir. Frederiek Wood stated, that oss Satiurday eight last, aoutst seven o'clock, he heiard one of the ...


... Before the RECORDEi.)] A!fred Booker, 18, wras indieted for stcalirrg an ox,, the property of Jonas Payne. It appeared that the prosecutor, who resided at Brix- ton, on the 15th December purchased an ox in Smithfield, which he marked with P, the initial letter of his name, eand left it in the market, in I he cars of a manl namned fHor- ton. He then proceeded, in the usual manner, to the ...