Anglesey Quarter Sessions

... Anglesey Qua~rter Sessions. se Te ?? of the P'eneo for the bA) id County of Ainglesey, were held[ at the. Shire Hall, oil In B~eaumaris, on 1:'Tuesday last, before Joita W~illiamso, II, n- lSqt. (chairmnan,) WV. Saparrow', Esq. John Price, Esq. hit in V. IBulkeley WHighs, ?? the Alev. Alr. 'thlonmas, &c. Ct .t- 'A'llo Chairman .addressed the grand jurl,' at consi- the I derab Ic length in ...


... EXTRAORDINARY CHARGE AGAINST THE GREENWICH RAILROAD COMPANY. [Before Sir TiiobssA MARION WIT.SON, and a full bench of Magistrates.] Yesterday two gentlemen of the name of Finch complained of the conduct of the agents of the Greenwich Rail-road Company. They stated that they are agents for Mr. Drake, who is the owner of certain property lying between High- street, Deptford, and the Creek, and ...


... POLICE INMELLJGEIACE. MANSTO N- 101'SE. T'Gna DANOBROUS Seven hit, es5EL.- ronsO- quence of the accidents which have lately occurre d on the hames en account ef the lapid rrrovements of the steam vessels up and do n the river, the Loan MAYOR summoned before him, in his private room at the Mansion-house, the water.bailiif, the harbour TmTaster, and the other authortties coinnected with that ...


... IMIDDLESEX SESSIOiNS, CLgRKENWLL. I These sessions opened yesterday morning before 13. Rorcs, Esq., Chairman, and a very full Bench of magistrates. COUNTY DAY. The minutes of the last Court having been read, and sane other routine business disposed of, the Report of the Com- mitte for Gencral Purposes was rend and agreed to. The quarter's account of expenditure was stated to be £7,312 16s. 7d. ...


... POLICE INT~-,3.i[ WENCGE. )IARL I3o FOUG H-TR El'.AS on' Saturday, Daniel Vinle, a man ?? to the police, xsa bouhtheor Ar.Dyr hage eitli having stolen the Dec check braces fom thi elair'a.- ej Sir John WeiladOl. iy Poiiieman C 161 said h~e sass on duty in ac sti- stroot, at ianl o'clock onl 1%idly night, whlen lie parycived thre l~tii~qner very busily enlgaged Lehioul the eirriage of Sir John ...


... LAPW' IA\ TEL ILIGEN,\CE. VIC'EXIClAM ELILORi'S COURIT_-~ Wjinmt~qiA. i Si % ARIt'tI F . C('SillI 1R. t. Tlii- exii se Was IIies several months a ca~. IITse plinitiffis , tiv, seatC sori of ti~e ItO ?? no~w C,(ilionel Wiird c, nodl tie ilcivioldint is ai't livlsiitstei', Ill I T10II-ilI fo, to Whomitt the t 1lailitiffllo .eds [it- ha~l born I iiillwcd Ii, s.II I riverintrc ia- t, c UIider ...


... POLICE INTELLIGEN?CE. MAN SI ON- II OTT S1 H AlUI u' la- go Mr. William Becll, one of the Society of ncielis, and U partnier in thle Iiouse of Blld Iand -Neptie w, of I-last, aipplied to thle Lord Manoi fore itearclt wariant for pie inis- in A ddle-sii cci, XX'ood-stme.t, CL-alside, in which hu beliciU( ?? il fraudulently ?? goodS, the property of the firin of' which he \woe it meniber, and ...


... E.XTRIAORTDLVARI'Y ,IS,1ISSAL , 01 ' C' I O.ER'S J UR . TIHE LATE IATAI, STANM.BOAr ACCIDENV. Yesterday afternoon the inquiry concerning thilunfortunate William Ibbott, the sandharge-t'il, i1ho was killed by the filling ef the mast illht fath;er's barge, by coniig in COa- tiict m ilt the John lull steniter on the rnorning of Saturday, the 17th instait, ssas rxiouned before tIr. I. Carter, tht ...


... I - An inquest was heldl at the Black Horse, )eptford, on d Fihiday night, ono the body of ?? :MaryAnn CrosbieAdamis, e a youung lady, eighteen years of age, the daughter of a re- e spectable school master at l)eptiord. 'The body wvis iound :it the Surrey Canal and in consequence of' some jewellery which the young lady wore beieg tissing, it va3i suspected e. that she had been throsvn into ...


... LAWT fA TELLIGENCE. runm VICE-CHlANCE AMRVS COVRT-.FRIIDAY. 'tier Alr. I''unv-i~;tmoved cipi -tov for att injitfltioit to ?? te defenda nt Croft, who ~al; formier!y in partnership with the 'Ily pltititiff, in ii colffee-ltoiile iii lieckloisburs', front drawing or tilfe acteftiting any bills Of exolhinga, or entering into any nago- itty iatitous whe treby a Iturse nal liabtility would ...


... LAWT INTELLIGENCE. VI.CE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT.--TituresuAY.g T1his being the King's birth day, the Vice Chancellor did noti in his Court. ROLLS' COURT.-TleURSDAY. His Honour the tlaster of the Rolls did not sit to-day, in cease- quence of its being the King's birth-day. COURT OF KING'S BENCH.-Tnul!SDAY. [Sittings In Banes.) PERRIN V. WEST. InI this case a rule had been obtained calling ots thle ...


... LAW I A 2'L LIGNCE. VICE-CHANCE'LLORr- (COUlT.-SATCRnDAY. RicCrOP'. AN VI mCARlS -sT11I Tfl IN' gCiLT9(mE ?? rImStmsF ANDo ?? 1.Krc'( ItT, 'Or thr(- dt i--i dautl in lhis(iis, io, tmoevkkl thlat ?? mm ti ?? l isen isisumd tinder ,In mirder of flthe letsl L.-ii Cha-ceflms ?? ajcamtm- 1h,,. htfemsslantm for aI- illiiimt cf t43'3 Mh., as tio- tli\ d anioistnt idt cost,- nioim &1' c avg d, iiit t ...