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Advertisements & Notices

... Lo~adonl. AagU~tb 10, less. A .MFS LURNS; 'us` to acu~'tn ctwii ott I . DfQ C) U USES cm thec I'M UIDS SUvl'i' ER, p roa icloi fit 'i~li(-lliChaelSt. 'Mcrv~lc'I'icc ltI wit!) a vilo' to jastit'- 111 Ic,- ,ccilla ?? of tho plicuc1itit-vs It--ltilc of ?? Cooit11 :Vo! ; ilil l Rt'lllv to ()iijctilcct. ltv h'ia I-V. WI LLIAM D)0DS3 m~li it I t, .A. Mincister. 12011o- cloth, pricc' 3s. Mi. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r'I-N'Z A R T:S. It T. FOItIfFi. 1vl'ORl-tIAI ?? Ict~s to inittociti' to I'm-cl-S A.T,, andi thel I'ttlttlC ill PTeILTI'rl , tiatit.: cii ci xc'itid a miniulier ofA NTtN(,S for ati iidjriiial 11.. ?? 01cii5 i.~ itll~im~lt to tll!he thtemc otyl is hands, lie .-lispiist oif thelm, %vocc ith others, h. .ibi'pii. iii ?? pcittli ?? from'ci stt-1ii o1 tn'( filuiet l'civitilt. Ill li''icfd (d cub, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ecordlinl't w'itli Requisitions, atit a s1111loti1s, ',lreadv Pub.) isleo. ;tit Exitrisitillimir I.Meltjt-tin- o tifit SYNoi) of Al itnE 1tii.: it wil befeli. 1'11in the~ WeIlt CIIIivll l. 1 Xi' V ?? AEEII.DEMN UNIVERSITY HILL . TO PAROCHIAL SCHOOLMASTERS. ~S lie PRIESB3YTII'IAL MEETNGS w' SCHOOLIMAS. A'~TERS. fol' tic Ehti4tioi oF Del~gatvs to Thuc Ilcural Aiinli;, ogL 1-'ShotlI ii bit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )o CORN AND FODDER, CATTLE, AND NEW GRASS.J To lie ,oid. liv pblic roupt, at DEEUIA\F(. on '1'lirsiav 7thMayq, INE HIC'KS of CORN and FODDER, one PARK of NEW N GRASS, a verv handsomel 4Year old MARE, trained to all ' kinds olWork. would carry a very lheavy man, or answer for a Gig; Rr and aI youli gCOW rn alf. '0 Theiroup to begin at 11 o'clock, andl credliton speurity. a- ?? ROSS, Auctioneer. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POrt TIIE 11MVEYIT or M I S S T Y 1 E n, Who respectfully solicits a shbaie of public patronage. OII Friday eveiing, Mlarch 20, 1835, . Will be pertbfoned, tite popular Nautical Burletta of THE PILOT: onl, A TALE OF THIE SEA. Mr Masterman will Dance his much admired Buffo Dance. To iwhich vilI be added, ?? very lugbable lnterlude of THE DEAD SHOT. Altver th(! Interlude, The Misses Tyrer will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THlE PUBLIC LIBRIARY, ABEISDMED. B tROW N & Co). Ieg, to inforlmI tbeir Sublscribhers and tilt I vtail Po11'n:1 i BOOks, as they are published. Ti si Libritri has bioiui ?? for upwards of' hatlf a cwtilturv n1 ii braces ionst of thle itro rt'a t Works, in H-iISTORY, 170:Y. I fla, TRAVE'LS, NOV ELS, P'OETRY, and PLAYS, thiun 'IN. been plibiiished dill ig that period. AList Of thie N1,rV PU It ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D. WYLLIE~ & S6N'S 51, uniota Stre~et, AbefaLoen. Pr iii LIST of NEWIll I OKS latti . roceived at Ibis ?? iY is itolt' rea'dy, attd mayli e had~ on ajlillicttition. Ini ibis -t. ool ii te (erand C aitsiu'lfl, isill Ib' tbiiil ;III eattilsive (l cion of tie principal Books pit lifie Ii duriinig the la st I in tv BookOWThA of iitteremit, and the Th'-i'it'i'i a itf Mt!Ii~l~tt ;jat!,I'd to this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DI10 r' 1r. Y. 'TI4F. ABERDEEN FlEE1' AND) LIFE ASSURANCE ~ COMPANY ?? t a'e iwe ?? csciiicd ii Ith T rtn' E to ~trai o LifaNd i a'iott, ilat lit Prupi't , Thiris of ?? ?? Iii o'i'tsI, oild Annull (i Pt Lo'ot~, lV IVIV Of 11'de1'niablo Anuity, iidu'I0VILtiits, 'L ti ntistia'ii iiltiriated Ill suco ltli'ii, ti5''lti :110i1t oldls ?? gI at i IILIiIi'e III;0, I u,;s it v ?? res a1 It'la(d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AEPIMEBN TOWN AN~D COUNTY BANKC. X TIMAIArjeN is liccehy givenc, in terms. of the Eighth Article of tic.- Cciacc 2:0: ccfo-imi-i ci ty, that, at a (~'c'rMct c-ial OF tic c;-a v. ?? o'c the 5tih cccacvccc, the i'aii cc-tg Gentlemenlct IWerc V,:ctili-,- ire:ors ccj dwn ecvoincaci ticci, vii.- 1A LENA N1D. R BiRO)WN, 1Esji. Met-Chacit, Ac'rcic'n. Lc.te'riWILLIAlf tiv nu-NE1 or Mliwiciory Lotge. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sliar tl will ie Published, A1r'D tSPF.CS'rlFtli.LY DEDICATED Tro TIzlM ?? MDL.OND)ON SHIPPINOs MIP14.wt I,t8 AN AQU'ATINTA 11iNiRAVING OF TIHEIRI SPLlN'1D. NEW STREAM IIIP C I TY OV A B E D E E, V ROMl A PAINTING BY W. J. HUG(HINS, AMIIINR PAIN'TER TO IllS NIdJiSTV, ANDI PUBLISHiE.D IBY 5111 If. Sn hsrli heri Namis irvi vli at No. I06, LenadvilialI SIrivet; by 1 M] ?? Mherlli,-'s W1h:arf St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i'Z'TH MIAt!OTOR19 OW SWNI'MRM1. JtI G I,. wr I, iI E V, Us~t.Y p~oisd of the honour juie conferredt by the Jleyistered !ES Ceuqnsituen~cy, I liope I may, uwithout jpreflu-ptwt, 5olicit s~ aial s:spire to the conlntence tund support if the Electors added ( tro the' camtta Rolt. ft1 l-tc&'rs lie not to speak of, fatr less to eulogtize, miy~ humbtt lei S Sucht as I hues bceen, so rvill I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GEORGE BOOTH & SODN, W7ATCHIArAKrRS AN7D JEWELLERS, )Et1G leave. to retu~rn their best thanks to thel, Nobility', Gentry, 13) tid Pti'lir in, tttnerttl. for the extensive sitppori'tthey halve ai boen pleased to bestow aspon them.r Il tpls Tlerm they have been obliged to REMI~OVE to No. 82, Ii ?? Shop hit meldia ?? ?? Of thudil' fourmer one0, bid ~itti't'extnsiv 1irntiee-wet eG2 . devotes all ...