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Advertisements & Notices

... C0 &L 7LEG G; OF HMALTH1. No. 11, MAY-STREET, BELFAST. mO~wsoxV PILI14. Tyrants, in vaini ye trace the wizzard ring; In vaiin ye limit mind's unwearied spring. CURE OF SEVERE NERVOUS AFFECTION' H&ysteria, extreme Debility, and all their consequent sqzfferings, iiz the ca.e of a Lady, fsr whom the prqfessional Gentlemen could do nothiin-, abso- ?? nothing! ! TO T. 'MOAT, ESQ. Vice-President ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONCERT. iTA8TER RIEG~OND OST respectfully ani IcTA to the Nobility and M O~t Gentry, that, after ?? in DUBLIN, he will have the honour t ve CONCERT in BEL FAST. (739 ยข UNBRasLLt, PAds SOL, AND STRAW BONNET Warehouse, 118, HIGH-STREET, BELFAST. *E. DAVIS ETURNS sincere thanks Fior the liberal encourage- ment she has received for ?? Ten Years, and begs leave to intimate that she )hin commenced ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO T-AMILIES FURNISHING. AwCTION & CBXMX;ISION ' AUrT NO. 7, CASTLE-PLACE. G6EO C. IHYNDMAN. OFFERS FOR SALE, 4NN Extensive STOlOCK of Excellent NEW -and'i SECOND-HAND Comprising Pedestal Sideboards; Pillar, Dining and Ileak- fast Tables; Rosewood and Mahogany. Occasional, L,oo Sofa, and Card 'Tables; Rosewood and Mahogany Cabi- nets; solid Roeerood Drawing-rooln Chairs: Mahogany Dining-room ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THR ELEACTORS OF BELFAST. GEN-xLEMEN, S a personal friend of the late Mr. M'CANCE, no indi- Adual can deplore more sincerely than I do the melan. eholy event which has recently caused a vacancy in your i representation. A most numerous and influential body of the Constituency have done me the honour of calling upon me to offer myself as a Candidate to fill that vacancy; and, however ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENTgRTAINMENT TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE-LORD LIEUTENANT, AT THE THEATRE, On SATURDAY next, the 24th inst. at THREE o'clock P.Mi. ROBERT JAMES TENNENT, Esq. Chairman. Vice- Iresidents. WV. Boyd, Esq. Robert Grimshaw, Esq. John Sinclaire, Esq. Vere Ward, Esq. S. S. Thomson, Esq. M.D. ?? T. Mitchell, Esq. J. Cunningham, Jun. Esq. John Donvill, Esq. Stewads James Boomer, Esq. Thomas M'Cammott, Esq.! ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HELA : - 1W MISSION. ^lH h NN [A LSE O(N1 in'a'iil of the ,lUN13k, A of the above SOCIETY, will be Preaohed on SUNDAY next, the 13th inst. the PRESBYTE- klAN CHURCH, MAY-STREET the Rev. HTSNVRY CO E!, D. D. Divine Service to commence at ,fsf past ONE o'clock. WM. MCOMB, Secretary. 10th Dec. I8W-. (217 PORT WINTES. 7 HOGSHEADS, and ? OL PORT WINE, 4 QUARTER CASKS, s ,he Bonded Stores, Imported ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATER COLOURt PAINTING. MR. A. NICHOLL respectfully announces his re- M turn to Belfast, and his intention of giving instruc- tion in the above Art, to a limited~,nu er of pupils. 27, COLLEGE-STREET, BELFTTj 28th Sept. 1835. / (773 OPENED ON -YESTEtDAY, THE WEST a 9ioRlTIN OF ENGLAND WOOLLEN WAREHOUSE, No. 6, Waring-S.treet, ReElfast, OPPOSITE MR11. LEWIS REFORD'S, Supplied by the most eminent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST SOCIETY. THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY DINNER of the BELFAST SOCIETY will take place at the THEATRE, on FRIDAY, the 30th January inst. Tickets for Admission may be/d at Mr. YOUNG'S, NO. 4, WARING-STREET. / January 20, 1835. BA T( JO N BATES, Secretary. ?? 11MTCE O1F EDUCATION. R. BRYCE'S LECTURES, on the ahovesubject, will commence on MONDAY, the 26tb instant, at a-quarter past THREE o'clock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FBXALE BOAR BEVG SCHoO, AT DUNSILLY, NEAR ANTRIM. CONDUCTED BY Mrs. and the mllisses MARSHAX.LL. SCHOOL will RE-OPEN after VACATION on MONDAY, @7th July. t The situation will be fork particularly eligible for children deprived of theirparen rthose indelicatehealth; . offeringall. theadvaritages osafe and comfortable home, combined with the opportunities ot a useful and well con- ducted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF ANTTUM.L SPECIAL ROAD SESSIONS W ILL be held puarsuatit to the Act of 3d avid 4th 9 William IV. Chap. 78, at the following places and times, for the purpose of considering all Applications for Presentments. and Applications for Payments, that may -then and there lie laid before such Sessions, respectively; and for transacting such other business as is, by the afore- said Act, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... illeeting- tbL% Day. M E E T I N G of the SUBSCRIBERS to the A E N T E R T A I N M N T to his Excellency the LORD LIEUTENA IT, will be held at the TOWN-HALL, P iICE-BUILDINGS, (THIS DAY) FRIDAY, at T o'clock, P. r;. (By Order,). 837) J. E. KIDLEY, Secretary. LONDON HIBERNIAN SCHOO CIETY. T HE ANNUAL MEETI of> the ablove SO.. CIETY Will be held at the OMMISSIONERS' ROOMS, FoucE BuTLDINGS, ONDAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RlOYAL 'Selfdast Academieal institution. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. T I E MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS will IL take place in the following order:_ JV',ESDAY, 17th June, English, Natural Philosophy, .EA and Chemistry. TaURSDAY, 18th do. $ English & Ancient Geogra- I phy. FRIDAY, 19th do. Mathematics & Arithmetic. SAkTURDAY, 20th do. Writing and French. MONDAY, 22d do.Greek aid English Composi- ,IO-SDmY, 22d ...