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Brighton Patriot



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Brighton Patriot

Advertisements & Notices

... iPAR;]ISH OF BRIG TON. TICE H EREBY GIVEN, that a PUBLIC 0:°asTRy MiEETING of the INHABITANTS of d a ,l'rish %ii; be held at the Town Hall, on FRIDAY, thle le Sal Iof ay instant, ?? ?? in tile afternoon pre. K)Jel ?? th purpose of taking into consideration whether it iscl or tageous tbat the ASSIZESi for the County of Sussex ii .ie ..d d to and held in ?? of Brighton and,if so, to hall ldc Who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BUILDEXNS AND OTHIMRS. TO BE SOl.D BY AUCTION, 13Y MR. III)LEY; At the Tiown lall on WICI)NES)AY,'MGy 27th, 1835, at Six ?? in thd E~vening, in ene l~otg P'lr, NWlTI(l,L O(F TIlE BllICK.JI3UILDING, situ- Tated in the BARTtI(MLOMEWMSadjoiniing tile Market, recently uned as a IPrison and Iengine House. To be 'cleared off the Pretiseo n.,ecably to tihe conditions which, will be stated at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIONOURED-BY THE PATI1ONAGE OF @le Royal Hichiless the 1Princess Augistav . Newburgh Rooms, Cannon Place, ISIgS Cif,&XfBR§ 1J AS f e honour to announce her last appearance in HL Brighton. and FAICEl;W ELl EVEN I NG (CON C l.RT, Oln TITUSAY, Decemober2Znd, 1835. PrilNCIPAL. PEtrOnlSEnS. MADAME BRIZZI. bllSS CHAIMBERS. SlGNOR BRIZZI, SIGNOR PIOZZI. Grand Piano Forte ?? MADAME BRIZZ. Harp .AR. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ita- PARISH OF BRIGHTON. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a PUBLIC ESTrRY MEETING of the Inhabitants of this i 1 ,1l be held at the Town llall, onTIIUUSDAY next, the arl o z a intnt at Two ?? in the Afternoon pre j etN r tlt e purpose of Auditing and Passing the last Quarter's AcCOz of the late High Constable. ,Xd notiCO is hlereby further given, that none but rated Inhab- 1f thle saidl Parish will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRIGTITON MARKET- TOLLS. . .TVO TCE IS HER REBY GIVEN, that the Coinmis- qioners Acting under the Brighton Town Act, will on some day, early in December next, .te' be -hereafter namied,. ofler jfr Sale b4 Public Auction, the Tolls and- Stall Rens of the Publie Yegetable, Poultry, and. Butchers' MAarket of the said Town, (except the Tolls payable uvpon Fish),.for a period of one year, fromn the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRESTON. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR.. RIDLEY, On. te Premises, at Preston, .-n TUESDAY, March 24th, by direction of tho Executors of W ISS BARBARA STrRlETER, deceased, A LL THE GENUINE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, IV consisting of bedsteads, bedding, chests of draweis, looking glasses, basin stands, chairs, tables, carpet, chick, china, glass, linen, and numerous useful articles; likewise, excellent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~Ii)AI1 FBIOURHfl ON OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a PUBLIC N VE-ST'iY M\1ELTING of thle Inhabitants of this Parish ,,ill he held at ?? Hlail, on''IiURSDAY next, the 8th day ?? instaint, at 'wo ?? in the Afternoon precisely, to t receive a REPOR'I' from thne Committee appointed on ihe 7th dayd ef 113y Ilast to waich t~he proceedings of thle CHURCH BUILD, c JK COMMIS'I EI as to tile £83000 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LONDON, BRIGHTON, AND SHORE HAM RAILWAY COMPANY, capital, £F.900,O0 IN 13,000 SHARES, OF £50 EACH. IIE Original Western Line, by Epsom, Dorking, Horsham, T and Shoreham, which is intended to come into London by the Southampton Railway, and to be continued to a I terminus at St. George's Fields, nearly equidistant Irom the Five Bridges. This Line, having been re-surveyed, is submitted to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUSSEX COUNTY HOSPITAL. T a Meeting of the Committee of this Institution, held A the 23rd of December, 1835, MAJOR ALLEN, in the Chair. It was proposed by William Seymour, Esq., seconded by Geo. 13 ~evi, Esq. and resolved unanimously, that the warmest grati- tude of this Comnmittee is due to the Ladies Patronesses, for their benevolenlt and efcient exertions in promoting the success of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7.R\.4 1OF BRIGHTO.Y. N(OTfCi3 l~I EBY GIVEN, that a Public VES- 'TRY lI~ -A-ING of tlhe Inhabitanto of this Parish, will lie beld at tile Town hall, onl Thursday, the 5th day of November next at ITwo ?? in the Afteinoon preoilsely, to Audit and Pa.'s tile Actounts of the Directors and Guardimag, for tile Quarter etiihog ie 20th' day of September last. Ad?(lIgE IS 1WEY U LTE GVN -TIhat nonie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO A LL PERSONS WIIOM IT MAY CONCERN. TOWN OF 3R1GH 7HEY7O87'QiV, TOTICE IS lII-thEBY G.tNEN, that the Camsmis ' sioners ficting under the, Act ?? (6th 0ea. I ?? cap. 1i9.);for the bettr h eg ulating Paving, lm- lrin and ilfawuiging the said Towsn, intend to apply at the COert General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, to be hollden at jj'f q, for the Easter'n.ivisiori qf the County oJ' Sttssevr, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO INNKEEPERS AND OTHERS. rpO LET, at a moderate rent, and witl imetealate pos- 'L session,aGOOD COUNTRY INN and POSTING- HOUSE, situate on the Sca Coast, a good stage from Brighton, in consequence of the occupier leaving the neighbourhood. - For particulars, apply to Mr. Williarts Faithfull, No. 15, Ship- street, Brighton. TO TAILORS, 1'OOLLEN DRAPERS, and PRI- VATE PERSONS-STOCK O' A TA ILOR ...