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Preston Chronicle


... : )i7Ar11ttS At Quebec 0'7 the 1st o' April, the mercury stood 3deg. below zero, and in the w6ods the snow was six feet deep. Taglioni is expected shortly In London. Her terms of remuneration are such as the members of other professions may regard with astonishment. Her first engagement is only for a limited number of nights, et something more than 1601. per night, and with a clear benefit, to ...


... PrEIAXPE nAS1ON5 VCR DECE2BER, . WALKING DitEssEs. - A cloak of Luxmore, of a bright brown with a rich pittern is black ; it is made as a pelisse, fitting closely to'the figture, excepting the sleeves, whichl hang full from the Ohouldess. A dress of pale lilac Cashmere, bonnet of sapphire ?? of violet tsatin, embroidered round with a light pattern of bright chenille, a deep cape lined with ...


... f c i S-s -.40i Z - ' :d , c (i) a. a 79 oniGIVAL AND SELECTED. THE HIGHLAND COT. Frorxr Ya row flevisited, anad other e'owus: h.V Wiiatmrn Word sworth. See what gay wild flowers deci tbi' earth-built Ciot, Whose smoke, Forth-issuitig wlerice and how it mfy, Mhiries ill th greeling of ihe Sun'r first ray like wreashs of' vapour without stain or blot. Tihe limrpid mointain till avolds it not; ...


... k. ?? ZiP (1z ul d 79 ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. -ea_ -- [The fnllowin2 verses, Written by Mr. TV. Hartley, now a resident in the Eslisb College at Lisbon, hasve just been received in a long end tntereeting letter f rsm that younlg gentleman, to Mr. Joseph lKenlyon, of tins town. sehose pnmliil be torenerte wvan. alr, 113. tey ?? mitit grasteul reoesleuleton of Mr. I-K's kind- br55s, attentiotn ...


... 'Fartchro. I % . ?? . I Steam C&ararhge.-Sir C. Dance's inmproved steam-6ar- riage travelled from H yde Park-corner to Slough (twenty- two miles,) on WVednesday, the 1st instant; in one hour, minutes, and seconds! Conrranght Lales. -A committee of the House of Com. mons has been sitting fob some tinme, for the purpose of inquiring into the best mode of connecting the ...


... Favirtieo. The AtnnticeJot sisal announces that the Greek Govern. ment has mnade a contract with the banker Feraldi for the construction of au iron rail-road from Athens to the Pirteus. Mr. Cocherane, an Englishmanr, has concluded an agree. mnent with ?? to establish an uninter. rupted steam communication between Mhrseilleq, Genoa, Leghorn, Naples, Alalsa, Athens, Sysia, Smyrnst, and Con- ...


... WIraietter. - The London University, it is said, has more pupils, in the class of medicine, than any establishment in Europe. The long-expected charter to confer degrees in all branches of learning and science, is likely to be granted. In a convocation holden at Oxford on Wednesday week, the honorary degree of doctor in civil law was conferred upon Nicholas Carlisle, Esq. F.R.S. and Sec. A.S., ...


... ORAC!t , 2)o A2ND WELE -oniGINAL AND SELECTED. INCIDLNT AT BRU(iES. BY W. WOBDOWOttT11. In ?? town is many a street Whencv busy life hatli lHd; \¶in're, witiluUL hutry, noiseless ftet Llie gt a.l.grawn pmveleuelit tread. Timete heard we, halting in the shmde Flu'tg ?? a convent tower, A Iirp tuneful prelude nade To a voice ot tllling power. TIlie meahure, simple truth to tell, Wams fit ...


... I 'Farletioe. Inmedlately after the House of Commons broke up on Thursday night week, Sir Robert Peel proceeded to St. James's, to state, most probably, to his Majesty the diffi. culties in which he found himself involved by the vote of Thursday night. It is calculated that the late Election has cost the Tories o 7#isllrt of money. to bring in members of their party I How much of this enormous ...


... Tearlrttro. A Mr. H. Vaile has obtained permission from the Ad. : miralty to raise the Chameleon, revenue cruiser, that was sunk last year by the Castor frigate, on condition of his returning the stores and other articles having the King's mark, at a fair valuation. Mr. Vaile is desirous of testing- the plan for raising sunken vessis proposed by Mr Edward Austin, late master in the Royal Navy. ...


... I - I ORlMINAL AND ELECTED. A GHURC H IN NORTH WAI4ES. BY MltS. £1E1tANS. Blessings 'be round it still ! - that gleaming fane, Low in its mountain-gden t-old mossy trees Nsirrow the sunshine through th' untinited pane, And rft, borne in upon some fitful breeze, I'he d ep sound of the ever-pealing seas, FIlling the hillows with its antliem-tone, There nee:s the voice of psalms ;-yet not alone ...


... Farietteo. . a,., The household furniture and farming utensils of the late Dr. Kelly, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Tuam, are to be sold by auction in a few days, according to his will, for the benefit of the poor amongst whom he ?? Pilot. Sir George Smart has lert town for Camb idge, to make arrangements for the approaching Grand Musical Festival there, on the occasion of the installation of ...