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South West, England


Bristol, England


Bristol, Bristol, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... V P NELL' T HOTEL, CLEVEDON. L r eSpectfu flly announces to his Friends pt pUU L palir that ho hos opened the above HItel, and * ifil the ce oi' Mrs. Purnell (late Miss Whitbread' sthe circuin5t cage Id for Six Years in conductin g the e ectivet the hite Lion Inn, Brreet Bristol, ovil0 lonso Bassured confidence that the internal arrange _ 1 °llobahltnel( asll aTomote the comfort, and secure ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EtcnE0iana & Ekuti#ap'o vto. LONDON, Weduesday, October 8.3 PAIN.-Thc following Decrec of her most Faithful Majesty the Queen of Portugal, has just been received LISBON, Oct. 16.-OOlicid Depa D tmnzCt of Foreign Afifirs. ' -Her Most Faithful Majesty, desiring to accede to the wishes expressed by Her Majesty, the Queen Regent of ha! Spain, in the name of Irer august diughter; her Catholic the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ile Bridgtwater nid Tatinion, Worceister I11 kRrE5 S Chard, and Grand Junction Canals; Bath, d ^11isnd ba,b-Ilm, Chartered, Equitable, Phoenix, and 31 r Oil, 11mm firand Junction, London anid Birmingham, aeerul GR'ilinays; Bristol Philosoplbieal Institution, vitedrn fill1 De 17roitwaich Salt, Old Bread Concern, and couaeroa Rooaemsank ej and' South Wales )istrict Bank- L'm Of 5ngl1i'l nn e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARGO LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, 89, TROGIMORTON-STREerT, LONDON. 63, KiNG-STrsTr, IANCHErSZR. 6, EXCHANGE-STBTRiT, EAsT, LVERrooL. CAPITAL, £300,000. In Three Thousand Shares, of X100 each. MUCH LOWER RATES OF ASSURANCE thanthose of any other Office will be found in the original and extensively. varied Tables of this Company. Extractfrom the Tables. |5 | O 4 |2O |3i9S 1 35 1 190 A Board of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO Br TETf, M nil imflmedite rossessioni, - I / *cment DWELLIN WIIOUSE and SHOP, No A 0 82. CASTLE-ST1REETr, A, -the occupation or Messrs. GonwiN and HENSLEY. sinoy Yea--ar particulars enquire at 84, Wine-Street. R~ING-SQUARE., TO BE LET, W e.clent MESSUAGE or Dwelling-House in k in.-sprsare, Bristol; rosistinIg of 2 parlours, a drawing Ah iebjrooms, 2 attics, and 2 kitchens, with a large room ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rY Id BIltTHS. June 9, at Chard, the lady of S. Ware, Esq. a son and hei. se. J une 1), at Clifitoi the ladyrof Capt. B race, R. N. of a daughter. June 12, at Dowi es, the lady of Jamaes Wetvtworth Buller, Esq. r- of at son and h ir. It, June 14, at Iarringdon, Berks, the lady of William Bennett, Ot Esq. of a so5i. Id Jule 16, at 10, Burlington street, Bath, the lady of C. C. Elwes, by Esq. of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Ive %dn -AsdT6Wd `--J-' p WheW~~~~v~~'voqs C stieig j M iSpOe perie :AAtU0ty a et leepr 0 tlgo t1 h yoj~V , fitA, dnLAr'X.V$4eF b s. l ceipaigvighro lpgh aod. s~~WyA~hkS Nrs..~ ~ ~ ssn~~~c' ue ,r rot I Z~ISwt b~r: . , ,.2 Ntiz O 1T DslOeLAS,§'Ip PONafIw at s ~datn ie -exrafio~o bradpoitss,'thHode . *2 Ns 0 DTU rTEHO ssrrnge ono ml haa~d,.wttSS H`,(ler I 2F 0~t Stx. ntix; nk,~ Voa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... kq ,L - : , . , THUB. 8D : BRISTOL AN D N2TWPOR - . .::Si ES, P.6ST : . . W 5its oat-nes~ wyeWesl fi o1o: t- FRO BRISTOL. . 7j s tued#. tAmoslng 91, Saindat; 1, rroenln d 9,. NFonday. 8 : 1m1sorning 13, o'ndk .q m:roinn i8. !°,ds ..~R, ~i,9 wtalg i % ? . 7+morning 4 Af C: UI.4. ;s nwre.Ci U etd 8we rp , -a Pilodc 9 lgq.Is 3 e r F ur-wh: .;igd mormn TwoJhe dit s.. B mron e; 9AphSs ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AE ifrcellent OpptrfenitE r for 'E,7- .& '.TO0B) L E T, ~ ' 1 -N & TAVERN, sitlat' (tl4f4 i>4iILiee, ii~he'&'rbhof Bedminster, in tbe conrity -of. 6t, 5vlt~iib o Eite t of Eiristol; comprisnx an excellenjt hrtesiti . owin ivirk si)tb ht complete, good KitchenQdrdeni, J0liii9 Greeti,'Skittfnd .Nine Pins' Alleys, Sixteen- ii taIkle with , oach-lH ouse, &c. '&c. , ,i; The House is large irnd ...

t1 It e 1, ie PATRONS. James Johnson, physician extraordinary to his -MAjesfy; Author T. Hokr d, physician to the

... St. Mary-le bone Dispensary; Tbons Hodkin, ?? physician to Guy's Hospital; Chas. James Fo, M.Di., 28, Billiter-square; It. Rowley, M.D., physician to the AIdersgate Dispensary; H. Campbell, M. D., -Queen-streeti Cheapbibde; Amos Middleton, senior physician to the Leamington Hospital; Charles London, physican to the heatmington Blatking Institution ; Jonathan teireira, ?? licturer on materia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IkE'D~and.RA8PHD! DYEWOOD tr SALE ~~ I~2mt.- 78. 6d Z o D okOp(EY7 y 1a ADY, (Mra. ~U~lELSP M EST[C. C.OK W Ot1Poo. 14 AY, A 2ip I34 bu H.AWL' 90 N' Al Nal.t~~ I_ hI -IONMVS .G4V(EttawaICiE I' * fiOZ~.LR~ao~ f*7duonis'clra1 BR3FISTOL A'i' CARDFF. Theew'an 'wat~ong 3 VAMPACKtT, e 'd0' Xlbrie Power,'- Jouiz 'A'Ligg, Co6matldaar, intiaitagito, '.1y, dei~tlhe 'Monith of JihdnaIry, I'l:PA gerns ...

Advertisements & Notices

... re' FOR CHILDREN CUTTING THEIR TEETH. /1 US. JOHNSON'S AMERICAN SOOTHING N SYRfU P.-I his infallible Remedy has preserved hundreds ly of Children, when thought past recovery from Convulsionsarising of from painrful dentition. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the Gums the Child will be relieved, the Guums cooled, asid the in- ad llammation reduced. It is as innocent as efficacious, tending to ...