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Advertisements & Notices

... , 1 crownTt fldim'w Miuld conmme)citl fun, b'il'Zi' HOL,3OtN, LONDON. >1)1Th l (fiirl \lIalveril,) returns thaimks Il ,e very glreat aiilport atid appiroval mvhicl hlio ITO ItI aabovo wsehavo twIread3y j & ,,(1 pl,Ovro)eLZrtS ill the abovclws aeilad arti rfom Colvlefcial and Peortesslonla, ,,e 1 ioifl its ventriEal siatuatioln is pleculiarly Oel'itle'' ar has idudused him toi make a further ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE ELECTORS OF THE SOUTHERN DIVISION OF DEVONSHIRE. GENTLIEMSS,, A FTER the triumphstnt restilt of one 'of the most Attduous and 0i0portitt Contests ever known in Englantd it is mymost lileatit duty to rcturn my warmest Thanlks to the Electors o' tbe Southert 4blvision hfd the County of JDvoll, for the high Honior they have consferred on me. .vGentremesih -l Ia fhllawardthat it could be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'i ' 0THEATRE-ROYiAL, XEX-1R.. I I.ABTEEIEIONDAY. April.Oth 1835 O I ,EXTRAORDINARY NOVELTY AND ATTRACTION I II i PFor the Benaft o~f J'lfr. G. T.4YLOR,- Who trusto the Entertainments seleacted foer the above -Evening will ecarer to him ashars of that Putronage:aad - 0lberally extendedto his Brother PerfIrners., . i ?? Perfoernces will cemenee wil (for the fI ;Stcond tire,) ai eeitiely New and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRE E TRADE TEA. _11XIHARDMOXONY, 70,,H-1101-8TREET, and rkPA1L~fS&it8ZT, Ibeg-.I iost r..sileetnttllo to state, that he has just received a v~erv SUI'E 111iO SUP311'Y,.of TEAS, direct fr'eem Cata tori to Londsu, wvhetre le.bhawrecen tity selerted - tewhich, foe' Quality aiz. i'rice, are nut to. be equalled I In tshe West of Engiami. PP IL sinigle Trial will prove thoi:!aet. 11. M1. caolla : ...

Advertisements & Notices

... K ENID A LL and SOQ.N, ?? &CABINILT CASHl' MAK(ERS' to thel-i MOS. GRACIOUS IVA lS~ES T aidch 1414bl~iilssawO thme D U C II E. S S sREN1'aI %7lVCj OR1 A%. andS to this 1srlilrslp COURTS- I II'NES the Cl V-E' CAT. 417,1 E ST STRtAsitf, inre E ?? the Nobility. Gentry. land 1 jabiic griipeotlly. 11hat01 the have opened th~sr MAGubilileaSIN, thtshl N 0 VE A UT E A G ,d IIet of EatsD Eirnch of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - . . EXMOUTH; z BAI `-*1l take place at EIW N3 ROOMS, A onu Xbe 'BE4ACON HILL, in the bcginiiing of Novepi&jr,' 8l35.-Pariieulars Nill be given in the nlext Adeti'emet. Rooms, Beacon Hlill, Oct. 20, 1835. ITALIAN STRINGS. .t A1, ROMAN, HARP, VIOLIN& GUITAR IU.' STRINGS, of the veiv first quality dire.t from th. Manafartiiiref, to be had' at MiII. PILIBROW'S Musical Re. poeitory,59, High ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .. ITORQUAY. THE RT IRSTEL ?? wkitl, tak.pla a ?? R Oy AL H O, on ] O5DAY, tti December, LADY ?ATPiO NESS9 S :. LA DY CA REW ,M ns. CAR !.Y. ' T EWAILDS:. ADMIRAL SIR CHA tLES :DASHWOOM, M. E. N. PARKER, Esq M.P . HENRY PIEUREPONT, E sq., WILLIAM CLARKR, Esq., Jurh' November 24th, 1835. . . EXETER TURNPIKE ROADS. THE GME94', ME-EitETINGi of the ElTRU t[STEES. vell be Rbeld at tile G iLOEI& ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jj,';,ELL&RY, P40FRi WATCHES, &c. DDRERE~bneeotftil1y Staitcs that Ilie is fI8TiC e ~~fl~'P11LC A1UC'iION. lit tie i,'NT..oF'jMODERN J1EWELLERY, GUVA ?? C7haliA'., Seals, Kepta, ltings, (hiJ eketts` Shil 1 Pillse, l1etji`ll Cases, Tootb Picks, 1)0(VI' a Kitiveq and~ Forks, Isory-haividii' Seals, j'rte1-il , Carol CimIir, (3old Eye Glosses, l-IYilrs, 1vi' Sdssrsiltrede SctjcIVS Ro vil' LI tit! ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEAL''TH AND COMFRTBER Et 77 77 UCL I Inconvenience having been exp4erieicedby Housekeepers aiid Families, arising foi:i . M l imtpyrfetetinatluerjit ?? FEATHE RS iuive been hitherto dresseed J. TVO.NAR AND CO. nt sotisfaetion in, statinL, that in v jnL beent for so ne years pnet enigaged in anerie6 of exprriment4 to pbviste a-nu3tice so destructive of heldth. theV hvo mew the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTEDaYOUNG IAN, who understarnds. the l1INEN and W001.1,EN l)RAPERY BUSINESS. Apply at Br. COPP'S. 208, Eligit-street. MONEY. O NN1 THOUSAND 'POUNDS to be LENT, A-n Freehold Security.-Applyto Y. Z. at the Printers, (letters post paid.) SW RANTED, niear the Cathedral Clos6, or Southerlnhiy, a HOUSE, consisting of Drawing, Dining, and Breakfuat Ronoms, with 'two or three lied., Rom8 and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOROUGH OF ASHBURTON,' DEVON. 4 nnO be LET, for a Term of Years, with 1 : B ?? Passession, all that comm odious 2 DWELLING HOUSE, I wi th every requisite Oficea attarhed thereto, fit for tbe Rtesidence of a lalrge genteel Fami!y, pleasantly situated in 'the West-Strpet ot the Town and Borough of Asiburtou, iu T the Corinty 'if Devon. For viewnmg the same and for further particulart, apply (if ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V0be, SOLD at Jess thanl haW value, a, good .1 MAHO. GA a LLTA16 TABLB If lwtp Ric £8.:~..-Ap~i1V It) lilt'. SOP ZR;253J211g . -Alletters tobe post'.paid.) rl EADY to be imeitl DANCD, thle Surn of £500 Io iotseo Ood Freod W 1Secufrity,~ lot per- Cen.lleet n lavrosohr j 'Sums (pi Money from 00 to £2,000. p cn ;.Apply tip Mr. G. H. D AKE, So~lclt(J ariddi'z'etor, Pul Sv ..Street, lixeter. ...