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... SHO CKING MURDER AT BOL TON. [FROM THE MANCHESTER ADVERTISERS.] A most extraordinary sensation has been created in Bolton since Friday week, arising from a rumour that two children on Bolton Moor had been poisoned by their own father. The facts which transpired at the coroner's in- quest on the bodies of the deceased, on Monday last, are ats follow- John Orrell, the father of the two children, ...


... VICE-CiIANICELLOI'S COURT.-WEDVnESnAY. PARnKE ?i)7. DOWN~INt(1 Thle onlv pc-,nt orally public interest arrootg the several quet of att tiisu,.wd ins tb~q case, related to -n right to dower. Mir. WAKNIFitELD With Mr. LycnCS, and Mre. Riiarn~tsi, in sup- port sif Ott wvidow's cloimt to dower, stated the will of her husband. Mr. W'ard, tohltreby lie devised his freettold messuage or tenement, ...


... MIDLAND CIRCU1T, WARWICK, MARCH 28. NISI PRIUS COURT. [Before Chief Justtice Til.iAL and a Comnmon tory.] ELECTION ASSAULT. DAVIS V. BADGl.t. 'This was an action brouight to recover dainages for an assault. The defendant pleaded that he was not guilty. Mr. BALGUY and Mr. WHITE conducted the case for the plaintiii'; and Mr. Serjeant GOULsI§uN and Mr. Hutm- Fnt:Y appeared on behalf of the ...


... ?? ? ? I I e 4 . . ..&O - Dii ' ?? ' I VICE.CiHANCELLORISO COURITWESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. Davls'v Gregory; ?? Bales; ditto-PeIrcC Teed, ?? v Mloody; ditto-jopes v Pear-e ?? v, Joh;- son; ?? v Diirtin; ?? iEeilwards; ?? v Fletcher; c4emurrer-PhiPPS v Willianis, exceptlo;;& -Carr v Townshend-MLvre v ?? v Freeman; further ?? v snriflertonf ?? v Crnwley-Paine v Falidor - further ?? C ke ?? ...


... :-LAW NOPIClS-Ti1s DAY. COUnRT OF HANIPtt'TCY, BASINGIIALL-STREET. Before.Mr. CommimSloner VVllIi.lAlA .-3ohin Thompson, late of West Harrdi gmatreat, booikbinder, at ten; ?? - John ia Pope, of Woodthireet, (he10apeide, carpet warehouse. alan, at tiaeen; ?? ip h, of Houadid-9itch, and Wl cl.street, Qripplegate, carrier alad leathr osellerat twelve; adjoilrned exvanination. Before. 1r. ...


... INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT.-MONDAY. Samuel Bumfred Homer, described as an attorney, was opposed on his application to be discharged by Mr. Wakelcy ( ho was specially retained), on the part of Messrs. Robertson, wine merchants, of Villiers-street, Strand. Ie was supported by Mr. Cooke (with whom was Mr. Woodroffe). The aggregate amount of debts owing by the insol. vent was stated at 69,9551,, of ...


... IM ANS IOUN.HOU IE. The ?? of ,Bishops~alo i' arisi (Complained against a milaiary pelntioner etid his is fe, who are, together with tfieir two children, dcl)Penslnt, upon paroichial bounty. The descriptios given of thle hu,,band andi wife caused no small dle'grep (if tllrinitv. 'Vhe penlaotivr bad for -some time been vinder obligatlolts to the 1 arish, 'and althoughi brought up to the trade ...


... .SHERIFrF'S COURT, RED LION-SQUARE. [Before Mr. Under- Sheriff BURCIIEM.I and a Special Jury.1 CRIM. CON. , .LAMBERT V. LAMBERT. Yesterday an action was brought by Mr. William Chas. Lambert against the defendant, Mr. W. C. Mitchell (who had assumed the name of Lambert, and the action there- fore was commenced against him in that name), to reco- ver componsation in damages for criminal ...


... COURT O1' KING'S BWNCH.-SATvRDAY. LSittings at W'estminster before Lord DrENAIIAN and a Common Jury.] E. GRIFFITHi EVANS V. RocCKLIFF AND DttCKWOaRTH. Sir J. CAMPBELL, Mr. T5IESIGEIt, atid Mr. ?? WILLIAMS, appeared for the plaintiff, nuid tile ATToRNEY-GENExRAL and Mr. WIGIHTMAN for the defendant. Mr. VAUGHAN WILLIAMS stated that this was an action of libel. The declaration complained that the ...


... NORTHERN CIRCUIT.-CARLUIS~, NIARI CRIMINAL COURT. [Before Mrt. Ilaran PARES.' MURDER OF A Nviflt John Pearson, aged 47, was indicted for the rnilrul mr. der of his wife, Jane Pearson, at Randy-lands, in the parish of Abbey Lanercost, on Tuesday, the 14th ?? last The prisoner is a coarse-featured, hardy-looking Mni' belonging to the labouring class. Th e case excited 9reat interest, and the ...


... OLD COURT. [Before Mr. Serjeant AAADIN.1 John Mason, 13, was indicted for stealing a 501. note, the property of his master, James Wilson, who is a hat- maker, in the Blackfriars-road. Itappeared-that the prisonerwas entrusted, on the 8th of January, with- a letter to put Into the General Post- office which contained the 50L note in question. On the same evening he went to a public-house, kept ...


... LAW INTEL LIGENCB. ROLLS' COURT.-FntAYv. f lis Honour the Master of the Rolls to-day proceeded with his cause petition paper. c T1IELLV'SON ?? WOODFORD. Mr. PESiBsnTON appeared for the petitioner in this case, s Lord Rvendleshain, who prayed that he might be at liberty to pay into Court the sunm of £5,500, the amount of certain rents with which he was charged under en Act of Parliament. By an ...