Advertisements & Notices

... [IFE ANNUITIES GRA;TED under 2 the Acts 59 Geo. 111. cap. 128: o Geo. IV.; and 4 and b William IV.-Tables for the pur tatn thereol iay he bad gratis, on a single sheet, on ?? to thi e (tflec. Lancaster Placc, Waterloo Bridge, Londo *-lcttera to bi post-paid. TORSES, CARRIAGES & SADDLER I 3 JLg aro SOLD by /4MJ3CTION evory 'fuesdav :11 - Sturdav mornings 'It elevell o'clock precisely, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... K ENID A LL and SOQ.N, ?? &CABINILT CASHl' MAK(ERS' to thel-i MOS. GRACIOUS IVA lS~ES T aidch 1414bl~iilssawO thme D U C II E. S S sREN1'aI %7lVCj OR1 A%. andS to this 1srlilrslp COURTS- I II'NES the Cl V-E' CAT. 417,1 E ST STRtAsitf, inre E ?? the Nobility. Gentry. land 1 jabiic griipeotlly. 11hat01 the have opened th~sr MAGubilileaSIN, thtshl N 0 VE A UT E A G ,d IIet of EatsD Eirnch of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - . . EXMOUTH; z BAI `-*1l take place at EIW N3 ROOMS, A onu Xbe 'BE4ACON HILL, in the bcginiiing of Novepi&jr,' 8l35.-Pariieulars Nill be given in the nlext Adeti'emet. Rooms, Beacon Hlill, Oct. 20, 1835. ITALIAN STRINGS. .t A1, ROMAN, HARP, VIOLIN& GUITAR IU.' STRINGS, of the veiv first quality dire.t from th. Manafartiiiref, to be had' at MiII. PILIBROW'S Musical Re. poeitory,59, High ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CHE31iSTS AND DRUGGISTS. V'0 be DISPOSED OF, a SHOP ?? Lino, 1; T now in fall ?? tu, ,4tis Honisv and A Eras. SoTO 2MININIG VENTURERS.' T0 ~ SLD, a SHARE of oe lntMNE9 TooeK, pi sses~ing a great extent a anld, ein ?? psi contained swveral tine Lead and Coppero Peis. Price mide rate.-A~ddress. post paid, for C. B., tobe loft at tlePostoffice,, Holyweil, until called for. ?? SOLD, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lcowf , : FASHIONS. - ISS NEEDS, having just returned u London i9LY7L with an extensive Assortment of faationble MILLI- | NERY and DRESSES for the approachb Season, begs re. , spcetfully to inform her ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELECTION MATTERS -We are much obliged to several corre- spondetnts who have sent us Information respecting elec- tion proceedings at different places, and we regret that the Pressule of Such intellige ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 8rrVATION AS&GOVERNESS WANTED. young LADY, whose Parents are lately A deceased, is anxious to engage with a Family to he charge of two or more Young Ladies, from six ile veals of age. Salary is not so much her ob. tee *fotable IHome. Adesads (if by letter, post-paid) to A. W., at Mr. p~rEON'S. Bookseller, Market-Place. HULL SUBSCRIPTION 1f;LLS. HE THIRD SUBSCRIPTION BALL ITj will be held at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'DTusaynet th. 1dith ins.C.tant, nd follorwing Twoeo'lock eac4h day,,0 h Premss oprsH]l, neairly opp~osite !tupert-street,7 A large unitoFORtFEITED .00D0I1o- in ilvr Patean JeellcyFethe ?? Bed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TilE POLL-BOOK. JiJst P Pblished, Price Ott Shlhingg, ripF SHERIFF'S (and ONLir AUTRnIqtsD) pyof thePOLL atthe late HULL ELECTIONI 350ear Gil sid a(1d 1th,35.5 T r ,hted b OD ad ROWN, Lowgate, and re had ofall ookselles -°kelr JL UBSCRIPTION BALBALLLS ruilECON SEODSUBSCSCRIONRIT BALL l take place at the Pu RostsfKingston- siureO THUiRSDY the6DY 2theot February. SquaesTEARSTWRS A)5N M.D.O, M-D- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IkE'D~and.RA8PHD! DYEWOOD tr SALE ~~ I~2mt.- 78. 6d Z o D okOp(EY7 y 1a ADY, (Mra. ~U~lELSP M EST[C. C.OK W Ot1Poo. 14 AY, A 2ip I34 bu H.AWL' 90 N' Al Nal.t~~ I_ hI -IONMVS .G4V(EttawaICiE I' * fiOZ~.LR~ao~ f*7duonis'clra1 BR3FISTOL A'i' CARDFF. Theew'an 'wat~ong 3 VAMPACKtT, e 'd0' Xlbrie Power,'- Jouiz 'A'Ligg, Co6matldaar, intiaitagito, '.1y, dei~tlhe 'Monith of JihdnaIry, I'l:PA gerns ...

Advertisements & Notices

... re' FOR CHILDREN CUTTING THEIR TEETH. /1 US. JOHNSON'S AMERICAN SOOTHING N SYRfU P.-I his infallible Remedy has preserved hundreds ly of Children, when thought past recovery from Convulsionsarising of from painrful dentition. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the Gums the Child will be relieved, the Guums cooled, asid the in- ad llammation reduced. It is as innocent as efficacious, tending to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -BR1STOL SAVNGS BAN. : A -T thp Annul mjng o THE Directors, Iil Mana~rB of T ~RISWTOL SAVINGS BANK, held Ilt SAVftX7 BANN, 11. 5TrttiN'S Ava5Us. Oj aturtday, the 4th day ol' arCil 1935, Th e Weiv, J`O-ffN EI)ENj in the.,C IVS; a~following Statermentof the Accountsfohe Bank, made 'Up to-ti~he Iay Nvcber last (as required by Act of Parliament), -wss read bj the Secretary.- 'R' -BRISTOL SAVINGS ...