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Morning Chronicle


... POLICE INT'ELLIGENCE. BOW-STREET. ?? 'ty ps Al i t o0zO ?? lit Cai rpeniter, the yonug tloan w Io was exankinedi onl Friday lust at this office, onl a Chtarg e of stealing triae si I er mnedalIs, formiitig a part of the colhvetion of the late-I] r. ?? Alat ewss, the comttedian, ?? had been depoiated at the auction-rooms in Al essrs. Sothe by, of \kellington-street, Strand, 'or sale, was on ...


... LAW NOTICESR.-THis DAY. VIC HCflANCELLORlwI .-1T, LINCOLN'S.INN Sittings at I. GOiniymidt v ?? Ot, b1 order; atier which motions. BANiiRI PTCi (0o RIr, 1dASINGHALL-STRFET fiejlor 511. COmi41ssioner Ho, Roy D. RnbertSnmithot Church-sireet, Greco cimh, Urickluver ateleven ?? anri Gbbs, of roicl, tihendraper, at onet divi do,1l m-ja', Collirr. o' the Peultrs, hosier, ot to doe, divi:'enid W rng ...


... CORONERS' JiNQUESss. Oni Saturday an inquest wus hesld in the Committee-room of lermondsey \i orkisouse, on the body of Lileanor Godfrey, a young woman25 years of age, who was drowned by the up- setling of a boat on tile river. 'Ibe deceased had been re- cesitly married, and stas within a few days of her confinement whelinshe vsasunfortlunatelydrowned. Irom thc evidenceit appeared that, on the ...


... BONW-STREET, brought to this office on a forimer day', ott a Olhary o virag embezzled a lctterl containing a OovtrL o ?ba conie into his possessione in his capacity Of le1tter carrier it the General Post-office, was yesterday broughit ap fr final exatminationl. It will be recollected that the lefter it, qleortii ea despatched by Mr. Spong, a nu rsery-nman at tilkeriv~ Ie, . ii, ler who was ...


... COURTW7 OF BANKleUPT(.YY.-t'vEsr)Y' [Ilefore Mr. Comituissiorer ManRIVALE.] JOSEPH GLOSSOP'S BANKRUPTCY. A nicediwiii of the credlitrs miniulr tfill fillt isle0l a'rainst .oseaph (,Ircsip, Into the lessee of the Victoria Thentre, wvas beld to-tia, for the furthlr proof ohiebts,and the final ?? of the bankrupt. Several disputed claims having boen dispogod of, Mr. .4vnor.m appeared as Couns'el ...


... LAW NOTICES.-THis DAY. VICE-ClANCELLOR'S COURT, W-ESTAtiNSTHR Sitting, at ten. Randall v Randall, forjudgmen'-after which SRORT CAVaES-EVans v Powell, petiilon by ?? v Ingram, ?? v H rwood, further directions by order- Lowe v Strong - Wnlter v ?? v Crawley-Paine v Fulidor, further ?? Jessop-Talbot v Tnibot, further ?? v )iinshlil-Cilrkev Houlditch, further di. rections and ?? v Harrison, do. ...


... COURT OF C0'HANC'ER\--MO\tm . [1sfore the Lords Conimissioneis, Sir LAUNCxYLoT StiA tWELL and Mc. .Tustice l'ovaxeier.] 11 1AHISON ?? 1 'Il.Iltll ty. '['his was -an appeal from a decision of the present Malnster of tlaI Rolls allowing a demurrer put in by the defendants. The appeal had been irard by Lord Lyndhurst, but as tihe aru- mnents were not quite brought to a conclusion at the time his ...


... LAW INTPELLIGENCE. CONSISTORY COURT.--FlitAY (Before Dr. LISMINGTO-.] TREVANNION v. ThtIVANNION. This seas a question npon the adutli~sion of an allega- tion responsivc to a lible given in by Mr. johnl B. Trevait- nlont charging adultery auainst Chiarlfoio 'Trevannion, his wifel antd praying a separarniol. 'rile allegation on tile part of .Mrs. Trevannion denied the charge, and set forth acts ...


... COURT OF HIUSTINGS. There was some difficulty on Tuesday in making what is called a Court of Hustings at Uuildhsll. The Court, it is well known, is one at which business is never transacted, but the authorities think it is necessary to observe the form of adjourning the llustings from time to time, in order to pre- vent any imputation against them of having by neglect vio- lated the charter. ...


... LAW NOTICES.-Tkis DAY. VICE.CtANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'9SINN. Sittings at ten. Seal Day-Motlions. ROLLS' COtURT. CHANCERY.LAN9. Sittings at ten. DIOTIO}NS. ASter the itlotions, Evans v Evans, ?? r Fraser, part heard. COURT OF KING'S BENCH. Sittings at half past nine. ?? saxr, S Ar Jur ?? Y Chapman-Brawn V The Genural Steam Navigatior; Compary. coura Or COMMON PLEAS. Sittings at half-past nine ...


... i CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT-TuESDAI'. ?? the lrc UODei.1 CONSPIRA(JY. John Hlughes, 42, llitiiani Ptc, 48, and ll'illianm Simpison, 40, ACre irndicted bor a conspirticy. Ir. I)OANL piosecuted, and mr. C. Pici.T iiS., Mr. Ci AmK- EON, Mad Mr. RAWI.NGOS, ?? the priliuem. VillatilI Burn, the prosecUtor, residing ia Bull i Head- court sail fliat in the mouti of July last he had a largeiquan. Itly of ...


... OLD COU1rT. [Before tile REconnEoa.] 7T1omas Wlalker, 14, was indicted for stealing a truck of the value of £2, the property of Thomas White. it appeared that the prisonerwent to the house ofthe prose- cutor, Mwho wvas in the habit of letting out trucks for hire, and obtained a truck in the name of a person named Bayliss, wvho weas a customer. The track having been handed over to him, he did ...