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Brighton Patriot



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Brighton Patriot


... - Hlow are the mighty fallau'! The late revision of the lists for this. bdrough-thlat sevisioin which was to have placed the Tories triumphalitlyat the head of the poll, and: to have corn- pletely bihsted thsehopei of rive. Reforiffers'-ll5?gi'vef sttth a'teri. riflrd blow to their bonsting8, swaggeritS' fleoda pruy ,circumsstance wiji tile just and ntterited exiJ68dire' of theit vile ~means ...


... BENCII OF MAGISTlRATES1 THuRSnDAr, Alay 14, 1835,-P ?? 1). S( oor, Plart., Capt. Fem.eIg R. N., aid .T. IIAI,, lEsq. A woman named Boftilg applied to thie lcinch flr advice antler the following cireumstanevc5. Ihe applicant had smle ?? sintc rceeived a letter fiom Mir. Furner, solicitor, Bond-street, requining pavmncint of fl (i. alleged to be due to Mir. Calndle, surgeon, together with 3s. ...


... LEW ES. On Saturday night, the horizon was illuminated by another S incendiary fire. Society seems reduced almost to the verge of ( dissolution in this part of thc country. Unions are cvery where I forming under the new Poor Law Bill in the hop6 of relieving I tile rate-payer. Associations are also forming, and subscriptions I enterod into, for the purpose of protecting property against thie ...


... LEIVES. At the Adjourned General Session for this County, holden at I Bri ghton on Tuesday last, Sir Richard flunter, Knt. of Brighton andTPat1ching, David LyonEsq. of Goring, and Robert Pedder, Esq. of Brightoni qualified as Magistrates, and took the usual oaths. rihe Levies I aces take place on Wedhesdiy (to-morrow) and following day, and fromn the liberal subscriptions which have been ...


... LEWES QUARITR SESSIONS. TIlESDAY. [Before W. SFrJyoun, Esq., who sat in the Nisi Prius Court.] John Cortnford and Hvbert May were charged with having stolen at the hamlet of Chliltington, three chicken, the property of lThos. Avery. Prosecutor is a farmer at Chiltingion ; on the last day of March he missed three fowls, above half-grown. The fowls were produced and identified. Evidence was then ...


... ABOLISHMENT OF ARREST AND IMPRISONMENT I FOR DEBT. Sir John Campbell has introduced into the House of Commons A Bill for facilitating the recovery of debts, the relief of debtors willing to make cession of their property for payment of their debts, the prevention of frauds by debtors, and fur abolishing imprissiirnent fin debt except in cases (f frid. As this Bill is &;together of very great ...


... FRIDAY, Saprr 26.-Present,-W. Srvlrquua, andn B. vii~nF.R le RnIINOF Till; Jimy LisT. -I Mr. eymur aidthat bythe7thand 8th of Willianm 3rd, ~ Quaerswer prhiite frm rvvig n Juries. This had been confirmed. bya statute of eorge 3rd, uder which they wvere nlow th actig. e blievd te ojecton f Qalkers arose from an un- Mr. Isaac Bass oberved that the obection of the Friends did tic not arise from ...


... THE NATIONAL DEBT v. BEERSIIOPS. When a stick or a stone is thrown with violence at a dog, tile animal becomes enraged with that which in'utes him. He never suspects the man who hurled the stone at him to be the remote cause of his injury. So when people get iniormed against, and half or quite ruined, they become enraged against the rascally informer, but never suspect the national debt to be ...


... (Conscluded from our Lost Papes'.) Jamres. Lieauis ton, who was coisvicted at the last assizei of couptatleitinsl I ins asentenced to seven jears'tresotts R~iAchrd Shepherd, convicted of breakioglitd enteigthhos of 51r.l'.ettsp. ot Osirngdeas5, aod ste-aling various artice fpae iad on thsree other indictments likewise, fsad; sentec ldat pgssed uposs hito, and the Judge gave hun no hopes of a ...


... LEW ES. LEWES Ssritvo AsSIzES-On Saturday, the High SherifT, Charles Dixon, Esq.,. accompanied by his Chaplain, the Rev. John. Pannell, arrived at their lodgings (M1r. Willard's), pre- *paratory to the Assizes. On Nlondly morning, about nine o'clock, the prisoners from Horshali, about twenty in number, were lodged in our House of Correction. On the same day, about haltfpast two, the High ...


... BENCIU OF. RAGISlRA'TTES. THMSDAlAV, August ]3th, 1#35.-Present-Sir 1). Scnrr, art., Captain Fsr.rr n, W. Scvizoun and .. HALLt, lsqrs. IT'itlianin Jlslding, a flyman, appeared to ?? a cihaige of furious driving, &c., whereby hel had ineurred a penalty ol five tioulmls. Wise stated that, on th eveniung of the preceding Thursdlay, the Ill'endant drove through the New 0Ioad at a very rapid rate, ...


... PRISN DISCIPLINE. [We recommend an attentive perusal of the following account to the M agistrates of Sussex.- Ed.1 From the OnGINAtL, by Thomas Walker, Fsq., one of the Police Magistrates of the Metropolis. Prison discipline, like many other subjects which occupy public attention, is not worth the time and expense which are bestowed upon it. After thte repeated experiments that have been ...