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Aberdeenshire, Scotland


Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... Tli Exii'a iliiCloth, 4s. tiiTi' ld Elition of li B 'S F A I M lER'S ( GUID E ItVt~ti a 11NITient'SP oil the0 RA NIAGEMONTl of' BREFED- INM MARIES atlJ C0%rZW' witlt a ailo o'PtIE PRIE. SCHIP'riONS fislt Ilia utSXA-!S of HO0.RSES and B3LACK C ATT LE. L~ife Veeti oriwr Stavraon, El-1tt.'iei C trotimn 1,K N'G, 8fi, St Nichio as Str'eit ; Ito~iett K'ling, Broad~ -str'i, l'i'ier'ha'l : ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STRAYED FROM THE N=W INN STABLES, On T1hursday ni (lOrr opr ly morn np, ,CRtOS..-BRu D P'OIN'I'I':R lITCl'i, frmn tile tissianl blreed , , dUtrl; bt n voituil-ltired * al hl hd na Chain Collar, with nk B1ass P'late-. Riobelt Reid. Esq. Any poison brhinigiig her to the Ntew Inii, will be reowasiled. ANew Inn, Ist Sepl. 1U35. L 0 S T, A Small TlIFRIIIE 13ULL DOG - slhort liair-titin color, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC ROOMS. tiji-RS. I'TLSON nod tlf-SS ROBiRTSON lineo t1li hon1ou1r ?? o aisulcC tile II. F-OP F ; of tic~ii. ACAVIEMY, 011 ?? [V fitst, at til ?? holurs; owli theyv will lae thei plea. cii ic o o Concm1ec the leu NewReicises they have hwer to Londodll ?? th I 'e piiose of awquiril og iintd iced this Seoioll by tihe first. lv ?? ill ;1:11is and London lt, ?? SO stTeiitiotlsl' recont litel. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENGLISH ACADEMYlZ, 9, ADELPHI COUJILT, ABERDlEEN. thle ills'elcitlU Yoin- ?? nid Genltlv. ilAIIH11E bIT'C antiX WHITIN6(, tire ntote open'l betwevin qv,' andl nine o'clock. 1 A LASS for the ALPIHABET ?? jnet bt'ea ollt'lted, itid it is o ?? hlat thc' weather will now lie fitvottrtthle for thtose whose deli. S ,Ie it i ve1rvt l linh n ittvleitllt ?? the wrinter. ?? ES fot Y(UiN (I LAD)I ES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF LADIES' WORK. PAT11OSISF. by LADY BRUCE, of ScotSt`fl Mrs ALEXANDER BiANNERMAN; Mrs PROVIIST BLAIKW E; Mrs MAJOR YOUING; atld Mrs THOMNSON Of Baillt:101Y. flH proponsed SALE of LADIlES' WORK, for tue BEVE tVIT T of01 tihe SCHOOLS I ?? Arith tile SIEAEN SI, Ftttvx SitI ?? sonoe time a~gl, vvill take place oilt Tito tl~iv the11 22d julst. ilk 14:101ray's H-1all, Uniolll Stlilvt.L TIll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF RITW ARD1NtE. |T RBHr, ?? Gellnel Mvrtinr of' the' COMMISSIONERS ol' SUII'I.Y of this CoIIItI1 will b!e held withill tlle C oullit | Hal, Solueilatve'll, on 1'1 rIyly: th. 30th list. at 1 2 o'eiek, fi. (it,; ?? ofthilleO Cess ad1 Sup1ply Acts, and4th th ?? of otheli nuhlic bill Sill's. Therec will b)e l id blefol tli me(tiI1Z n I ill ยข to estahI 14111 Scotlalnd a ullih'll 112 ei ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of;l y-s SMIATH'S WEALTH OF NATIONS. ra- Oin the Ist of July was Published, Vol. 1. of a New he Edition of AN INQUIRY ioto tbe NATURE and CAUSFES of the ed At W lEALTH OF NATIONS, by ADAM SM'1i'H. With a at ColroAhENTAItY, critical anti explalnltory, by the Author of Faig. is land aind Americo. To be completed in Six Volumes, royal l8ino. :h- ofabout 5U0 pages, at 5s. each volunie, boocid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURNPIKE TRUSTEES. Nxn- OTICE is b1!hel)v Livcn, that a UENERAL MEETING of In. OTICNPItE l TRUSTEES fol ABERD EENSH IRE, will )r,, be held wit itin the CoUI t- Hotsrs of A beIdee, oil FltlDAY, the re- lo1th dlay of June iext, at livo o'clock aftmenlao, for tile 1itl'rpose of (St silu:tioitilg, on tbe applicatioll of tbe '~riustees and Sithscribers, on )rd the lmon, Petel'lhCad, ?? Fraseul ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'II .HOE AIAX llS AND LEA'THiERI CU'lII'tS. r,:OtALDiTV-~ 13-10:1W.UV 4& LATl-IER MIALEII, WOODSIDE, t~AS :il i'vqv ott hu-l i IMLne lisserti11'it of E(LSIsil I~T11 SCOTICHl L.EAT-I EI, 1'a 11111-sipii'iii (11i:1itit, o hicl hit, Cai Ahpic'. ot It %ell' Iow plic'sr ?? cash. Tliii l'iilowhii isa ?? orf1 Ht;'.xcltet Cam'P TIMES hhit' 'r *t IS I 1J Do. Mt. dol. 33 ?? it Is. 2'1 Do.. Do. AI. . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rs *y MONCHEYFFE ARMS' HOTEL, er BRIDGE OF EARN. rt ARCHIBALD CAMERON, lately I111kleeper at Killin, begs to A intilmate, that Ite hlis Ioxw opelned the a llive Co ?? Ho. th tel, in the iminoediate vicinity of the celebrated Medicinal Springs of of pitlieatilh .t The Hoiuse lis mndergonen aclor01tg)b repair-is newly fiurnisied Ir itl thc most comiplete nintiel an~d Ilso provided withi Hot and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO FA1VIILIES. 11T . LIATM tIN IT Iw r'pectfunIlI ?? ins S IC Incer 11tni1 5ate- 1.!1thanlks for thle steadyv styp'iot' anid libeoral pai'tritige lie II 1is fortse tbi ho 35 vean's le line no' lbeen iii htsi noss anivd, ?? that nlo ?? his part shall hle w'anting to merit ti ~~t C0 I innal 01 thetir 1iiic ruliespected thvol ?? lie.Iri hi great Ilhia. suoin :t itnoiiictii- to them the airiviti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EI'ES, its the PUBLIC H Moil ilOxNNAY ithe Ist of Pessses' ci uretit. BIISinleSs at Fivse; Diasur exac U y ltt Iair Crtii't Ft se o'clock. Airdleess, 2d Dec. 1835. 'N.B11-IPrsss lith reat illconvrestience exrperienmI.' t/sreuis,/s 11i/s Wniii/itSed~t 5) (.1Of PrivateI .Serat'ds', Ilso rerl'tjit/ttion `qf i/the r'olt! as to I/h se will be etsfsrced. A ,2ertts:, numhttcr wsi oisb be ...