Advertisements & Notices

... WATER COLOURt PAINTING. MR. A. NICHOLL respectfully announces his re- M turn to Belfast, and his intention of giving instruc- tion in the above Art, to a limited~,nu er of pupils. 27, COLLEGE-STREET, BELFTTj 28th Sept. 1835. / (773 OPENED ON -YESTEtDAY, THE WEST a 9ioRlTIN OF ENGLAND WOOLLEN WAREHOUSE, No. 6, Waring-S.treet, ReElfast, OPPOSITE MR11. LEWIS REFORD'S, Supplied by the most eminent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST SOCIETY. THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY DINNER of the BELFAST SOCIETY will take place at the THEATRE, on FRIDAY, the 30th January inst. Tickets for Admission may be/d at Mr. YOUNG'S, NO. 4, WARING-STREET. / January 20, 1835. BA T( JO N BATES, Secretary. ?? 11MTCE O1F EDUCATION. R. BRYCE'S LECTURES, on the ahovesubject, will commence on MONDAY, the 26tb instant, at a-quarter past THREE o'clock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FBXALE BOAR BEVG SCHoO, AT DUNSILLY, NEAR ANTRIM. CONDUCTED BY Mrs. and the mllisses MARSHAX.LL. SCHOOL will RE-OPEN after VACATION on MONDAY, @7th July. t The situation will be fork particularly eligible for children deprived of theirparen rthose indelicatehealth; . offeringall. theadvaritages osafe and comfortable home, combined with the opportunities ot a useful and well con- ducted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. BREAREy. , IMPORTANT AND EXTENSIVE SALE OF FREEHOLD, COPY HOLD, AND LEASEHOLD ESTATES, At'Wirksworths Alderwasley, Crich, Kniveton, Matlock, Middleton, and Kirk Ireton, in the County of Derby. TO BE SOLD BY A UCT.ION, BY MR. BREAREY, f4ie House of Mr. Gamaliel Moore, the Red Lion Inn, in Wirksworth, Ott WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, the 18th and 19th days of NOVEMBER, 1835, subject to such ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF ANTTUM.L SPECIAL ROAD SESSIONS W ILL be held puarsuatit to the Act of 3d avid 4th 9 William IV. Chap. 78, at the following places and times, for the purpose of considering all Applications for Presentments. and Applications for Payments, that may -then and there lie laid before such Sessions, respectively; and for transacting such other business as is, by the afore- said Act, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... illeeting- tbL% Day. M E E T I N G of the SUBSCRIBERS to the A E N T E R T A I N M N T to his Excellency the LORD LIEUTENA IT, will be held at the TOWN-HALL, P iICE-BUILDINGS, (THIS DAY) FRIDAY, at T o'clock, P. r;. (By Order,). 837) J. E. KIDLEY, Secretary. LONDON HIBERNIAN SCHOO CIETY. T HE ANNUAL MEETI of> the ablove SO.. CIETY Will be held at the OMMISSIONERS' ROOMS, FoucE BuTLDINGS, ONDAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RlOYAL 'Selfdast Academieal institution. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. T I E MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS will IL take place in the following order:_ JV',ESDAY, 17th June, English, Natural Philosophy, .EA and Chemistry. TaURSDAY, 18th do. $ English & Ancient Geogra- I phy. FRIDAY, 19th do. Mathematics & Arithmetic. SAkTURDAY, 20th do. Writing and French. MONDAY, 22d do.Greek aid English Composi- ,IO-SDmY, 22d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NE-W -?3O0 DS!v- GARiEPDNhlER] a -LEE9 fi, HIGH-§TRPEET, Wateltmakers, Jewelleks, ?? E SPECTFULLY intim /e et .theS have recei ved the. remainder of their li pchases, atd that their NEWBV & ExTo ~J`E STOC* K Is now complete in every department of their business The former Stock having been Sold off by Auction, Pur ?? of NEW and FPASHIONABLE GO ODS ci not be disappointed by calling at G. t L's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I be peremptorily SOLD, pursuant to an Order T of the HighCourtof ChancCry, made in a cause Hicks v. 11forland, with the approbation of John Edmund Dowdes- well, Esq. one of the Alasters of the said Court, at the Public Sale Room), belonging to the said Court, situate in South- aimpton-buildiligs, Chancery-lanC, London, on Tuesday the Sixth day of October next, at Twelve o'clock at noon, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... qu GRAMOIMAR SChOOL., H. CHIPPINAG-CAMPDEd AT, Gloucestershire. wi T-IE Rev. T. F. LAYNG, M.A. for many years ro: -T Second Mulstcr in Oundle ?? School, having Ti been appointed to tbe lieed Mastership of thi6 Establish- an Illit, will be happy, after the vacation, to receive young Gctlement intoliishouseto board,and edlucatein tilhcclasics, rmo Mlathemratics, and every branch of polite ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MA tLT-IW ~IYE:. ,r O be LET, with imnmediate possession,- A capilI _L single.floored MlALT-HOUsE, situated in the market town of Blurford, and in a fine barley country, capable of making 20 quarters of malt a week, with every convenience for storing barley and malt. Apply ptrsonally, or by letter, post paid, to Mr. Untim- phrey Tuckwell, Siguett, near Burtord. ,ObeSO LDbyPRIVATE CONTRACT, - A ...