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Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. COLOSSEUM, Regent's Park.-NEW GRAND SCENERY is just opened to the Public, in addition to the varioos other Etxhibitions at this Establishmen~ft. No EXTRA ,:BAREo. Admittance to the whole 2s.;I to each separate port Is, N.B. The F191irti of ltord NELSON, III his own uniform, and the v'arioos Orders he wore, Is now to be s0cm III the Saloon of Arts. The tikeorss is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lie PUBLIC AmUSEMEMTS. ion iot B3R'ITISH INSTITUTION, Pail Mall.-The Ig GIA .LLERfY, ivipi asELF(TI ON of PICT U RE- by Anc~ie~t tle jloaster',atool nal Oneo Ititnidr,di I'rtraits of (1tuhwititaihed t'erats not. it, fthe Ri'igtt of Queoti Elizbthitil, Ill ttittittI, tio tle' late H.. tlune, f l otj11., IlA., IS OPEN Da10,(iy T1ell itt the 3lortitig until Six in to ttile Evening. Aditission ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5l-{PPINO INT'ELIAGENCE. 01 ti, I'ASSEN(GER-.-For. MADRAS I ~U'1A.IilI 5lir I (I Lie 0,d of (ltotrlier fro im Grn,,smrd -0 , : nP t it hei. , Ilier-rbuilt ship HIlN DUSTAN, ;.'woRgitr AD it EL J . REDMioAN Commn rrrder, ?? lill~ii~iC lildy to (lie CIr ma, rII der, ,t ?? -~7 J3) \ MY tosaden ?? October, ANI'IOM.ACIE, I. lrder T~on'os, ?? Po ks h.- For ftrigflt or paI,o'r' njilpl to o..;i~dlii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IPUBLIC AMl SEMVENTS. Now Open, at thc PANORAMA, Leicester- square, a splendid VIEW of the anclult CITY of THEBES, exhi- bititn the famous Temple of Knrnak, which hns been for so many ceotaries the wonder and admiration af all beholders, with itF walls c, ered with Hlieroglyphics, w Iich, in spite oi the lapse of atres,pre- serve all their pristiae beaties of execution, strrounded by the Ile, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIPNGINTELLIGENCE. Olt i3O~mBA, THE MERMAID, Captain 1PM5' 1' Tl ?? her ?? for ?? XI PEN`1VNANU, SINCAPORE, I . . 'TI 0. 1, tTIIT~T tah, SI,`,tue) t lmuir r 'ITI_ TIs?'lt,'r fi, vIs'L Irqsllae to(:pto UIIhrl IiTI h it e T tr.( IIT'ItIIIX' TIII \% ?? I ?? t1 iI Crtl 1 I-I .5 T OTTI Tll 1, W hile51TI Ol \iAI)RAS-~ ?? ?? F efI' ?? t~e ?? ship 1rS tI,.11 10I A. jI'lTS lirsrt Q~ rmod~i o c 'I II ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 722 ?Ai ELLIGENCE. 6 l~~ p-,~4FNGLR S -The JULIANA, 6 ', TrEaM AS Il-ivhm, tbr AlAI) RAS slid C'AL. ft ., ?? 'D-itn- ,ith to emfbatrl, her passnegers. 6 a ~ ~ ' ?? ?? Sitr (hulae. o ?? friuri; or to Ietltt-\NI IliAD, 1, G o ?? Io'' lilte'Isi. tiarr-tt vind 01blbon. at ~ 'hA N II Vuk RIV. , tO Sail IlOstelyl)th 7 1 ~l - 01v, ti, di fles ?? GI 7A~ ne SK 3f:l 'I'is, 7.7.41~~ II . PhS91$ -Ins ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RDEFORM ASSOCIATION.-At a numerous .L)MEETING of REFORMERS, held at the British Coffee. house, Cocktspur-street, Westminster, on the 20th May, 1835; T. IV. COKE, Esq., In the Chair; Resolved unanImously, I. That an Association be formed and establishetd In the Metropolis, under the title of the REFORM ASSOCIATION, to ensure the Registration of the Electors of Great BritaIn, and to protect them ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMEN'TS. COLOSSEUNI.--The PANORAMA of LON- DON, NFV GRANt) SCENl FY, COlNSERVATORtIES, ntid the tarions other Exhill nls of this splend i(I Establishment OPI N to the Public, as Usual , front Ten in the Mlorninag to Six il the Ever. ing. Aritnisslon to the whole. 2S. to cueh separate part, Is. N.B The laily EAllibitions ore sotirelycdistinct fromnthe Evenitg. DIORA'MA, Regent's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHjIPPING NTLLIGEiNCE. OF, BOMIBAY and CHINA, last shipping thc ,itirelo saturday, 7 th November, and as ill sailt frinl aI h ia. Iitib tre joe teuk-n.!tr 1ah p 01,m t'ProN CASTI.E. bui,~cn liS0 Touts, JAMESFioi U:lIA t; DL ?? GontililililrT, F yut i; ojlrt 110c1.. TIJI; Whi, has superior acecor. orfrrrt0allad carries oni experienced Surgeon.-For n 'ru',,fnx :! Act. Krt, r.1, Leodicaltll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMELNTS. SPLENDID EXHIBITION.- ADELAIDE- STREET GALLERY.-Nautical, Mechanical, Architectural, and other Models Philosophical Appyratus, with briliant Chemical Exfprimenet; Hydro-oxygen Microscope, Magnets; Stsam Gun; Combustion ofSteel; Cabinetsof choice Minerals, Fossils, &c.; Spe- cimcens of osful Inventions and Improvements in the Arts and Sclenees; Music, Sculpture, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nJast'ptfblhhbe&, in-one Vol., cioth boards,' price Two Shilli ngs a Sixpenue, originally sold at Three Shillings, A POLITICAL TEXT BOOK; compiled from the best Autbo- A rities, by WILLIAM CARPENTER. The object of this work is to furnish, in a compendious and popular form, a summary of the first principles of human society and Govern- ment, as also of the most important political and civil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHITE SLAVES. A MEETING of the Uarepresented is held every Snltday Eves. ing, at 7 o'Clock, at the New Assembly Roamns, 148, H.l. born Bars, near Gray's inn Lane. Mr.aW. SLATER Lectures on Moral, Literary, Political, ard Scientific subjects., E STALI-WOOD returns thanks for all past favours, and re. E spec'fally informs the Inhabitants of Hammersmith, Chi,. wick, Fulbam, Kensington, and their ...