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Brighton Patriot



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Brighton Patriot


... EAST' SUSSEX ADiJOORNED MICHLMAS SESSIONS. I These Sessions commenced on Wednesday morning last at the County Hall, Lewes, at ten o'clock. The Earl of Chichester, Chairman of the Quarter Sessions, presided in the Crown Court; and William Seymour, Esq., in that of Nisi Pries. COuWN COUnT. The Grand Jury having been sworn, His Lordship delivered his charge: in the course of svhich he lamented ...


... LtAVS. Wlc understand that the Board of Guardians ave abandoned their intention of building a Union ifr ti pe, an have come t4 a detevmi'ationl of repatring1 SOe'diert o-1dt as to render them apabiec f tilte -bc ?? i6esvhilihhybe5h.5 to of them, anidthat ted at an d im s irve a Iprnedt of ainew one-the preetivt plafjebtnottk i~to e'uat frota the rates than the original plan wes alat that the ...


... IHW1,S SPRING ASSIZES. CJROWN COURF-TLJESDAY. Thornos Snsell was charged with stealing at Frant two hand-,bell .and a brass tap, the goods of Lleut.-Col. By. The bells;an tp ~h~d been take from the outside of the house on the 18th of ,February last, and prisoner had subsequently sold them to a dealer in marine stores.-LGuiltY.-Gne mosnth to, hard lafiour. 'Thos. Bradford, Aal, Geoirge Bradford ...


... The public mind begins to recover from the affriglat occasioned by the extraordinary preparations made by the Government for carrying on this trial. The fearless behaviour of the prisoners themselves, who appear to regard their sufferings as a mere pre- liminary to the triumph of their principles, cannot fail to make a deep impression on thleir countrymen, who see arrayed against them the ...


... I Snrriao OF MAGISTRATES, COUNTY I]ALL, MARsCH 31eST, 183S.- Present,-Lord Chichester, Sir G. Shiff'ner, Barr., T. Partington, R. Gear, J. Hoper, 11. Campion, T. Richardson, and T. Scutt, Esqrs.-The Bench was principally occupied in appointing over- seers for the various parishes in this district, subject, * e believe, to any alteration that may be introduced by the operation of the New Poor ...


... BaENCH OF MAGISTR4TS. 1 WEDNESoAY, Dec. 23. A boy, named GSarge Watkins, was committed for trial on a' charge ot' stealing four pairs of boots fioni a shop in. Albion. street. He had offered them for. ale in the Lanes when he was detained. The mother was gred'ly afficted by the 8ituAiion which her eonts misconduct had brought him into. Jl'i'ltsDAV.-Preserrt: W.S.SEvmoutr, Esq.. A man, named ...


... EXCHEQUER CHAMBER-WElDsESDAY (Sittings at Nisi Prius.) [Before Air. Baron BOLLAND and a Common Jury.] THOMAS v. SAHILLIBIE:R. Mr. CRONYDEft said this was an action brough t by the plaintiff to recover the sum of £25 from the defendant the well-kuown omnibus proprietor. In the year 1833, the defendant was in partnership with a person of the name of Morton, and they ran several oinnibuses along ...


... 1ORRIBLE MIURDERS IN FRANCE. A cass of extiaordinary depravity came qn at Hesse-Rhenane (Mayetice), on tile 22d of March, and occupied the Court four days. It was the trial of two woenen charged with having poisoned their husban(s, and snc of themt with having poisoned her faditer, viother, three children, arid ier ?? Toll and his wife Regina Hlof, working people at Abenheim, were entitled to ...


... BElNCII OF MAGISTRcATES. slnt., JIt:\ 15. Present. Sir DAsVID SCOTT, Bart., W. t SE.YMOUII, and JOuNt IlALT., Esqis. S&rah Srtandein was brought up, to answer a charge of robbery referred ?? Mr. Bennett, solicior, in whose service she recently vei. This case was last veck before the public, when, from aa .hricicv of evidence, she was necessarily discharged. A war. it hii ?? bee issued, by ...


... Several persons are committed to gaol for taking part, as it is alleged, in this affair, We wish their trials were to take place before some more competent tribunal than a bench of Justices in Sessions, and then these disturbances might be properly and tho- roughly investigated. As it is, we feel it our duty to make a few brief remarks upon the subject. The order for the removal of Hayler and ...


... THEtSODAY, April 30th, 1835.-Present,-Sir D. ScoTr, tart., CAMXT. FULLER, H.N. and JoIN HLL, Esq. - Ford was charged with a misdemeaner, in having exposed her female infant, on the night of the 17th December last, at the door of Mr. Ancell, Old Stcyne. Mr. S. Clarke stated the case for the prosecution. The prisoner was married on Sept. 21st, 1034, to William Forl, and lived with him till the ...


... 1.Z, R'YrYDOA]. ' Lord Brougiham presentell ; petition from the representtive' s of tlieeifity-eiglit DissentingcollgregatiOns qround Londoncom- plaining of church-rales, and espeeially of the firoceedings taken in thie case of Aijr. ChildS 11is opiiorn was, with, regaid to sub- jects of this hind, that though he might disapprove of the law, -yet that, as long as therlawdid exist, le should ...