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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIQ AMUSBEMNTS. GRAND EXHIBITION.-GALLERY of PRACTICAL SCIENCH; Adelailde-street and Lowthser-srcade, Strand, OPEN to the Public daily at Ten ?? Engire an d Carctrages travelli g o n a Raii. ?? Sus pesion Bridge -Slagacts of extraordinary Power, prodoclafi brilliant light and electric pbeoemena..Sisam Gun, dischasrging twenity katies In a se- cond-tesat~iyut Iilttstratliona in Opticsg-3team ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ORBOMBAY, and will positively sail on fOR ~~~the 20th Instant, the ship THOMAS COUTTS, 1,400 -ross tiate iu the service of the Honourable East India Company), THoasAS OSI.LOW, H.C.S. Commander, lyn ?? India Export Dock.-For freight or psssage apply MAII.ttret or to Measgra. Valhur and Coles, 291, Aastin-frlris. F OR MADAS and ALCUTI', to sail the ~rstwee in pri, th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IWL'RLcAitS,3ET. COLOSSEUM.--Thc PANORAMA of LON- DON, NEW lIZANIJ SC'EN1- f, cONS E'lATRI)I S, and1 lh. vaioseol oth er Exlihition, of thi oplolill I Fslilkhmont OPENt the P'abl it as nUta, from To, ;nl ?? ill dusk. Adimlcsiol to' the who~le, 'Js. II 'ar npr to 1 a~rt, i,,. SPLENDID) EXHIIB1'T'LN .- ADELAIDE- STRtEErt IRX.N tk',.tl %l Architl'rturtu, and1 other SAlloels; stenam Cn; Philan- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. VRMADRAS and CALCUTTA, and wvill leave Gravesend on the 4th of April, the fine Teakship, FotTHOM1AS GRENVILLE, bourden 1,000 Torts, (late in the Comprany's aervice,) RoBERT TlrotnwHLLr, Commnrnrder, ~ inthe ast ndi Docs. Tis sip as roost excellent aC. jeasulaion fa Paseners nd arce~ Sugeo-For freight or postge pplyto he Cmmader t te Jeusaem offee-bouse; to Sir haree ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,SHjIPPING INTELLIGENCE. OR MADRAS, BENGAL, and CHINA, to aiont the tat ofFebirtlary. IF THE& AINI)SOR, 1,400 Tons, ?? oat .1-tIO the [IM). Uioittpainy's (itt it Rern ic,) h oin Dii wa. Trini mo1tiglic ent and fast sariling ceireq~tr t atv whetn in thle Company's Service.- t smoeaplyt% to ('aptainTti'nylor, ait the Jerita~lern Nfes,, 1. Glvi,iii',s arid Co,., ;t, White ~ion Court, t'f. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fop NMADRAS and CALCUTTA, to sail oin the 26th October, the line leak ship .1t. A il (l ei, ;o Tolls, Capt aie TIMM1 AN DRsives. hle Aes Inda 1110 lk. Hit 15tr't~rnte auccommiodation for ai rco oeieltd g .l-For freight or tI' Chrle Cc hee' I Hat ?? tO Ei t1,11NI IOBL 1II{S, A CUIT. nd CH-INA, Itoslttiil(leresolljleitiely15t Feruary, 01211, Fistcinde ?? apply to ilessrs. ?? tcni-tlourt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,0IEto PASSENGERS._Pior MADRASt NOTICE And T~A the ship bet way ?? iflitombrk e l segrstn iF0; t a ?? hours alter hier arrival tit that place. Ilbs c~cll atbins disengaged, for whcapl o0 .Rn V THEF ANDIROMACHE, A I, burden 5.01 T Ot ober Cuptuin Jomiutea ANtmiovl. late H.C ?? ;dI, the St. Katharine Docks.- For freighlt ?? apple to ag Lyall, Btruthers, and Co., Gtreat St. Heie' use toJ osotO1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTIELLIGiENCE. J IIBA1{TI TOWN' and SYDNEY, for * *t I I ?? D. tI nt ttitii' :FIg, talliv dl I,. A ?? ~ ~Iiii' P. ?? Oq atn , ailter, ii i~ St h 1 D ?? ii tile -sI has line Oli n ?? iiI in ?? ii i Ic it lii iIdtiititid. 1,' is , I'i it ?? d's , iin CtI S\l'iitistt Sti'ltiLi, !ie * i. 1 i1 ed hI atL. If \ ]u. Ik ?? t I.NlStI'l AIt J.1 IE (i- P t' STE A PA Ri tK I'S Li1, 1,SBON, ( 'AU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SflippiNGINTELLIGENCE. on IATAVI1A and SINGAPORE, to Sail *,51irvt n oib t :,te Just., the fast.snolling brig NVA.N IiARD. n I. burden 2iJ Toni, it. ?? WmC~ni ye, Comalfndier, in Icels-Frfrihto psg apltyito Messrs. Wti I -i rt. Covitlill. ~ jiOUAY, ill s'ail on the 3oth of June, tefine teatti shin M MAID, 600 Tons, IOA5CAPMNAN, Commander, Thci_,oht J!at Vs,tsirrrlieai ivi~t tikrbs Frbr. ndto, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. SOCIETY of BRITISHARIT EXIIIBITION of the SOCIETY Of ITIf SUft'olk-StT*Gt. PalI.walI Enot, is now OPNfrmt. Admittisnut is.Itai'~ TITIAN'S VEN US.-This celehrattc confessedly, by all writers on the subject, the .hef I V-1s.~ iprior to its being disposed of by subscriptios, NO\M-) ON a separate Apartlment, at thle St. James's alr .p. pall email, opposite Marlborosugh House. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHPIN WNELLIGENCE. Oil 130MBAY, and will land Passengers at the a otrerre goods on bowel after tbe 213th inst., and J. ~ , ~, cci ?? Ist if' Sepoeneiber. the tine leak :1 1M S lItlE, burden I .200 Tons, P acx a PtaEatv, IIC.S., Consiccaicer, FtIci P aprt D~ock. Thies ship has splendid aind te cnar as~sengers, and carricA an experienced it it p -a) aptIV ?? NTIA C Rio, 4, Leadlen .eat , I icei ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBI3iC 'A.iUSI2EM3V8IS. ADELAIDE-STREET GALLERY, STRAND. I --ARCHlIT'ECTrURAL, MIECHIANICAL, snd other MODELS N'iflu0Os Philosophical Avparatso. with 1ractIcal expiaiiationa; Che.' ?? Exirorinsaeirs and Iilostrutions; Hi sraoruxygen Microscopie ?1iagrusi IsStemn Gun; Corobsstiors of Steels cobsiets ofchoice Mii neriv, F'ossils, P&c. ;spacimeos of I rvenrtions arro Imoprovem~ents It the ...