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... s QZYAEtT'ZR S?f: 70S- On Wednesday last, the MNlsidnnifler Quarter Seassiti fo t cun irts of Amunurderfess. Black- - !burn and Leyland, wits held by adjournmen~t at t'he- Cout iiouiie, ?? B. Addirr'n, E~q , the !iCCOrder RZEPL of the Borough, in the Chair. The 1JIgaSr:trrre presenpt onl the opcnin- of' the Court were .L'hn 0T Lawd,'Williamn Calrow, James Sinrrclp ?? .lii tile, aetil Join ...


... SAVAGE A1WRDER IN ,FRANCE. [From the Gazette des Tribunarix.] COUII7' OF ASSIZES OF L'JLLIER. A drama, happily rare in the judicial annals of our de. partment, has just been brought to light before the Court of Assize of L'4llier. All the circumniiancea Iofh~ es terrible; but amid all the horror 'they inspire 41i e minds of the auditory, a feeling of pity was still predomi- nant. During the ...


... LANCASTSR ASSTZES. On Wednesday these assizes commenced before Baron Abingaer and Sir N. T'vndal. Thorims Clifton, Esq., the Hligh Sheriff, arrived in Lancaster about four o'clock. There was only one carriage, and a few gigs. In consequence of the alteration latelv made by the privy council, the towtn presented a very dull appearance. The corporation (didI not attend upon their Lordships, as ...


... SPECt6L .E}Iry8 Or POLICE CO:1M1S' I , . SIONIEllS. Yost erday a qpecial ?? meeting of Police Coramis. SiOliers wa` hold in thi Teo'1wnhall, King-street, for tie pose ot electing ten dlirectors of the Muachester Gas Works. in tie plice otf those who retire from ofhfe ac- cordliltl to tilhe aet; to z1ppOiit, auditors of the accounitsof thle 'as ?? for the curnent year; aud also to appoint tenin ...


... THE~ BREAD AND BEER FRAUD. It seems to be about as hopeless to excite any move- ment against the Corn Laws, at present, as it would be on a bright summer's day to induce the grasshoppers or the butterflies to lay up stores for the winter. The pub. lie ought, however, to be kept in mind of the evil conse- quences of the corn.monopoly; for though, as we intend to show, the greatly increased ...


... 1'OLICZ DISTING. On 'Tonday lhist, the moithly meeting of tbe Police Commissiriners took place at the Town ilall-'Ir. flaydock in the Chair. CONSTAIrLES SALARTES.-The Clerk ihaving tend ti(e proceedings of tbe last meeting, then read the following report:_ To thc Coinvissioners of Pollce of /hev Borough of Presfon. The Report of the Committee appointed to enquire alto the dunties and salaries ...


... I Alonday. The right hon. Lord AnNoURt, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, took his seat on the beech soon after tel o'clock. The following are the most interesting cases tried before his Lordship:- SITTTON v. BRANCxER._-This was an action brought by the plaintiff, John Kevan Sutton, mordant manufac. turer, Liverpool, againts Alderman Peter Whitfield Brancker, of the same place, to recover damages ...

Lancaster Summer Assizes

... ir Ito , L AST ; ii,% U4,. 1E.' !Ii~s.aseies comtiw asd'o Wed5b5SAy snoight b~fQT~C. B~on~V~bjt~ge antl~ Si- ' Tjndal;. Lh ns ??,~ di Lancmster abo~u. four o'o*.bere was only ione earrijge, ' ...

Lancaster Spring Assizes

... IXntmNter ftrinngT Tf4e NISI PRIUS COURT. i lWedccesdaiss, .Ala rchs 19.a EJECTISENT.-SPECIAL JURY CASE. Doe demn Fester and Others V. Fester.-This was an action P of ejeetment to determine the right ...


... These sessions commenced at the New Bailey on Mon. day last, before James Norris, Esq., Chairman, and the following magistrates -John Entwisle, Esq., M.P., Jamesa grierlej, Esq., John F. Foster, Esq., Clement Ce Royds, Esq., James Watkins, Esg., John Greaves, Esq., vn William Garnett, Esq., Rev. J. S. Mills, William Astley, Esq., John Bentley, ?? R. J. J. Norreys, Esq., James ed Buckle, Esq., ...


... I . I -1 I .1 ?? in- Ild r, Bib a ,t or hiii lit ili no rig liii jII, ?? )le oer me it) lie n- Id. he he At a meeting of the commissioners on Wedneisday, the following roports were received and ordored to bc enterod onl tho backs. SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF' THE L AMP SCAVENGING, FIRE ENUINE, %sasn INUISANC~ Co.)MITTEE, 1635. LAseeLirscrmau.-The number of additional lamps fixed up durng ...


... TAAGIC LVP-NT.-LOVE AND SUICIDE, [Frorn the itritish Press--A Jersey Paper.] For many years, perhaps far many centuries, tile corn- munity of Jersey has not experienced an excitement siumilar to that which now prevails throughout tile islais, occasioned by the melancholy fate of an unhappy young creature, who, having loved, ' not wisely, but too well, has just paid the dreafilul forfeit which ...