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Morning Chronicle


... POLICE' INTELLG.EA'CE. LA M B ETHI- ST RE ET. EXTOAORDINAnIY CIARCEe OF TELONOf.-V esterday Francis Maglilililz lit aman tlrecsel in tile galb of a mechanic, was brou-h hoe:\r .ILc ypwie consuible Robert roghlt b~rto -Mrlt. Walker, by psi ?? l hr Camp 'oni 11 i37, ?? de 101ioil~gl. arfge:- .lNI. IlotryPlti, a stilliltr,, of :3t, souttsampton-billdings, Chancerly-lane stated tiht sofli years ...


... Yesterdilay a Court wcas held for the dispatch of business. P1'ROCEEDINGS OF THE COURT OF COMMON COIUN('IL RE'GAR)INGt; VIEI':DOMs; Alderinin SCIIOLE, after the proceedings of the two last Courts of Common Council had been read, rose to object, as vwe undertood him, to Whe mode adopted by the Lower Court in reducing the cost of freedoms by resolutions instead of by Bill. ?? wvished to knowr ...


... LA IV INTELLIGENCE. Co CR1'' 01F Kl i\G'S IN I.Tws v' [6it t jas before LOI . Il iNcMAN atiti Cowninon Juries.] tMiN V. SiTAFFV Mr. LCBADW1 i K~ Ji btes a ppearcI forl the plaiiitiff, nd Sir J. CAMTI'Vt.I. and ?? 1k-salY tLWr11h' defenidanft. 'Thic wvis ani act ion ii recover at sani of between '21. and t31. frat the deiit-idatilt due a 0 pan he( b)allance of all ace- coanlt Ilbr stealo lot I ...


... LA WV INTELLIGENCE. CO1UiRT OF CHANCIE:RY, IU oNsoi.'sTsN-Faa. 14. ARRANGE.MENT OF BUSINMSS. Sir W. IIOtaN: at the sitting of the Court this morning took occasion to observe that as his Lordship would in a very short time be called ou to sit in the House of Lords for thc purpose of hestring appeais, it wvoucld be vory conve. ncient to the Bar to receive some intimation of the course which his ...


... MIDDLESEX SESSIONS.-TUFSDAY. [Before Sir WILLIAM CuGTis, Bart., and a full Bench of Magistrates.] Janzes Clements, a mechanic, who was convicted at the last sessions of an assault on his wife, was brought up to receive the judgment of the Court. On the trial it ap- peared that thc dispute between the parties was relative to the sum of 50/., which was in the savings' bank in the wife's name. ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT-SATURDAYs . [Before Mr. Justice PARKE and Mr. Baron ALDESON.] STEAM-BOAAT ROBBERY. Two shabby lookiig fellows, named Johni Wright, 21, and Thomas Peet, were indicted for stealing a portmanteau co0- taining wearing apparel, the properly of Philip Ackerman, and Jumes Sauude)s was indicted for receiving the same, well knowing it to have been stolen. Robert 1 horp, a porter ...


... ?? 1R. HrDGER, Esq., Chairman.1 Jo/n Divine, aged 20, and John Mealinq, aged 22, were indicted for having unlawfully and feloniously obtained from one Eliza Nicholls, with intent to cheat and defraud, two shillings under the following peculiar circumstances:- The Pro~ecutrix, a poor woman, deposed she resided in Meadows-place, Lambeth. On the 4th instant the prisoner Divine came to her ...


... GUILDHIIALL,. On Saturday a gentleman named Chappell attended volun- tarily before Mi.r Alderman Thorrie, to answer the complaint of Mr. Butt, a solicitor, forcrasing his acceptance from i bill of exchange for £150., upon its being presented to him by AMr. Butt for payment. Mr. Butt stated that on a4ing for payment the defendant took the bill in his hitd, looked at it, and then said he should ...


... MANSION- HOUSE. The robberies committed on board the steam vessels have now reached a mo,,t alarming ?? following case is an ?? of one sort of system of plunder:- A 15111000 of decent appearance. who said his name ma, ?? Wits brought before Alderman Cowan, who yesteiday sat for ?? Lerd Mayor, charged under the following cirt'um- stances A gentleman 5?anl5d Hilkewill accompanied two ladies to ...


... ,1111)/)LESEV sESSION-,?, t-,tle qa- Ii u. a.:,s ?? aoJ I I mr it iol, r 1;.1! ;ii di\o ?? !r ?? :, i,m : tie tioho Ind Vaulie,,n 41. 1axl:-- il, N't. In, - ?? ?? 1!1i apray',!t);,!e,,- 1 Xa t *1)o011. aill'i ?? +zi~t tr ito till ?? t.,rew jotI-lr: on_ Ant1!ic :iti^S,. ?? Il i. pslli'ni ite!* I 511i.: 1. :.1 i dItI Iz ( : sl- ?? it I.. m b! , ! I xio lr *l. lte \ 1 ( i: .i, I % it ! ...


... LAW NOUICES.-Tnis DAY. COURT OF CHiANCElRY. Before the Lourts CnO)IMrssIONvIrts at 1estmiaster. Sitting% at ten. Wattnssr Brent, for ?? v The Irlah So~cty, by ?? v Irving, ;aesl by ?? FSale a' th- *nioe, ?? v the soimie, ?? Vayrees v 1ur5s, ?? v the Earl of alilraleefield, appeal. VltCECIIANCELLOR'Si COl;RT,1VJSTMINSTER. Persio v MIatnstietd, part bleard-illte v Torriman, by order- Templerrv ...


... POLICE INT CB.IG M ARLHOROU (GIL STRFF.T Testeritay Captain Joh. Hr,,/rett it.N Messrs. IDyer, Conant. and Hall, no a.. 'S ?? Stephen Rumtbolt Lutshingtor. Fs, AI p ?? ain hostile mcancifestations toward hun ?? 1 , Captain. r Ir. Stephen Lushingtou linivirig entered tin oly, some friends and a solicitor, two, loiters t ron,.j e' ciisr-rd writing of Captain Hanchett, andt direce to t r handed ...