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Advertisements & Notices

... ac; ?? gro iees TOWN OF NOTTINGHADI. hea ent and of NOT'TINGHAM MARCHI FAIR. the re- f a ?? EREAS the first day of NOTTtINGHAM n I of W MARCiI FAIR happeneth this year on the Market ?? aid Day, namely, Saturday, the 7th of next Alonth, which will Bir rk render the holding of the Cheese Fair on that day imprac. nic, ced ticable; dayexe idy The Right Worshipful THE MAYOR Doth therefore tiqn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... By MRt. BIIEAREY'\ BY N . ;II 111y 1HltLLAND WARD. v EAT and. Useful FURNITURE, Plate, China, i rus.j, Horses, Gig, Saddle. Bridles, Linen, Books, r Ss ledigal and Surgical Works, Instruments, &c. &c. 1 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, 0 By Afr. BIEA REY On he Piemistes of Air. HALL, at Holland Ward, in the county of Derby, on Monday and Tuesday, the 213th .nd29th days of December, 1835, the sale to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DE1UDYS11RE & MOTT1INGHASH. I York IJ North of England ASSURANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL, £5OO,ooo. r E Directs of the Company, grateful for the very liberal support which they have received, and Twsfi.Ou OD AUt ?? to meet the wishes of their friends, have made a further call upon the Proprietors of £5. Shr se, making the paid up Capital of the Association £1 00,000 An amoutut which they conceive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I DUMAS, de Paris, s'offre aux Habitans de 'La Derby, Lichfield, et du Voisinage, pour donner des ors de -s langue. I1 prend cette occasion de faire con- ire qu'il peut enseigner lea Classiques, et las Mlathd- tiques, et ce propose en consequence, pour l'instruction Ot jeunes Gens, sur ces matieres. gn adresse esc: chez Mir. Leedham, a Burton on Trent, il 16side depuis hult mois ; mais il se ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RIPLEY. RIPLE:Y. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, 11HREE Substantial Brick built DWELLING b T. HOUSES, with a good Garden to each, situate st Green Hillocks, near Ripley, in the parish of Pentrich, and county of Derby, now in the several occupations of George i Cresswell, John WAll, and Joseph Phillips. Also to be Sold by Private Contract, a Quantity of OAK, ASH, and ELM TIaMBER TREES standing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. BRBYARy, &4DLEERGAT.1, DERBY. EAT & Iseful HUSEH)OLD FURNITURE, EXT livegoose feather bees, mattresse' handsome plated 0 'a$doble brrelled gun by Joseph Manjol,, single ditto, besce of soperior pls£ols. paintings, 'engraving, books, ,qver watches,- musical aauf boxes, barometer, &c. brushes, ombs, knives, anda var ietY of tancy articlesj TfO AE SoL12 BY AUCTION, .&om ti ar ~. 3B~ly, . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ylpR. ROWLAND BIEAIIEY FREEHOLD PROPERTY, BURTON ROAD, DERBY. (F TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. ROWLAND BREAREY, (F Tinder the Trusts of a Mortgage Deed, the Al the Wbite Swan Inn, in St. Peter's Street, Derby, on IVt Friday, the 21st day of Augu:at instant, at 6 o'clock in pet thc Evening, in such Lots as may be agreed upon, and H subject to conditions to be then read; A LL that MESSUAGE or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to BY EYRF AND SON-- Id Handsome double-bodied DENVNFT and Atarr IIAC1C lOrSDE, CLOTMNG, 10m2mB t 40' le TO BE SOLI) BY AUCTION :ir Er E YRE Soir,N, Id At the Coach House of TnOMAS PARKER BAIVUBRc to Esq. Chapel Street, Derby, or, Monday, the I ES ie February, 1835. at eleven o'clock; Lth of t CAPITrAL 13LACK GIG HIORSE, .hand 31 A.High, steady in farrcs, and a good roadster.-A l handsome ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E,. gand HARPUR ARMS INN, s SWARKSTONE. OARLES ADAMS begs most respectfully to inform his Friends and the Public he has entered upon Vif INN, where he hopes by keeping good articles, the abeO busiN'es, and moderate charges, to deserve a ttenti° toir and support. t th )pa rnag is fixed for TUESDAY the 16th company of any friend will be esteemed a ?? on table precisely at 3 o'clock. a - Cd. each ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Extensive and Desirable FREFIHOLD PROPERTY. To be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT, LL that CAPITAL MvESSUAGE and OUT- l3jVILDINGS, situate in the I RON GATE, DEnnv f ppsite All Saints Church,) late in the occupation of I L WBITESBURST, deceased. 5ylese desirable Premises consist of an excellent and tanytflly built HOUSE, containing an excellent light t r SHOP, Hall with private entrance, wide ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON S anda- Evening, April Sth, 1835, a SERMON 0 will ?? be preached at ST. PEita's, DERBY, in aid of the London Hibernian Society, by the &se. DANIEZ BAGOT, Act of rewry. Smerice to commence at half-psut Six. HE Rev. and Worshipful JAMES THOMAS .T LAW, Clerk, A.Al. Chancellor of the Dioceqe of Licbfield and Coventry, intends to hold his Probat Court In the Parish Church of All Saints, Derby, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? judo tlt tne eartn a mass ot blazing ruins I BY MH. ROWLAND BREAltEY. THROWLEY HALL. M R. ROWLAND BREAREY mostrespectfully I acquaints the Public that he has received inrtructions fmMr. THOMAS HARRIS, of Throwley Hall, to disp~osiofliis DAIRY STOCK , BY PUBLIC AUCTION. The Sale, which will. take place next Month, will conuist of Sixty-four Iead of Prime Dairy COws, Heifers, and Young Stock. ...