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Advertisements & Notices

... SIMPSON & WflYTE EsECTFULL.Y iniltimatte theatririval of thti' Pitrcimistis lo th ~ II ElI''Ii TADE: , (2uttiltii [IN, Seletetd, by ot tO of tholeo - .. it ON o~,-csistil'2of' SL71t'EIIFINE' CLO)'lHS, il till w* ,ioIf Ctoloirs ;CASSEIMERtES, and ?? ST U ?? II'jo~ .R It HIIaol C ltOIC2 S t: I, ELIION1 of FASHIION ADIUX GINIf'%`N'S CLOTHi-i ES made opl accov'iing to thle newest ?? aol n the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :f:: :- ~l9. PII :Z'4 AIDj;;4 :I I! ?? ?? ?? I)I i ;) l) ti l~\.It ):lt; i ~l) E !I rv!, ~ ?? ?? 1 ;;Z !w l~ ,,Z firs F:1,, ;I ,) lasts, ?? ?? III: ?? T ?? : 4AN PATRSX, ?? ?? II!t:~ ,{ I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 1TVP 0XT& MrEIX vT E liSPFCOTFULLY itilniattl the artrival of their Purchasses for .BI Elhe S1U ,1211;1 ER IIADIm, cliret iilily ai by one0 of thtn-ni. Selves, ill IA0')G~1tN,-c0IklIiSIi1)g Of S ?? CLO)THS, Iin all tI - p)rm-ail n I Culours, C ASS! M EAU S, and lF Nfcy' SITUrFF, fill- TUlOU~ioi'IA I211 a CuoicE SELECTION' Of rF`SlIIoN.A 1ILl. AVAISTCI)ATr (NS. Hi: 20111.111'e:M '.1s CLOTH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE BUR t3ESS Or GUILD OF AREnlfin.m GC 'VTLrNtt!T, AV IN C been, solicited lby at ,nuMe-ls t0115ho (rii mt Fow ..RjL BttrCCs5C to become at ICamlidltte for hie offle oif v Ou Deaom, o)11 it' ensiilinl Election, I be~g letive to state, tha, itt amirmi.itic ith UthI etr wishes, I hat's ronomi~eted to oltfr insvt I Its lf - Canhdaititi ?? i~lt office(, and respect I11 vy to solicit 30111' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARPEITING. AMfILIES enlipl~ied wlith CARPETS, of every description, inl Aliso, STiAIRt.CA lI'TIN XC1` DntlJ4)IU(IETF, II EARTH RiUGS, inl gre'at valiety, AT Till'. sk,oardepet Carpet Maluactr,-Y I, Lownar Dltti Srsster, (soti mit t C:ioeisStresf) iattertI. ?? to' tihL ?? a Itli ortl't'5 mset iln, Wtitht 1Ina- ?? of tise, Rstttl0, Spitt i executed. V ~ ~WilAprl, C LASSES \ANDEIRSON' livz- to ...


... re/a ii r 1I: IntI it i ;t I/ilt, C0%TS lto cn Id' v ;,ati Ip hi; 'lllIsLIC- DIN N Ali ill 1/in (it/?T 1-ho Sli.,.see,. toi Ft fiAT\ the iel/ Y'Nilly Cut-! it o0/c'~c, I. the ;e so.iie!0~itil of ?? Jleefil q li/if -,ON'5 hot mi. a 211 ?? thle 6IIy Mcniteri hus kiiidi oilt ?? ii ?? iv-. Ni. rue/h, to hr hadu at 11is )LjO~'s lotri Non Sari ii/'i ya~~ If~ tc 7t/i, (it it0, A. M. D-11- Of-' SALE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,f 'HARUOTIR OF NEWBURGH. i- At at General Meetting of Sllill ( tilers atillothers Interested it) t ?? prilsl'wity orthe T'lele adll Port of Neirlihii' iliv] lt Nvvbiugli, on 2iith Septeiubur, IU0135, in teoms of previous CII Viive S til Clis: ANn DTitr:%v LI mx a rwoou of M ItridIgeinuir, Pheses It B13 1:NE1, A vnca te in Aierilein, Cuminissioner for : C 0 ml UDN'i of UDNiY, liicitie laid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TFI CLUE E'Sinl the PUVBLIC ROOIMS on) WEI)17SDAy thle 219t dac t% f Apiril ?? a 1;I If-p;aSt FiA`0-IlBitS at Itive o'clock. -Ibe TH0~'lE . BUtENET', SmlciTiA fli. Abrdeen, Ifith _April, 18553. ?? ABERlD EliN S I-IRE. A-mm-ol Getaeval Dl~eeiing of Coflmrigsiaters of Sutpply, mand Turnpile aid Commtlftttiol Trusitees. Ut~tNlS of RUPP'Ll, aol TITHN11KE, ;intl CO, . 'ii~t''ft i '1II~l'E'ifo ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lI tit: idlLI'T' Elo tilt'z I lsvtsi . ?? O 0 ?? Eli LP l I U V, ti. 1411i ! ?? 'l'U11!vp Os.l Ito p~lt tions MIOLASS ES. crol' it oirl. 4 bc.',c'n , J'ilay 20, 111,35. 'I lSEIA1~P119AND LEVATH'lER CUT')' 1.3 ?? if \Susia'ts~iIsu 'tr SIt 1) tt'tt'i fE(LP2o4 StII 1iIt VvI-cI'N' low rikvces lo' cash. TheL foillowizcit ist !;S ist'u 01 I IS Itc C Itt I -.I tp blw 3t a s ~ lb. Hit .slitClintf, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POR'rRAIT OF THE RSIGHT HOI¢OURLABLE JAmIES ABERCROIWBY, . 7'LL its sHL SPEAKE R. JILL be Publisbedt S0on, by Mil'. KAY, Prlintseller, NO, 5, W Greenside Place, Edinburgh, an ENGn.VI.NS bV an emnr01lit London Artist, fromt at POIrtlrait in thle DOSeSUSiol 0 OF tile RIGH T HONOUINIAllLE Loiti) ABsEItCiiO.tiY, lattely painted by Mr. COL. VIN SMITH, S.A. Prints ..1 . 1 0 Proofs.1 .. I 10 0 Do. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P. JOYCE'S ANTI-CORROSIVE PERCUSSION li- POWDER. it HR Nobility, (Gentry, and SportingL World at large, are re. tipectt'llyv i i tot- hat this ivid I.triel Composition, wvarrant- ed ed in I every res'pect, i1i: v ihe badi, as usia I, of every respectable (un- maker in Englancd, urireand, and Scotlantd, nniler the forms of C;ps, 'atches, &rc. ill Pockets of25 ad nil50t each. price 3s. and ls. W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rlIOWERS. SE ED WA~-RE l1OUI' rSi`, ?? UNION STBEIA T. A. M''iitSN ie A-4 ilAT1'iF T titi' the iiintv .1tisafa'1tori't' :lo'tle Ii'd ?? hie Ilitf 1 -rt' ted i'i'tfrin thet A.\'!i'ti-ulwrl'' ot' Alivrietlishlie, (whoil pil'. dkla. ?? ert ttilke allitotitlic,, that lie till bav' to liilii, iii' tilt ill- ot' ihis A'zrivu't -it''5 Fritni., and Mowil'rl' itt. '1 v1,: Xi'. F CS ovy:'V c'ci itbos ...