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Morning Chronicle


... LAW INTELLi GENC£. COURT OF CIIANCERY.-SATrURsoy. Notice was placed on thle door of Lincoln's Inn Hall that the Lord Chaoccilor would mot sit to-day. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT.-SATUIRnAY. IVARRSIEN v. BURTON.-TAY1.O1t 0. rTS.DEF5. This day was specially appointed for tise hesaring of two motions in these causes of very great interest to Me- thodists. The Court was crowded with respectable per- ...


... POLICE INTELLIGEA CB. MARY.LA.BONNE. ClARGE 01o ATTiMPTEIj RArL.-Yesterday, William Boweyer, a pot-boy in the service of Mr. Griffiths, of the Dukeof York public-house, Mary-la-bonne, was placed at the bar before Mr. Rawlinson, on the charge of an assault, with Intent to commit a rape, oan the person of Ann Garvett, a child three years of age. Anti Garrett, the mother, (the wife of a private ...


... LAMBETH-STREET. ExTRAORDINARLY -CHARGE OF CHILD.SFI.LONG.-On O Monday Esthrer Tye, a maocuiline.looking female,, was Gel broh eoe Mr. B~UeaELL, on a charge of unlawfully de- chi taiiig half a sovereign tire property ot Henry Batt. The prosecutor stated that about one o'clock an that day, while he Ij and a firend of his, who were then In attendance, were returning from En Smithfield Motrket ...


... LAWI NOTICES.-7TIS DAY. COURT OF CHANCFRY, WESTMINSTER. In re ~~~sittings at teil. vrnikal lii re lutip hric, ?? pietiltiol h-, order-O ar Elkiira - Graves v llickt, ?? v Palmer, ?? v UWetncombe, upileal-tavenshllatv v llallier, ditto. VI- CHAE CEL OR'S COURT, WESCi'MINSTEH. ~~ ~~ SittIngs at te a Tdo, Pu ilt votmer, fioe ntgio.n byo ?? v Tylior, ly order-- IIoinpsoll v U pron, om'e ?? v. ...


... LAW I A TELLIGEBNCE. COURT OF C HANCERY-THURSt9DAY. [Belore Sir L. SnADWEZI. and Sir J. BOSANrUET, L0ords Comnmissioners.J ,lTURNE V. VIeeWIAINSON. This was an appeal from the l Master of the Rolls, ot ade- cision with respect to exceptiois to the lester's repot. The .eit was instituted to compel the specific performance of a contract, and the question now raised had refeience princi- pally to ...


... SHLERIFFS CoCI'?7-Gu!i.i\;.A., Nou ?? ?? Sergeant AnRAin.] BIWtI CiA It D I. I1 AIID. senI i n aletion broughit to recover the sumn of f20 fur the board anid udoging of the deiendant'S siwie. T'he circumn- stanet iv ere lather txtibaordiearv. t Ir. (G [in sx sulted the case. JThe lefni ulaot's wife, a len- gal'ete attd i ofwtinw of colour, was moarried ia her o%%n country to it captain in the ...


... THE CALAMITOUS FIRE IN TOTTEN- 110AM- COUFR T.ROAD. INQI ICST ON THE' BODIES. At three. o'clock 'Vsterdav afternoon a highly-raspectabsle jury was impanelledl before ?? Stirling, Esq., Coroner, at the Wh lte Hart Inn, Tlottenhanm-court-rca, to inquire concern- ing the death of Williams Davis, aged 38 Catherine Rogers, aged 22 ;Louisa Tozcr, aged 24 ;and Mary Arone Singet, ageud 21 vcare, the ...


... COM11ITTAL OF A SUSPE'CT'ED H1IG1WA YMAN. I . - I On Monday night last, a man having the appearance of a costermouger was taken into custody at Acton, by the police of the ?? division, on a charge of having coninmitted a petty robbery at a beei-shop in that village, kept by a person named Byfield. T he prioner, when pursued by the police, threw off his great coal, and attempted to escape in a ...


... lJIDD)LESEX ADJOURNED SESSIONS. [llefoic 13. lovji, Eq.,s and ii ]lelnlh of Magistrates.J (iAMINiG HOt 1 SES. ilt Jie1ttci alias (tlet de Rutter. John Jay, and Ti'lliotn (le'OI i, leere indictedt for keeping a common ctraiing-lionse, in tile parisl of St. .latleCs N estitninster. TIh tiso latter-niarned defenitlattis answered to their names tnal v eie plaurcd at the bar. )c IRutter did not ...


... POLICE IN7ELLIGEIPNCE. GUIIDHALL. Mr. Beesons, the owner of some extensivestables in Long- lane,, appeared before Sir Peter Laurie, on a summons for damaging the weariag apparel of Margaret M'Lean, the wife of a mechanie, by throwiing half a pailful of horse's blood over her. The blood, which had been taken from a horse, I was thrown through an iron grating, about ten feet above the pavement, ...


... LAW NOTICSS.--TH8 DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINS'TER Sittings at ten. [rtfl~me Before the Lod onislonerra2ergnealy Deaollowin g v rehearings had;ap peastandi oo y o thsl day aa d v tvuck out, u Ev cient cause 1 s ed tonihe Curthis ?? andr iz v ?? doseles Robinson * Nzewdick , Gort urtaea of and cost; Thirh, iaBaeiley, Attorney. v eseral ori of Winchester v Fera y v Thomas. * OTloS IVY t)AT5. ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT.-FRIDAY. OL]) COURT. [Mefore :Mr. J0stice 1IrSANQIU)r and Mr. Baron At.Oioasos]. UCIHINRG A k'Ol{EI) NVILL. Thin I t~ ~k F~a'i, ged 5:3, was indicted for febl- niously tte r ng n forged will ?? nto be tire will of John Collins deceaseri. Hewa lsochrged nith thle forgery of tile will. Mr. ADonirrersraviig stated the icts uthtie case to tlhejiry, Mr. Frederick Cox, ...