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South West, England


Bristol, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... I CA'Rl 1)F' ,D B S ,Q;L.: >-~~~~Tixe New ontl,beaultif .farstkoiag Stean-Packet i'ADY CHARLOTTht Two -Erikia, ThiFlY-H6i6e Power eafb, \. .pEC~j:I7[2$iF W#tIX oiX'E e ojisd .dOORa, Mond ,T p fls '.: Cmr clg tor Mnyecumiberl4 . ,i1 wpirii/g. ,' .2 aftl.'*. - Wednesday, December 16.. 12 noon S a =ternoon Friday, December 3.. 'orpoon 6 afternoon Mondny. . ,tenoon WednbsdayD e: 17. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .dGbWi7VERa/L FUIUVTI~SJJ'G~ D~EPOT, 7,NU- ZON-ST N TO: 33R Z:STOL., HEPropritorshave the* honbur of aonigto the Inhabitants and Viitars of Bit l hi adddltion to their uual'EtixtensIve and Valua~sle, Stock-a splendid accession of Britisb and Iforsign Manufacture, ~!':$domrlslng the most Elegant, Novel,: and UsdUl Artickls of the day. L.'& CO. beg res~1ectfoll~yto direct the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FORI SAL1V, ht handsottly-finished CAB PHAETON, AVery 1;e6 priving Seat, Shafts, anrid Pole, but little used. 0wiIhaHltcHE, incomplete repair; and a very hand. A LiglbB ii'ANDAULET, finished in the first style, nearly %dn ine ,rperty of a Gentleman who hasa no use tar it.-At ,lhop, MANeFAcroav Bedminster Bridge. BE ~~ LET, and may be entered on Immnedia dtely, 2'0 ,,,.Eslalblished and Good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... z LLANE~LTAn CARaMcARTHIENSchRE. TB BR? L13T and entered'Sapsn at Micsaelmas next. ArLL that well-known Commercial Ihi'and Posting- House, the' FALCON; aituate inthbectntre' of tt'eTo4'u of Lfasselly; the House coniitis qf four!ex'ceepI sitti I tom6 1S'BMiroms-'i a spacious Jat, Kitchenrap' Rbdrn, ap'optia Pantries, under- ound Cellars,' Breivhobse, ahd'three spaciou ala cdifortable Stables, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN N OU NC EJ 31 N N r TEA TILADES the present state of the Tea Trade much care iss requred in obtairnng TEAS of STERLING QUALITIAS, jtitttd to the s. 14 of' Famislies. H UNT & CO M PY , inform their mriend; that, owind to the great varrety and supdrior descriptionss of the last Bristol import, thev have bee~ab e to belct'a{ddded to the insports into variols parts of' to ekisgdosn) the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Crwttw-ell, T. M., W4lcombe -ooper, Shison, Berrow Cruttwell, lRobert, Widcombe louosel, S G .U, Tri.tol Cr,,okshank, 13. C., WiKdombe I lurmnan, H. P., Curry Rirell Cridlassd, John, Milverton Huvsee, ;ev. Rpwlaud, Lust Cripps, Gabriei, Swell Coker Cross, John. Brootisfided Hutschinig$, Robert How, Pil Crosse, Andrew. Broos1nfield naiustsr Crew,Josepil, Banwelt H ughes, Thomas, Freshford ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SELL TNG OFF AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. VTHE I.MMENSE sToCK )OF 'WOOLLEN DRAPE-lRYi, At T. BLETrHYN's, 16 MARY-PORT-STREET, V171E P.reTnimes. in which the Woolle .Dr'pery Tusiness is carried on, beitw 'ebdo to fwtdergo;'a cotnR~te alteration. 0 en r ' The STOCK consists xf Goods of the mest iFashiouable and of the best Quality, consisting of every article that can be required lor the Trade. - - ' . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FATR'NS ames Johnson, physician. extraordinary to his Mlajesty; Arthur VT. iolroyd, physician to thseSt. Mary-le-bone Dispensary; Thomas f1o4gkin, .d. D., physician to G UY'S Hospital , Chas, James ' 1'., Billiler-squere; .. Rowley, M.D., phys(tian to the Alderegate Dispensary; H. Campbell, M. 1D., qipvn-stetj. eChapside; Amos ]lidileton, seniorphysician to 'agfon loapitaI; C 4arles.oudo4i, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... |T'OHEP II ; '-RISTOL' '!H[PSTOW, A!ND NEWPORT STEAA PACKETS ; ; 1t jl ;! - :Will &ail gext Weak an follow:, . BRISTOL. FROM' CHEPStO W. Apiil April 0, Modndiy: -' 9 morninfg 6ff, Monday ., 12 noon 7, Tuesday:.,..*, 91mriDnfl*g 7, Tuesday .I afternoon p, Wednesday 10 morning 8, Wednesday 2 anterno,4n 9 Thurisday '12baftern ' 9,' Tlisday 3tafternoon 10, Friday 7 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e, V CORDIALBALM OF GILEAD. e AI[ESSRS. BROWNE & RELD beg leave to informthe v:. . Public, that they have received from Gilead House, a fresh - .parcel ofthe CORDIAL l-ALM of GILEAD, the most ap. proved medicine extant,'for the radical cure of Nervous Disorders and Diseases of Debility, and the relief of those whose 'constitu- tions 'laie been impaired by intemperance and youthful impru- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .fl 4LSAMIO'i S.-The suqriority AJHLS1~~1CP~t1~qier' Co.'v~ Cubbs ixz everj otpr ediin, is.the Cu~q of 0oporlthws. Gel~ tjtr4 from teir trordsn~y ~ema~4 andunieerqail sisicqea~ jiath above complit;p0e teit'rtp~troducitionhto.'the1ibi tbonsands ofciSe s.tfllybencurbd.:1! Witpin-th eyearj, prioy to, whic ;fbey p :~ mlyd.~pr~~patcitu wards of 180cases, (wy fW.ipypiirht), qd,irn npo ope nataC~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O1 TICULc hRuAL & BOTANICAL n rIFTH EXFIIBI'II IN on this Society for tte N1varsilt be on .LrUESI)jAY, the 15th or September. at , EssiO RIt ~, T 01 PARKiSTREEe, at 'rwvo lsele the R oo i I r c s will be exhibited for' Prizesa, ien qh A1t o vrli sr0 iil ttd elw~ rc --- uaIt n sr ecn sm d 50 INDIAN TolEL'r DRAPERY, if, tile n 3 Inost esquisite style of Oriental Tinting. ...