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Derbyshire, England


Derby, Derbyshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ENALL & SON,1 (fe5o~nris55f to ?? jsda, 'ivet C7at,.447, West Strd d, , ' ~ .LONDON, and, pp]PECJFULLY announce to their numerous Finisi Customers that they-have opened with *0tirely new and elegant Stock of Goods, comprising On i oyelty of thepresent season, their premises, CORN e1oy XBT Z)Ft BY. The Stock cowprises an extensive ?? Desks, WVork Boxes, Porcelain, Bronlzes, ?? Soaps, Perfumes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. BREAREy. , IMPORTANT AND EXTENSIVE SALE OF FREEHOLD, COPY HOLD, AND LEASEHOLD ESTATES, At'Wirksworths Alderwasley, Crich, Kniveton, Matlock, Middleton, and Kirk Ireton, in the County of Derby. TO BE SOLD BY A UCT.ION, BY MR. BREAREY, f4ie House of Mr. Gamaliel Moore, the Red Lion Inn, in Wirksworth, Ott WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, the 18th and 19th days of NOVEMBER, 1835, subject to such ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ibi- - -- sent . t e BY Alli', B. CIIEA'1'LErd. ght ble, STAUXTON HALL, Leicestershire. thc TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, )1sian Jelly Mr. B. C'l/E.-I7'LE, ya On Wednesday, October 14(h, ll:s5, on the Premises at Stauntoti Hall, late the Rlesidence of the Right Hon. )Mc the Earl Ferrers lney LL the Valuable Fixtures, Brewing Coppers, ce uplis and Aplparatus, twvo beautiful lPicr Glasses of ce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOHN LIGNUM & SON'S ANTISCORI3UI'C DROPS, LOTION, AND OINTM1ENT. T HIS Medicine will be found of great service for LSoibutic Cnlp!alits itb tieir various turm,, as l'inlples, Scaly Erupdious, intolerable Itching of the Skill, Scalled Head, Blotilces of various colours, Ulcera'ed Legs, &c. hlie ArTIScornOr-Ic DRop8 have stood the test of public experience near hal a century, and the increasing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAS7 .,:iILDI;3 ; FROCKSJ TgAF S7u-sr 61,1917ES. I I I T to i;erI'Y respeoctf'lily ?? 5 rj jI, , !tS t' Derb~y ande its vicilzity, tilat they r re-tc' B3ridge, Corn Market. ho'0I ! ?? Cpes, C(lilars, Haibit Shirtsq d ?? j t ?? iroc3; :1td Frocli Bodies. Paris A:ilenlclnnes anrod L1islc Edging, I' 1. T'ird Ld Edlging, Spotted and Figured sC°'' \OCC'j'l (,'nzc anod Sarsoiet Ribbons, W1hite Sc1 * ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. BIZEAREy, SWA.RKSTONE. ptE NEW LEICESTER RAMS TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY Mr. BREARMY, On tie Fremises of Mr. SaMITHr, at Swarkstone Lowes, In the county of Derby, On Monday, the 7th of September, 1835 0RTY SHEAR HOGS, T'VO-SHEAR and , THREE-SHEAR RANIS. These Rams are descended from Air. Smith's original fkvk, and from which the Sheep lately sold at Dishley ,ere also descended, and have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... praemses in Rotton Row and Osmnaston Street. To be Sold by Private Contract, 5& HOUSE, No. 14, in Rotten Row, Derby, T comprizing a S1lO P well adapted for a retail business, 5itb six rooms over, and good cellaring under the same, f! 11 supplied with water and other conveniences, now in the eccupation of 31r. Mlart, (Hatter,) and let for a term of a ,,hich 9 years will be unexpired in January ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW AND INTERESTING WORKS Great Published by Chapman & Hall, 7 1834, 186, STRAND, LONDON. se or ELEGANT PRESENT FOR YOUNG LADIES, In one volume foolscap, handsomely bound in embossed cloth, tase. yilt edges, price 12s., or irs morocco 16s. HE RTITOR YOUNG LADIES' - T INSTUCTORIN ORNAIVENTAL PAINT.. ING, DRAWING, &c. Consisting of Lessons in ] 461 Grecian Painting, Orental Tinting. Transferring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L. DR. JAMES'S FEVER POWDER. is 'I HIS celebrated Medicine is iuvariably ?? -a.T by Physyicianis; and tot thow who carillint obtain nuedi cal advice watl cact planket ale enclosed full directions for d 15 u e. efiac smotcrtain if freely givens an the CY atak fFVILR, INFLUENZA, IUEASLES. SORE II) tack ?? FEcei tldal Cugi, and otlier Iniflammat~ory I ech lDisrders. 11s RH.UM/AI'ISM* mad laptac ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VISITATION. 3iE venerable SAIMUEL BUTLER, D.D. TlAchdeacon of Derby, will hold his Visitation In tde Ge h Church of All Saints, Derby, on Thursday the a the Parish Church of Chesterfield, on riday the xth days of June instant. Bay alate Act of Parliament all Executors, Widows, or et ef jin &c. are liable to a penalty of £100. if they Or neglct to prove is or take Administrations within six ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DERBY. HE Nobility, Gentry, and Public in general of T Drjtny aid its Vicinity, are most respectfully informed that a GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, Will be given on FRIDAY EVENING, the 4th of SEPTEMnBER, 1835, by MADEMOISSELLE GRISI, SIGNOR LABLACHE, SIGNOR F. LABLACIIE, SIGNOR PlO CIANCHErTINI, And SIGNOR PUZZI. PROGRAAMME.-PAET I. Duetto, ' Un Segreto, Signor ...