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... The rev'ision of the lists of voters for this city was Continued 0On Saturday; and tip to Wednesday evening, when the court was ad- jourried to enable the barristers to attend their appointment in Basth on -.ThIursdav. Yesterday morning the business was again resumed, anid, Frillm the mass of names yet remaining to be called overit i proabletheour 'IsI be obliged to sit for several days ...


... CASTLE o ?? F-IDA. Eofir .7. S. Pitimin, and J. Carshliet, Thqra., futicew. Win, Sattovictya, a oy of lid years old, son of a retailer of fruit, rt.idiinf At Went .'lvii', lde,, waon ltirtoed wirh robhltlig thle garden of Ayr. Simout 1ot, ;IIt fn, ?? tilar parh ?? Friday lti'l10th innt.;., o AItr. TI 1. llrok~l4, tetdiog for W.r llre. A bail (cnatre it. this CaSe Wiri, Its;c Ar.71tirriao, ...


... I REVISING'BARRISTEItS? COURT. %Y The vevision' f the lisIs t'or the- electoral district of thils city, Id was brought. to aRcios9e yeiterilily afternoon' about three o'clock, Id after having oceupieudtwteasyO h~eut ~ fetn h -positiono,ofthe1 tsvii.parties, lie canl confidently state tbat the )y Libcrals have itcquired a vast accession 61l' siryngth; tfiough we 5-~ will not bazard the Ohinton ...


... BRISTOL SUMMER ASSIZn. say The Commission of Nisi Pries was opened in this citv, 'on un- Thurstiny last, by Mr. Baron Gurney, who arrived Shout halfi-past to~ four o'clock, escorted with the usual honours, arid proceeded tin- th mediately to the Guiidhall.,when, after the usual ptelliminaries by re yoneotroug., teoutwsadjourned till nine o'clock, the The f'ollowing is a list of the causes ...


... .DEVQ-N ASS IZ ES. Wr,1)iqESDAY._jMr. ]taon, Gurney having flutished, ?? prius, ?? to try prisoiters5 ?? t r. bus kbura desired to ra hi Lrdhip's attention to an afifdavit; he hfeld,.- from George Avery, 25, who can read, which italed that lie htad I.Ily boon conmmitted for trial ont the preceding Monuday, charged with Ihaving, onl tile nighit of the 4th of April, 1834, near a cottage, in ...


... CASTLE or EXETER.-FIUDAY. .'EaoriiJ. Caralrike ETq., Chanirmano H. L.. Toll, J. Milferd, A. tawsy, ' . J.. S.iTitm u, J. H. Ley, Esqr., nad [tev. H. Stratiriwaes, Jiiti icesi. Riding- and Driving without Reins.-Notwitllstanding the rtany fiocas inipovedi ZhI4 practile 19 nill cositiniued, ned on tihl day NVtlmn :( nrqnt,1 a, ,'geoiler ito thie *erviee of Mtr. William Case, tif Uploii ?? ...


... . I These Sessions commenced on Monday last. The calendar contained the names of 62 prisoners, no cite of tvhose cases, 'ow- ever, presented any feature ,f parti*ula4r'iderest. The fallowing are the sentences: , sN.s-sPoRTATroN.-Fourteen Years: Jlasm Beatha, for robbing s Mer. Sevier of a gold watch, chain, and seal, on the I Ith of July . last, in St. James's Chsirchyard; a former conviction ...


... ; *E - Iput I PtOjvINcIAL INTELI4ENCE. jfim I 1I I,- ~ I the At a sale by auction hy Mr. Fargus on Friday evening, at Portshead, a small farm, comprisiongabout 30 acres, sold in + lots, at prices averaging 44 years' purchase olpon the present rental. We hear that Mr. Miller, of Durdham-Down Nursery, has taken the contract for planting the Bristol and Clifton Zoological Gardens. As so much ...


... SCENE IkT THE OLD BAILEY. As I enteled ithe cmrti a case of 'some importance had just ter niinatet, and the jitdge jbst coiicluded his summing up; vheni the clerk of theiiraigtts ptithe ustomnary question tothe jury, N How say ye, gentlemen, is theptisodler at the bhar guilty or not g'ilty 7 Upon' vshic i'thi jt~irinen lahi theit heads together, and 1- heard something in a whisper frrorotlheir ...


... ASSIZE INTELLIGENCE;M C RniM Cob: '-Attbt' Shrewbbbry A'ssizes; a mereer and drdp ?? dti'rh'ed'- WI ' 'ecrdeovered' a verdict wiih r£500. ?? 'agti'asit ~Dr: iebster; a physician, both partids residiho at'SlfreWsui; fo't: the seduction oftplaintiff's wife by ?? hliad 'availed himself of' his' privilege as the inedibal'attelidant'of 6V'e' ?? effect the ruin of his victim. It ;iearAd that' stich ...

COURT OF KING'S BENCH, November 17th

... 'cOUwr OF KING'S BENCH, November 17tN. ?? V GREENHIiLL. Mr. Scrgeant Wilde applied at the rising of the Court for a rmle to show cause why au order of Mr. Justice Patteson, made in 'lis case, -should not bo set aside; and why Mrs. Greenhill shoid.ldnt6i be allowed to come Il to show cause against a rilc for an attaclhmcnlt which had been obtained against her. This rule for an attachnjent had ...


... , BRISTOL ASSIZES-NISIPRIUS; [ Concluded from our last. Xlltiams v. BaxeiidaM. akind others.-Mr. Erle, for the plaintiff, Stated that this was au action broughltby Mr. Willinams, ironmon- ger, Redelifl'fstreet, to recover the sum of I.91., the value of goods lost sshile on board the trow Success, belonging to the delendants, Miessrs. Picklitod.and Co. T'he learned counsel stated, that the ...