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Advertisements & Notices

... AEPIMEBN TOWN AN~D COUNTY BANKC. X TIMAIArjeN is liccehy givenc, in terms. of the Eighth Article of tic.- Cciacc 2:0: ccfo-imi-i ci ty, that, at a (~'c'rMct c-ial OF tic c;-a v. ?? o'c the 5tih cccacvccc, the i'aii cc-tg Gentlemenlct IWerc V,:ctili-,- ire:ors ccj dwn ecvoincaci ticci, vii.- 1A LENA N1D. R BiRO)WN, 1Esji. Met-Chacit, Ac'rcic'n. Lc.te'riWILLIAlf tiv nu-NE1 or Mliwiciory Lotge. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sliar tl will ie Published, A1r'D tSPF.CS'rlFtli.LY DEDICATED Tro TIzlM ?? MDL.OND)ON SHIPPINOs MIP14.wt I,t8 AN AQU'ATINTA 11iNiRAVING OF TIHEIRI SPLlN'1D. NEW STREAM IIIP C I TY OV A B E D E E, V ROMl A PAINTING BY W. J. HUG(HINS, AMIIINR PAIN'TER TO IllS NIdJiSTV, ANDI PUBLISHiE.D IBY 5111 If. Sn hsrli heri Namis irvi vli at No. I06, LenadvilialI SIrivet; by 1 M] ?? Mherlli,-'s W1h:arf St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i'Z'TH MIAt!OTOR19 OW SWNI'MRM1. JtI G I,. wr I, iI E V, Us~t.Y p~oisd of the honour juie conferredt by the Jleyistered !ES Ceuqnsituen~cy, I liope I may, uwithout jpreflu-ptwt, 5olicit s~ aial s:spire to the conlntence tund support if the Electors added ( tro the' camtta Rolt. ft1 l-tc&'rs lie not to speak of, fatr less to eulogtize, miy~ humbtt lei S Sucht as I hues bceen, so rvill I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GEORGE BOOTH & SODN, W7ATCHIArAKrRS AN7D JEWELLERS, )Et1G leave. to retu~rn their best thanks to thel, Nobility', Gentry, 13) tid Pti'lir in, tttnerttl. for the extensive sitppori'tthey halve ai boen pleased to bestow aspon them.r Il tpls Tlerm they have been obliged to REMI~OVE to No. 82, Ii ?? Shop hit meldia ?? ?? Of thudil' fourmer one0, bid ~itti't'extnsiv 1irntiee-wet eG2 . devotes all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ill 1a' PUBTLIC 1100OOMS, Ol MfltA Itial lthl o'f ?? 'JI 111iCt ol1t' LF I; Diurwr ex:tl'lV at h)al.- vie I' t'i ~ js~ I- P i -% ) f~ l I-1 ' ~ o 'l'4 ' 101i$Aria of p;'w ' al, seerude111, Ihip ?? 'if till i - Da, /1heii' ?? i)l lhorisedl bI T'ioe''os, to be 001wined ?? ?? (If o.0 fitinmus, 1111(1 whoh 214t,ill /e issu;ed @i A al 8itr 2rl3 o'dlfw If thll dug's qf te Club. NOTICE 7' t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )o CORN AND FODDER, CATTLE, AND NEW GRASS.J To lie ,oid. liv pblic roupt, at DEEUIA\F(. on '1'lirsiav 7thMayq, INE HIC'KS of CORN and FODDER, one PARK of NEW N GRASS, a verv handsomel 4Year old MARE, trained to all ' kinds olWork. would carry a very lheavy man, or answer for a Gig; Rr and aI youli gCOW rn alf. '0 Theiroup to begin at 11 o'clock, andl credliton speurity. a- ?? ROSS, Auctioneer. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J TO THE ELCOSOF BANr'FSHIRE. ?? quiet 911d ?? ceItitY i~s ihoJ Ito be inside tle mes or niew O political agi rtatio, and cerjioi persons tire at work to Iomenet eonjirno- tion osuiong its. Their preetences aee insulting, and will doletilessb reene nos socli. Mairoly they tried thitr streng~th, taclied by all thle prowor ,ttl ij flIC neec Of Gevetrnmeiot, egainst youn yet fearlessly ye slid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MA1RMALAD~ OrtANCG95, &e. upyo TILAMl'MIE hasI just got to hand( a largesupyo o VN it o u N G 3-is, ?? minmA.mmt, of Superior qusit, eit~ ?? tooriit~t, pic l~l Itl. Flue ME-S. ~i \ X LEMONS, .t 4d. with goodLUMP SUGARI, for Pre- D iiig, i liii..h~d., aiti lid Also, an ad, ill VXCVllent Moidi- it, I une iaiiriy of Mssrs Mxx me:itl & Pow a:i. t.'s stiperior it T 0 T I-1 E 1P V 1 L I C. J011AT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iS0tt, 7MHE Annual Generail MNeeting of tile INDEPENDINT CA. Ce to &ILLEDOIANX LODGE or OD)D-VELLOWS, lii Fensort. t0oti bur-li, wiill be hehl wvithin tiei r Loilgi'-tilt onl the 31set of Deceto - 'lme ?? 1flmrtsilerv-buit Oil Tutesday tue 6fth Janmuartv, 1313, hein ?? ml O first dmiv of Old Oh 'isti oas ; Ithenl the prseti ce Of the Miemhers is dill.. ripcii e sttii, tid etslitiially5 thioot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mmnd proved 1i ?? Speculat ion tO thre shippers.-t'eeth Couiete;, Ql-DIVZNXTIT nuRSAIIY. r~'HP CIIsoII)Iraitim'e Tri'hl for tire ELECTION of a BURSAR, I ooil II 'pee's founda tion, ivill be held et K X N'GS CoLLr. r7,Enm,> on- l Sa~tIoedmy thle, Will l)eCm'm1bel, mit ii) o'clock A. M. C;timlimlates dii admitted to Stand trial most liare been regular Studments ofth osi 0 Colle-, precpared to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THiE ELECTORS Or TI~f COUNTY or f3EN'TLE31EV, f jul t ly 1iroiid1 of' Y'our I' Ctimled 1 contidonce'lee.1a ?? 13. so ppoi'tI havol l-aceigl. placed lilt, ill ti diistili-IlilsI 'd4 stt.. ?? that tilt,' si'ltiinelilts NVhiih I hat hal111 the. satis- 1011101 ut C2f 1115 plp0 'llo o I ti:V I o ?? 11 cole ti eelv cot so iliny Oi~ 1,,luu have iflet teltth the ctitite a Ipih o of the clelat hode ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T0tE CLUB im -EETS in the Punai~sc ROO-ms, ott MONnAf V the 22 d inst. n DinDerat nalf-past hLlET5 at 5 .-u e n THO. BURN ETT, Secy. R A rerdeen, 9t n9 June, 183.5. D fn N.13-FroN the B.-eat ilset greni ence e repru reed thrologh, tl'e D iitinited adinisqion of private Servantss, q te Seqn7iltsshe of the i 5w . as to tli 2cill be enforced. / cnrt-ain SSumIr will only be s s ifqu e-;ed, and ...