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Advertisements & Notices

... 4T the GENERAL ADJOURNED SESSION ofd PEAC for both DIVISIONS1184ftheJ COUNT oSU EX, held at BRIGHTtESSTOW, oa on Wednesday, the eleventh day of FebruaI~ 183. g( OsRDE RF . ci 1.-That the CHAPLAIN Of thle GAOL at Ho~iSHAM, V ?? the Duty of the Chaplain, besides the other ?? prescribed by the Gaol Act, shall be as follows: PI is On Sundays, Gond Friday, Christmas DaZ, Fast, _ and Thanksgiving ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 be disposed of a SHARE in SAAUL S SCHObL, apply to Mr. G. Stoclk, fi1, Queen. al street, Porttsea. GUINNESB'S DUBLIN PORTER. ISTINGUISRED by its Pureness, Dlaturityand L D excellent flavour &c. and particularly recommended e to ?? by JOHN KEET (SOI.E AiNT) C for Portsmouth, Portsea, Gosport, Fareb a ;,api places s .adjacerlt. /S C 1: Orders received at the Stores, Wickham-street, 1 near the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in- tal 7' j'?O .bc LET, with immediate possession, a hOUSE,' IV. with large garden, stab2c, and soach-hocue, situated on ig, the Miii Hill, Iffley. or, For putticulars apply to Mrs. Nowell, Iffley. ill, Hen ieq aird Dorchester Tui'npike Jocs'd?. ? ?'OTICEis hereby given, Titat a Meeting of 'the' ci' the above Turerilte Roads will be held at the White hart Inn, in Benson, in the county of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY OF OXFORD. FFo be LET, and entered plon irnmediaxpl.y,-A JL lOUSE, with front: Shopymost desirablyBstatO in the best part of the High-street. For further particulars apply to Mr. George RackstroW, solicitor, Oxfordl. 7 K 'O be LETr, with inlliiaedvate posseions-A small JL comfortable HOUSE, ini good repair, adjoining the T'hamcs W'harf, Abingdon.-Apply to Parker and Foster. p a6-sh Blaea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fl?O be LET, and entered 'upon at Michaelmas next .& at Ipotone,-An ARAIIIaB FARM; consisting O? about 200 Acres, with a vets' good FaIrn House, and all ne. ? res?sisry out-buildings ; distance from Henley I and frorB Wycosube 10 miles. Particulars may be known by applying, (if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Saunders, at Wocmsley, near ? Stokenchutch. t 'I'HA4'sIES NAVI(?ATION. ? ?? General ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILZIFE I'tNlF iJI7TIE~b' TO EXU1vEINCREASED INCOMlES. TH ROFYAL UNION LIFE ANNUITY: A FifE, established in 1824 by Act of Parliament,! a nd with powers now enlarged and confirmed under 10thI George IV. and 4th and 5th William IV. having publishedt Tables for the purchase of immediate Annuities in a pro.: spectus of a single sheet, the same may be had on appl1ication; by letter (post paid) to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iPAR;]ISH OF BRIG TON. TICE H EREBY GIVEN, that a PUBLIC 0:°asTRy MiEETING of the INHABITANTS of d a ,l'rish %ii; be held at the Town Hall, on FRIDAY, thle le Sal Iof ay instant, ?? ?? in tile afternoon pre. K)Jel ?? th purpose of taking into consideration whether it iscl or tageous tbat the ASSIZESi for the County of Sussex ii .ie ..d d to and held in ?? of Brighton and,if so, to hall ldc Who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BUILDEXNS AND OTHIMRS. TO BE SOl.D BY AUCTION, 13Y MR. III)LEY; At the Tiown lall on WICI)NES)AY,'MGy 27th, 1835, at Six ?? in thd E~vening, in ene l~otg P'lr, NWlTI(l,L O(F TIlE BllICK.JI3UILDING, situ- Tated in the BARTtI(MLOMEWMSadjoiniing tile Market, recently uned as a IPrison and Iengine House. To be 'cleared off the Pretiseo n.,ecably to tihe conditions which, will be stated at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIONOURED-BY THE PATI1ONAGE OF @le Royal Hichiless the 1Princess Augistav . Newburgh Rooms, Cannon Place, ISIgS Cif,&XfBR§ 1J AS f e honour to announce her last appearance in HL Brighton. and FAICEl;W ELl EVEN I NG (CON C l.RT, Oln TITUSAY, Decemober2Znd, 1835. PrilNCIPAL. PEtrOnlSEnS. MADAME BRIZZI. bllSS CHAIMBERS. SlGNOR BRIZZI, SIGNOR PIOZZI. Grand Piano Forte ?? MADAME BRIZZ. Harp .AR. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ass DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION Lnd ROUNVD THE AMED1TERRANE.E1N nst [N the HARRIET, fast-sailing and superbly fitted aid iup Yacht, coppered and copper fastened, 96 register for tonnage, Commander C- ROBERTS, well manned and la. armed. She will leave Porismouth the Ist May next sty touching at Lisbon, Cadiz, Gibraltar, Cartha ena, Bar: ice celona, Marseilles, Toulon, Nice, Leghorn, thse Roman )n- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Daniel O'Connell, Esq. Alerrion-square. dec n- wh 1of WESTHAMPNETT UNION. / I] bis 1IHE 'Board of Guardians of this Union'arepre- to lhe 'L'pared to receive applications, from Persons de- the sirous to take on themselves the Situations of 111ASTB. I and MISTRESSSof the WORKHOUSE, at Alding fr Ot bourne, near the City of Chichester, and the Education eve ish of the Chitldren therein. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ Winter Garments in Endless Variety, are now Ready for Inspetion, at th GOLDEN FLEECE. to 1' JONES in again presenting himself to the ilmice of the Public, begs to acquaint them that be I ie with the follow lg description of ARTICLES atASTONISIIING REDUCTION: *iz.pPeter5ilt1 g Harrington's, Beavers, Bears' Skinsq WVitneys, and Milled Cloths, in every shade, which for Gentlernetn,,S Coats, ...