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... iEnLAND. it n The Newry paper states that a farnern )f Ryan, was murdered on Wednesday o Ib e turn from Newry towards home I gO it custody on suspicion. d Seven whiteboys ornightboys savel bt to Carrick-on-Shannon jail, oin a clhare f5 n cerated and punctured with holly be ' I t James Hynes, near Manoriamil t 0 paid a nocturnal visit. Armed parties are s, h in the county of Leitrim, plunderilv ...


... ?? ? T A .I, ?? E ? . I I ?? . . 1. .1 , I 0- ILM'.1 I ?? -Ijt ?? .i-tCeleaiiughte' (If ?? Cle i l i sacof Si ?? 0011- sod ch~ll fhilt\ aisl I ?? t'e~iteii itsfI- lii 111 tll LIf isiOlI~ ti xcel- 1,~.t l~ l~, Wi lvly at itblle phluti atighl IO f iiI I iili vuy ne1tL 1t11 11 ; u in w to'4h1113 he iitlero 00 tltdtelg [ano years tigm Sbt I1lssons ct thle gulitilr ftom ?? i 111101CO R0 ...


... ?? s\SSIX., 1.(MVFA. MfiIPIS, 0 H} _ it 1' A ?? lA S. (:i il e of ?? so Io:t horrb IlI cataI y eas latv' c( It itt itted in thle arro(ttli. -niect of Forcalullier-ltIaiely, the tsurter oi a ?? by his ott i thhild cii with tile san-c tioll of their slothiels icy wcie 1l1 brought up ) to take tlhtial , this COoliE atid iscrC l1l(cld itt tlle dc-li all i11 it ro) lIe) pearjdC; rel greatly d ...


... LS- PooR LAW.S. . `lMhatever difference of ?? my axist as to .ccrtaiui parts or provisionS of th- rew P'oor Law Act, there Call bc but one opinion af the, misehiev- ous tendeney of the chliases relatinlr to biastmrily. At tlie various Qtiartfr Sessions which hvve I e-n -just held thioroudout thle country thc evils resultinl from these provisions becti most fully *ev2- loped and ...


... it Mlary Ann Blu rdock was indicted for the wilful nmr- Bd der of Clara Ann Smith on the 23d of October, 1833, o by administering to her a quantity of arsenic. The at ?? pleaded Not Guilty to the indictment in a firm voice. Sevcral witnesses were examined and cross-examined at at great length, and the court. sdjourned until Satnr- day morning. The trial was resutmi.oL that day, un and further ...

Carnarvonshire Quarter Sessions

... Cirnarvonshire Quartcr Sessions. * I * I , , , ?? A . * - 'lwse scssii0s colnenicired in tile County Il ll, on ''lit rdday. R''Ie Uisgistartes preselt werc,-Colonel. i't ry M ?? elairianll l Joln Williamis, Esq. Itan- g0o; hIev. J \V. 'revor ; Rev. T. 11oberts, li endre - li Nv . 1. Jones, Llanengan 1lev. G. Owen, Urn- wich ; lRev. ?? V. Villialn lja i'lareiuvwenll Rev.J. OWen1, Collway liev. ...

Anglesey Quarter Sessions

... Anglesey Qua~rter Sessions. se Te ?? of the P'eneo for the bA) id County of Ainglesey, were held[ at the. Shire Hall, oil In B~eaumaris, on 1:'Tuesday last, before Joita W~illiamso, II, n- lSqt. (chairmnan,) WV. Saparrow', Esq. John Price, Esq. hit in V. IBulkeley WHighs, ?? the Alev. Alr. 'thlonmas, &c. Ct .t- 'A'llo Chairman .addressed the grand jurl,' at consi- the I derab Ic length in ...


... ' ~ NOnrTiAInTrr,-ilenry Newill, aged 45, was iir. on gc dicted For liavinog, onl thc night of the 2d. of F ohriiary UOs 1Id list, mal iciouslyv set fire to at stack of straw, ut d anl thi: or - Otthousc a djoi ling thereto, in a farmyard in the parish eli ant of hel verron, in this county, inl thle Occupation of Iel! lol *iospli ChkittIC, a farmer': The indictment ceoitainc([l I it 11 other ...


... THE MARQUIS OF WVATERFORD AND THE NEW YORK POLICE. ,ed (Fronm the New York Herald (f October.) RTHREE NOBLES ANxo A COMIMONERII N LIMBO. One of the most extraordinary events that ever took 'place in the New World has jost occurred in thisI blessed city of New York, near the foot of Washing. -ton-street, and in the police office in the park, Justice H-opson presiding, and M'vr. Calender, clerk ...


... (BeJboe 1ifri BUron Bloland.) Fanny Billing and Catherine Frarey *vere indicted for the wvilful murder of Mary, the wite of Peter Tay- lor, by administering arsenic in gruel. The prisoner Frarey is tile wife of a shoemaker at Burnham (tile birth-place of Nelson,)and at thle time of the commission of the murder in quostion she lodged at tho house ofa Mrs. Lakc next door to the deceased. Peter ...

County of Anglesey Assizes, THURSDAY, MARCH 19

... County of Anglesoy Assgzs, TlHLU lA , MAINCHI l. Bie LA ectiI t%%l VII and liii' IIPllock, tleIii' lli. li~llti iii thle pariishi ilitirli, aniii t a aii Inolst iltmpressileI (Ii' ?? r1 Ofo I lI ii'V VA 211. J llI! X sflN, (I AI IIpI, vv I I i~l ?? (I)VULOP tlie colilili.iolslo ill tim, 6hire litili, Built Thr Ie f low iog geiilleineti Were smmorn (a i G mu in, ?? co t'i'so, t2E- toy1\hso I ...