... The investigation was resumed on Friday (the fourth day) when seve'. ral witnesses were examined, who deposed to the quiet of the town before the military appeared, and to the extreme violence used against the peo- ple. We can only refer, however, to the evidence given some weeks ago berore Mr Roaf, much of which was repeated, and to the few extracts which follow :;Mr Simkiss: Is a medical ...


... VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT. LEIGH v. LEIGH.-A question arose in this case, the other day, on a de- murrer as to the precise construction of certain words in the allegation con- tained in the bill. Sir C. Wetherell appeared in support of the bill. The de- murrer was supported by Sir AV. Horne, on the ground that the bill stated a period of 20 years' adverse possession had elapsed since the death ...


... Y Sf- I EN'; LRAOIIDINA\lY CAS17. : ; The follovving rhostextraordinary charge agninsv p i'f Y /fl fixed for trial bieore tile Court of Assizes for Tlarn, D thc itth i instant:- A beautiful Yotng w q man, of thle name of Elizabeth Lonicaa FaramOrnd Ilied lalejy in Vfalence, i;n thl! IPth year ot her age. In conseqilence of rem W: hia h l)egill to spread abont tile town as to the eatise of ier ...


... MIcI)a.'v, October 19th. 1836.-Present-SiR D. SCOTT, Bart, Capt. FIIA\KLIN. R. N. It. PEDDEn, and J. HALL, Esqrs. T1,11is11s J,,les, who looked liked like a seafaring man, and whose face and attire were wofully expressive ofextreme destitution, was brought up as a vagrant. 'lie prisoner stated that lie came from Weymouth, and had en- Icavoured to make his way to Dover. lie had only escaped ...


... icerY, vare. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT.-TuECSDAY. St. Mrl BA51iL MONTAG~U took Isis seat within the bar, having dird. been recently appointed a King's Counsel. ship ALUK'.TWAl. M~r. KNIsrm'r, with Air. Roy., moved for an attachment dly 6agains the defendant for not putting in his answer. Tihe de- fendan.t vias resident in Scotland. Under Lord Plunoket's 17 I Act he0 had bheen served with a ...


... LAW INTELLICENCE. COURT OF CHANCERY.-MONDAY. ?? V. HICNS. The LOnD CsiANCI':..I.On, on taking his seat this morn- ing, gavc judgment in this appeal. The circumstalmces of the case were laid before the public at thle time it was ar- gued, anid also when it was before the Viee-Chancellor. His Lordship afiirmed the decision of the Court below. ATTORNEY.GERSERAL, ?? SHO00. The farther argaments in ...


... POLICE INTELLIGEACE. 0 ~~~GUILDHALL. A swarthy young main, named Antonio M1'Donald, was brought before Mir. Alderman Lucas, charged with being a common impostor. Tue complaint was made by Mir. Sparks Mioline. of Lower Tlranes--strdet, who statedi that the prisoner was Iin the habit Dof going ahout the country pretending to be a foreigner uncrble to speak English, to be remarkably pious, to ...


... LAWr NOTICES.-TirlS iALV. VICF.CIIANrlELLOP8.'S COURT, LINCOLN'S.INN. Sittings at tel. Percival v Reddish to be apoken ?? v Dnnhig, rltte- Murgan v Howell, ?? v Kirsopp, farther directions by ordlr--Ghl- ott v Bridge, diltta-ililler v ditao Cause ly Orlelr- itdley v Bannister, ?? loit, hlitto-I parte 1tvcrr pe- titi~on by aier-ltodlick v Itolihne', to prou Ic ?? v N I- tal, part Itcard-tstite ...


... LACENA IRE, THlE PARIS MURDERER. 'T he t'kiistimntdel gives the following as a physical and 9s moral portrait of Lacenaire:- c L.acenaire is thirty-five years of age, of ordinary stature, il and of a bilious-sanguineous temperanient. Ilis conititution is robust; his complexion dark ; his hair jet block, but in some parts it begins to verge on grey; his neck is shoit and thick, its arteries ...


... LA IVt' .lATELLI CI NCE. I(lC h' RTO (iI1ANCllf'. \i V ou Nov. 2 'I hI., t, log tiit lust (Ltv of _'ili('hilt'fina 'fero, the J oiils C(MIitmIMoloIre ot tile;O tn it Soail C'nee'e to WC12tflinlter flail in flb ('1101 111(r1 stale. Ii 11000,1 liv tile 1 Oivetei oI. Ilie ott 01' 'oiieo. thle Rie, ( ouin'et, and Se gealtil. ITheir LordshiPs dfid l ,( o no ('iieuoiaerthe aen .iiigeciiit at ...


... BOW S'I'RIE'I'. ROImrnucIES Al I loirs. -Charies Mllakhe ShOrtrit ivas a cs- ter ay pltietdt nt the bar for rv-eeiiioiatinm oi a c liarge of steailtit, a varicey of attilel o tjewsellry Ironi tlhei Ijttll otel, P'iccadilly, the plopcrty ei (h'hirIL. Pratt, Esq., at guntlciaii o-cs-edf tV nii eriyble prtpeviy \it the nwgihboarhood ot Soutilhampton, ind an ofiiccr in lhci navy. 'T'hc folloing ...


... [Before - WALKER, Esq., Chairman, arnd a full Bench of Commissioners.] Mr. George Rawlins, of Salisbury-street, Strand, solicitor, secretary to a Conservative club, appeared on an order to show cause why he refused to pay Air. james Soames, a car- penter and builder, carrying on business in Cecil-court, St. Martin's-lane, the sum of one guinea, for loss of line in at- tending before the ...