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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ,IJt 01'WOO'tLt AIT LIVERPOOL)1, IIIilireI till AXtlilentii of /aif I, ,irf a.,/ ? , it L mele c l~oe, L ) L It th P~l-,L Ii C Sit I IIw110 1, It: ?? W0 HIU N 1)11 EDI UA L E S INEW SOUTH IWALES V, 1111,. Apilety. Iltl ird px al I, ITtli ?? . Li ?? tas , frllet S!hI IIt-e rL i llltIIANA'iN & 111(01 N BP,Attet SC iialrlltway'I hltt-totie tiltigc A'lt(V Coriihiii, Liona3n, eim 71 I I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 110N SCHOOL,' NittY \VORTLEY, near the the Si-~PN 'cI Olt [et:itite, of 'jin S..Iotol cii i1 be MiEN El Dott EItiIDAY, dcclV31s1t. Tile R1EV. tie~ o ?? 3 1 S ,Al. iS, of Leeds, will Pit-elel it' lt ?? t I j[elf- tin, [01'[e ?? intl tlte REV. iI. . hAMI LTON, of Leedsa, antc ct-lliicatt , tell-:eing, atbll-ritet Six: W~oltci. Fit Uit SsNIIA Y, ArecGms'rr2 d, te l10RI I V A. F. IE3NEC!KEIiI EG, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just published, QECON'D EDlTION of tlhe LIFE of S. DREWl, j iM.A. hbi Son. Enlarged and improved. I vol. 6vo. Wit) 1. a Poartrait. i°.. eiotjh. ii tt tr6fOI We rg .d tis bogrphyas area adition to thle stores qf our 2 efrornistiOn. Ml r. Drewv was inl alil re ipects at fine ?? tInciden~t, an~lecdote, or sentimncilt is in every ?? ..ldvate oe ntrete *- This volume ought to be in the library of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... klS.- -Wanted imtnediately, by the Leeds INew G Gas i~,tonpaliy. at 010lt1IN L FOIC1MAN. or princuptl no, li Cr. Ie ICw IIi Ito4veP the ChCIoreeI V of thII Me. ) tCI I IId th 1\'lli d alld ' ilit w ll lie II. re~spollsil~lC Situntimi~i Iilalie veed :tpply 00h11 Cannot (l1,1t10 satiif'iltI y Iteici Clive ~ha ?? to (Chairalc ter 1111d Ertperi- I *ne.A good I lti .i i Ilbe pr10vided, Rett ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NO. 9, BRIDGE-END, LEEDS. BINGLEY most respectfully informs the Inlhabi- 3 ,tooits of Leeds d its Vicin ip thorthe ?? idgconnnecting the t LiuliCI ,iid Woo;lico t)rcieiv n oeishiisea together, :oud will OPEN i (,ll M(;ii DAY, with nil enitire nlewv S1 OCX of WOOLLENS, FANCY I wA~lTCOA INGS. xc. 'bich hc is determined to offer at suobb 1 ?? as net tifl to give batll fiictioii, ht to Incure a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HUNSLET ,Aoj LEEDS. 'Po WOOLLEN, WoRSTED. COtTON, FLAX, and Ilk'-'i1' ?? Hotel, lin Leeds, onl TJ'hei-sds, Pihe A'kvtlllt Day ?? Jstl6, 11M., precisely at Thrtee 0-cluck i tile Al ttt'llt0ll, inl the ?? or suth other Lots Is 1maie he agreed u1p11 lat the 'rime of Sale, by Mrv. JQI-IN HOLMES.2 1-IU NSL rT EST ATE11. Lot I.4 L that valutable FRE~EHOLD CLOSE of LN D, situate oil tile W~est Side ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~alto 'lp 0(ti1uiofl. W1110Sr, NEARt BRtADlcOlD.-By Gii'. T. LISTER, at the l (w~gIir-cenl 1 ni, Iin Brad ford,*ot Il'i'dt'dIA / Twe'ali.T3 'die Da ?? l IiNa Si., OCll'cIL il tile Evening, subj, act to (Cn ttoi h 'livWing or such other Lots tcins ay IIagee ~upon ait thle T'ime Uro Sale: A LLtha FAM HOUSE, with the COTTAGES, A OI ll\RNS, STARLEI-, null ether OV'T'IUILDI~S with Yallds, 6ardein, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... il ecltl ili, '11 kniie thie' cta1011vo olume, of ncarly (100 ptageo ci I, et er-pi icoi, lid tjpivtidn oft :io Engriv,.ings, pi ice 15s. IS 10R1) OU TH'E C(IUVTON' i\LNUFAC- 17 F I t Ei !ii CGre 1t Ilit ilt or! ithi Noiie of its earl I h Iistury is~ tlle l.-iit, and it till tilie Qi arturso (f tile GClIhe. 1 ifluili'iatil tit t e 1og9irlit'ttl Cl itin ?? u ic has ico , ittit ,k;ly 11 itli ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 9IRR:OL1S1A1-O ei ?? 0Thtt Dai/ of April tiit'.', at thc ?? 1In1, in W~alitielil, at thle Houitr of Four ?? in the After ioon precisely, subjtet to 8vich Coixditloyis ats will be then and there produted ax Li, that ERECTION', BUILDING, or WARE-. H IousiE, Situate near to the Whiatis of the Calder and Ilibble Naviga~tionl at Wxllietleld, usually called the Rocihdalu Warehouse, coniistfiyug of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ODBOLD'S VEGETABLE B A L S A Mi, for the Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, AST[INIAS, and CON- h~e proud ;ttestation of Cures performed by this Medicine, for tthe last *f5ty Vears-tile mnly daily proofs of its ?? high tlof bv the first Nobility-Otnd its reconniexidation by the mos uelite of the iFatcultv, are such stronlg tests of its value, t IOt *i isncrssary to convince the Cpublic of its salutary ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ol the CURE'o1 any DISEASE or D)EBILITY whatever, at preventive and Cure of every D orer is jio e tI O C,,NADA PILLS; for1 thle Cure of intliggestlion Flatoillenee, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Bowlss Complinssfa Costivenlesa F ir00 ?? n h ICost efctuai remedy ever ofifered to thc putblic in any shape wrhatever fer Colds, Cosehe,, Surfeits psito Inl tile -Side, Ioffeelyin reathilig, NV liezings, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aito tit) AurLLijn. VAL.UABLE B3UILDING LAND inl the I3OiOUGH of BRADFORD. -IBv Mr. G. T. LISTER, ait the i-lonse oi' Mrs. Wood, the Talbost ?? ai Bradfoid, in thle iiiunty iif York, onl Nondes, Dil I~tt/ i/as, ?? Iaafeaf, tit Six o'cloick in the Eveninlg, either alto. .glicr or, in Lu's, aft hilly be agreed upon at the Time of Sulb, taid suhjelct to surl CGiiditinsi as mafy be ilicil and ...