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... °LOF MARY ANN BURDOCK. TWAL 0. I -AiA )u1.q teen excited b, this tpncv.edealte interest whiIcf liat Veenrxeea ecoru le Ies craslao, e, sfmdtce us to com~ply, with the ueish ezpressee aaurifiaof eC, thwt, ast our rept~rt of the evidenee many f Ur thate oras appeared,' we would re-print the I 01plete ta 4 (he mOO1 tpr to enable diem to forward it to their friend, V11d~o~le e rpoth' ...


... CONSISTORY QIOURT.- FItD.Y. TRSVANNION P. TarvAN:ioN.-Tlis was a question oni tile admission of an allegation responsive to a libel ?? in by Mir. John Charles B. Trevannion, charging adultery agaitist Cha rlotte rrevanaion, his wife; and praying a separation. The allegatioll on thie part of Alrs. Trevannion denied the charge, and set forth acts of adultery as committed by the husband, in ...


... J LAW 3 INTELLIGENCE. KING's BEETC7H;MONo'AY:.fThe K~ing ?? the Chatrch. wriardens of 5Stoh'e.L'aierel;2 TbO ;Solicitor' C~eherfll ap~plied f'ir a mdndladius;'to be dirdcted' t'o fe'defeadanits'calliilgoni. thita to' shaw cadtied why tlhey shkotid'uiot ffnis tbe'parsonfof! thatpltace witlit'd-t' a I b1Joks,:fdtbbthire' . df'liirthi, htipbirm's g' andbinas;u'rdet tbd provisiwis of the.i' ?? ...


... The Quarter Sessions forthis citycommenced on Monday morn. ing and terminated on Tuesday evening. There were about 50 prisoners for trial, and the-cases weredisposed of as follow:- TlAssroRsTArIoN-for Life: James llorgan, for stealing 131., a silver can, and other articles from the house of Mr. John Eng- land, the Lord Nelson, Asbley' Road, onlth6 22ind April last.- Seven Yea'rs: Goo. Ilorgan, ...


... MUNICIPMA. 4RViSioN iOquItT., Thsarevisin 4arrer6,Mecsrs. Pre ne d a Grooldl. havq conr tinued their sitti ngs d uring tthe whole eof iepresit week, antd from the 10jo progress made, anCd he 'iumber oS iiasiits objectiods, the' have fdufMd iit ecesshty,' it the pratei poti of-the time, doihoid separate turtd . - ' : :As it wtild le tedious tWueadcrs id aa~it would pbae ...


... BRIST.OL ASSIZES.-SATURDAY. (Conlinued from our last:) Manwaerinwq v. .Broaches,-This was un action brought bytire plaintiff to irecover damages for a nsallcious'arrest. Mr. Sergeant Boampas opened the caae, and called Eleanor'Davis--Has lived in-Manwaritig'semploy8l0years; he is 75 years old and paralytic; recotleicts defendant, being at ber tmaster's in M'varch, .18132; therewas a ...


... D)EV'ON 4 D EI 'L.X 'FER AS:3iZ 23. SnritAY S~ tamid.v' tact. S iin'iel TreOiiitvk K~ke.Yiaii, Eqqr., ?? Nt t i Lto' i.ttentleni by a larace boiiy it )'CO'imiiy atlI Ii 'taii~tsii* Wivi t-niik thiis mnetod of fo imth trei earn tate o f rhe'. Ml~ern Crci' t e 'ar. B-i tfiro Gtmei y san Mr. Juistiice 2lr itt, h1,at Iaitria', nut' 'ilte-id1 th, 7ite ,beLut 6 ., Clocka oc.A iii tile, Ir.,r to ari ...


... SOMEIISETSHIRE ASSIZES. The Commission for holding thle idsidniomer Assizes for So- merret wat opened at Blridgwater, by Air. Baron Gurney, on Saturday, and thle business Of the Court comnmented on Monday, Mr. .Justice Coleridge presiding in the Nis-I Prius Court, ansi Mr. Baron ~Gurney in that ofithe Crown. The calendar contains a list of 63 prisoners, three or four others having been ...


... .Q*1ONER' S ,ItNUEST. Thoiswlltls heaving ekiprossoed' &Wist thnalti 8'b 6tldul '~l~C~~4 lh~ sitgilav case enirela, we have deterine iprtof i't which appeas's'd in ~olr 'lait weektls pv~ere rent Imerest whichl the inquiry has ex'cited will, Wie ~d~ bseurse accinptabild id ourfreaders generally.) shipl. on ihts Uusrtt, OM4ilqiti A, hi~te phetictelar~sof t'he d aeo ~tde~llsdy, amed Clarta Anin ...


... DEN ON ASSIZES. ICsoatinuael frona stir ?? C R WNV.\ 1 A n. WEDNESDAY_.AS~ 'pairt ot' onr itnpressioii only ]Inst week Contained a list of the Griiied J ut-v, we ro-itoct It- Mr. Baron Gurtrey.took li's seat ait ilie Crown Bii r, when ,53 Magistrates answered to their, itotos. aiontog whom wvere thle Right H9on. Lord P6ltimore, Lord Viscount B3orniigdon, and thle llight Hin. alld Rev. Lord ...


... The Quarter Sessions for this city commenced on Monday last, having been adjourned to that day on account of the election. There was no case of particular interest. TRANSFORTATION: Fourteen Years.- William Underwood, for coining. On the constables going to tie housewherethe prisoner lived, they found him engaged in rubbing something, which he then threw away: on their searching the house they ...


... ASSIZE 1NTELLIGENCE. SoMiERSET.-The Assize for this county, commenebd at,!aunton on Wednesday belore M~r. Justice Fatteson, eand Mtr. (arn Q4rnm4r thce formner psesidiig. in the- Cros CoutEt Io the latter at ISt 1'rhs, The. Right Hon. B. R-obboilse was foem Lorh grand ~jtry. The tiusinesi was excpedinigly Iigmt. Whpre were obl 65 przso6nrS tot. trial, in consequene'aof an ad- jou~rned ...