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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... ted PUBLIC AMUSEMITENTS. 110 BRITISH INSTITUTION, PALL-MALL.- ant NOTICE to EXIHIBITORS.-All PICTURES and WORKS of ART intended for EXHlIBITION and SALE, muit be sent to the Gaiiery on Milonday, theI th, usrdTuesday, the i2th of Jsnuury ne2t, ior, between the hours ?? is the Morning and Five in the Afternoon, otter which time no Picture or other WVork of Art will be received. Qa. Portraits and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~~WpINGINTMLLIGENCE. 09 BOMBAY and CHINA, last shipping f ie ?? Saturday, 7th November, arid will sail frinin on rho 1ull1, the tine teak-bru~t ship 'n'o LP I'ON CASTL.E, horizen thti roire, JA5Ii.s EDWARDI)VlOGlAN', Ciiuflnatder, 1et't liidia Faport Dicli. 'Thits ship has superior acciint. fo ?? ra ] cardrigees an experienced S'argerin.-Forir ,it rag aC 1jiiytUJOHN THACKER, 4, Leadeohlll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANT P1,A CES'. AS 1300K-KEEPER or CLERK ia Wa-Vs A bouse or Coanrting- houue, a Y fair Mat ofr' tile country, AA years of age. The pslien 1,t is s ,'oul hunt, snd perfectly unilerlnd ,o. 1 ke~ep:ing n sinogleenltry, has beentor the laostin oeyar, counitry, atI doe, not so much regsind Aug soigh -a 0 a ilt ?? rI sitnotion. 'rhe rosltreptal rer-tt 3 I p.1st Inaqid, to ?? TI, ot Air. floshett', ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUi-SEi1MEANTS. SPLENDID EXHIBITION.-ADELAIDE- STREET GALLERY.-Nauticrl, Sechanical, Architectural, and Other Models Philosophical Apparatus, with brilliant Chemical Experiments; Hrvdro.oxygen Microscope. Magnets; Steam Gun; Combustion ?? Cabinets of choicelijoerals, Fossils, &c.; Spa. cimcrni of useful Inventionrs and Inrprovernect% in the Arts and Sciences Music, Sculpture, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. GRAND EXHIBITION.-GALLERY of PRAC lICA I S'I ENCE, Adelaide.ltreet and Losvthoer-IvCde, 9traed, OPE-V to the Public daily at 'Fenl o'clock. -$team Engine and Carriages travelling oin a Rail-road-Cliflon Suspension Bridge -Blagrets of extraordinary Porter, producing brilliant light anid electeic ?? Gunr, discharging twenty balls in a se. ?? Illustrationts in Optics-Steam Boat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. NOTICE to SHPESand PASSENGERS. FIRSTr SHIP For MADRAS and BENGAL, I. W. AMotscatixc, Commander, will prosead to Portsmouth on, the 20th Instant Le etbark her ?? and sail abloutl the 25th.-For freight or passage SPllY ?? ollncricf, Jeruoatern Coftee-Louse; Williamn Hruce. t2. Goeyald, Leonbardl-mrret. M essrs. Hunter, (louger, and Co., I 9, IdBroad' street. or to 'Edmons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Fuller Housse, South-street, Ponder's End, near Edmonton, a Free- C hold Vfilla Residence, and several Enclosures of fine Mlendonv Laud, tithe-free and land -tax redeemed ; gentu Ie Household Furniture, valuable Library of Bonks, lined Pianoforte by Tombhinsolt, Mtusicatl Instrunsents, and miscellaneouts Effects. b MIiR, LIFCHILD has received instructions II fo the Proprietor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P'UBLIC AMUSi.$A1 - `1 IS., APOLLONICON.o-TOMorOw, Saturday, at two o'tlock, alr. PURKIS villperform the fdiolting selection, iz., Introduluction, Chaos and Chorus (Crcation); Havdn-Veuper, Laudate lDominum- ; iotart-Trio, ?? soul with roge (Mount of Olivee( ;leethoten-Sok y, Oh silence fond warblers; Russell -Choru ' LOift up your heads ; Handel. PART it. Fill~t~leio from rile Works of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ???IppING INTELLIGENCE. the last shipping day being ? ? and ?? to sail from Portsmouth on the ? rilE IIAtiQLIS OI? HASTINGS, 2100 Tons, toaio COARnini\. Comtnander, I tibia Faport liritli -For freight or passage opply hut lifl.laoC. Cornhill to Meoars. Crawford ?? ?? old 8roari.atceet or for naa.age only to Captain ,C hilt, dS t. Mautits a ? ?,ldaArrnyAge??y, 10 'am an , S ? ,rOiS. ?? ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIORNCE. ORCALCUTTA DIRECT, will positively F ?? Graesnd ofon the th of May, the remarkably fast 5stllng pac1ket obip sn STERLING, 3on Tons per Register, JOtRx BURNZTT, Commmader, elog o in th be Wet IndiaDokis. uhis shep beingbuilt and fittedoimly thre ese, xprss~ or pcke, as xcllnt accommodations foralimite Pnumbeo assese and is north the atteition of 'thoe ?? supton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSBMENTS. GRAND EXHIBITION.-GALLERY of PRACTICAL SCIENCE, Adelaide-street and Lowther.arcadt, Strand, OPEN to the Public daily at Ten ?? Engine ?? tavllig o a ?? uspnson Bridge -Malgnets of euttraordnaray RPow'erproduc iong briia'ntlight and ?? plseiiomen.S-team Gun, discharging t went balls In a se. ?? Iiiustratiss in Optics-9team Boat Mlodels moving oo wa~ter-Paltisigs, Statuary, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PASSENGERS going to the East or West Indies, Australia, or any of the New Settlements, SUPPLIED wviththeir entire OUTFITS at S.U NWIN'S, Nas. 57andh8, Lomibard- street, Linen or calico shirts, towsels, table linen, sheets, hosiery, ean jackets and trousers, every description of woollenl lothing, sea beddingsingle and deuble couches, cabin furniture, trunks, &c. Ladle, and famlleO preparing ...