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... a Correspondent.) A great deal has been lately said in this neigh- bourhood with respect to promises made to Mr. Guest, when lie was canvassing the electors of this borough it can easily be conceived that parties will, almost imperceptibly to themselves, run into extremes, during the heat of a contested electio! Let us endeavour to look dispassionately upon the subject. It will be granted an ...

[No title]

... The unopposed return of Mr. Talbot and Nlr. Dillwyn for the County of Glamorgan is an event upon which we congratulate both them and the Constituency. The parliamentary career of those gentleman, however we may have differed from them in some points, has been such as to deserve a renewal of their trust, and a continuance of the confidence of the County. We should however not be discharging the ...

[No title]

... THE LORD LIEUTENANT OF IRELAND.—The Earl of Haddington, the new Viceroy of Ireland, is better known to the public as Lord Bitining-lis became Earl of Haddington by the death of his father, in 1828. He is a nobleman of very ancient family, of superior talents. a man of business, and, altogether, an eulighteued statesman. We augur great advantage to Ireland from the joint exertions of the Earl, ...


... WITHOUT entering upon a disquisition on the Manichean System, there is no truth more cer- tain or more scriptural than that the devil in proportion as lie is losing his votaries, either makes rampant efforts to retain them or 10 secure others- The gin palaces of London and other large cities, the Kidlie-Winks of the town, and the hedge-alehouses of the country, have all in- creased as ...

[No title]

... The nearer that the decision of the great con- test .between constitutional and destructive prin- ciples approaches, the more cause is there to congratulate the constituency, as well as the in- habitants generally, on the spirit of order which prevails. There can be no doubt that Merthyr will belie the foul slander promulgated so indus- triously by those who aimed at making tfie representation ...

[No title]

... BENEVOLENCE OF LADY VERNON.-At this season of the year, when the beuevolent are more than usually active in alleviating the distress of the indigent, it becomes our pleasing duty to record so many noble instances of liberality and kindly feeling, it is, most gratifying to find, that although Lady Vernon's health does not permit her at present to reside at Poynton Hall, (a circumstance which we ...

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... ANOTHER TRRKIBLE tOllY k few days ago j Sir Robert Cunliffe reduced the whole of his rents without solicitation, to the great pleasure and satis- faction of his numerous tenantry. Lord Fitzharris, eldest son of Earl lialmsbiiry, has become a candidate for, and about to contest, the county of the Isle of Wight, with Sir Richard Simeon. Lord Fitzharris is supported by all the influeutial Tory ...

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... ST. ASAPH.-Tiie Bishop of St.Asaph has, with his usual liberality, for which he is so distinguished, distributed clothing to upwards of a hundred poor fami!ies in the city and neighbourhood. The citizens feel as grateful for this act of charity as those who partook of its benefit and as an example to others they would say Go and do thou likewise. The Bishop of Exeter has published a letter to ...


... (From the British Magazine.) It was a clear breezy Sunday eveninm bright masses of clouds, looking like thrones for angels, were sailing along the pure blue sky; the young wheat was beginning to make the gentle falls of the hilly grounds of the softest green. and all along the hedge-rows were gathering that sweet and gay company which come to bid us rejoice in the mercy of God, who, though ...


... We our years as a tale that is told. How has the past year been hastening from us, and we hastening in it from the world! Where are the days fled ? They are gone to be numbered with the years beyond the flood; and we are now standing as on 'he isthmus of time. Friends arc dying aroftiid us, we are dying our- selves—the world is dying, and the eud of all things is at hand. in this state, well ...


... LATEST LONDON INTEL- LIGENCE. By latest accounts from Jamaica we learn that the Bill to alter and amend the Abolition Act was read a third time. The apprentices are as much averse from labour as ever, and their insolent and idle conduct is beginning to produce its effects upon the poorest class of proprietors. By accounts received from various parts of the country, by Committees sitting in ...