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... CENTRAL CRIMINALCOURT. THE MURDER AT WOOL WICH. Tius case, which has excited so much interest in Woolwicb, and the surrounding vicinity, came on yesterday (Saturday) before Mr Justice Park and the Recorder. Patrick Carroll, aged 32, a corporal of Marines, was indicted for the wilful Murder of Elizabeth Browning, ori the 27th of April last, in the parish of Woolwich. The prisoner, who was ...


... Yesterday a Court was held for the intended dispatch of business. The Court paper Pontained no fewer than fourteen notices of motions, and twelve notices of reports; T( and it Is to be regretted that not the slightest advance was made in the business of the Corporation, owing to an Lt W EXTRAORDINARY SCENE OF CONFUSION, tol The LORD MAYOR, after the minutes of the last TI Court had been read ...


... C ORO.NER:,' INQl SI-I' S. STIEAM-Botlf Arrtm:ts-\ titit r (l Yesterday evening al inqtcst %,as held, by adjournment, at theo Town of Ranesgate publiv-dolle, \\ Vpping Old Stairs, before ilr. Baker, (coronel, on the bod y of LuLar olesserer, a German tailor, aged *24 years, who was drowned by the swell of tile steamers, uopsettie g a boat in which lie was comling to London from Git r'l titll, ...


... LAW NOTICES.-T.u's DAr. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-lNN. Sittingsat ttenf. In re Dyneley, lunatic petition by ?? Chambers, In the natter of Chamber-, bankrupt petition' part ?? v t1kelts, motion for ?? v Walton, motion for judgment. CounRT OF KING'S BENCH. Sittings at half.pnit nine, ?? Comi j~mta.RItlitchlcock v Seguerrs-Moore V Hart-Scrivenler v VorleY and another I-wnororevbSobirohe ...


... POLI CE] INTELLI GEA'CE. B3OW-STR ErT. (IpN ?? ( ,I'iS its FAi -I VVF IEact ?? Ifs oidingI an Id'lt I% ictit oft ]Ii(ti tpianleC, sitis yesterday brought sip Ii, fur Mr .7lr kit l, cliarged wsitli obtaining '200 quills troitt Ah v. ?? Tkny a tioill-itercharit, of N o.5, Shoe-lane, It ;I p~mlw tti' t it ?? prisioner neet to t le shop of the prose. to Icv -igit I y All. Ijixiuti, of tl~e firm of ...


... EXTRAORDLIVARY MURDER ON TILE HJIGH! SEAS. Irillom s'ii iI.5tOlt, STASNDAIII.] We Iloie been it ioured bv .Messrs. Illet o it and Co., of Liverpool, vitih thle folio partieulars of a murider Comnmittedl om Ioard omle of their ships while pjursuing ier votage C oftilh coast of Java:- c. tilie uj(iersiacild i;1ster, ofliCers, and Crew of thc b1aqitie liossendale, do declire, that on Monday, ...


... BANKRUPTCY COURT-SATURDAY. ?? ?? FANE.J BOND AND PATTISALL'S BANKRUPTCY. On Saturday a meeting of the creditors of the abovQ bank- rupts was held for the declaration of a divdend and proof of debts. T'Ie total amount of tlebts proved up to the present time was stated to be J'803 Y5ti II. 9(., and the ailstiict provod ol the above day was only f84 4s. 'Ihe dividends already deelared tuake 17s. ...


... -- M ARLBOROUG H-STREET. EMiBEsr ENIENTi - Edtcard Robinson was yesterday brought before Mr. Dyer for re-examination, charged with having embezzled sums of money to a considerable amount, belong- ing to his master, Air. Wabshett. MIr. Waabshett said he kept the livery-stables in Titchborne- stceet, under the firm of Seymour and Co., and the prisoner, since January last, had filled the ...


... INSOL ITNT7' DEBTeRS' COT'R7-'11 i's)A. it [13efore the CHiEFt ?? and Mr. comlminsuoller Bow ?? I Rioutipt Hlone, descri'ied as JSlte of' the VXandsworth-roa. lodgitig-house-kceptr, witse ppseted by M r Coteil on beha of Mr. (Guoodmain and scvetal other creditors, one of stow, Air. Mtorgsin, a s!iceiriake, declared that the imioiveft had g ?? hill) that hie had ail appointilleat Wider ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. Yesterday, a Jew, named Simmonds, charged a young woman, under the following circumstances, before Alderman Farebrother*- a Mr. Simmonds stated that at about twelve o'clock on thle preceding night he saw the defendant, who appeared to be a decent servant, address two or three women of the town, of the lowest description, and was, from the nature of the con- versation, induced to ...


... ACTS OF T'HJE SESSION-No. II. IMPRESSIEN'T-MERCHANT SEAMEN. ch Ths. impressment of seamen is so revolting to all the 11 et ~ig of our nature, that every man of any I be- he 'v 'tern. 'le onina qrillstiorr ts isih respect to iihich ttrre rat canl be any diffieulty is, whsether, irs any ernergirscy de. lie ?? a sudden rind immense supyof scamr)e, threy ge ran be obtairred without having ...


... LAIF IINT'ELLIGENCE. -4 C'OURT OP CHlANCERY.-.S'TUR DA~Y. FBefore thco Lords ('otnnis~iorc'r5, Sit .r 1 and Sir Sir L Sit int i t t '0 sitting ofthle ('ourt, oka i porlultity to advvit Ito a quecstion erel itti ag to plersonii Confi ned in tile Fleet Illison for ('oliteilpt, which vsa~ nentioned to hiet IT]th I'l lceC-(hilitci'loil'F; ('OlirL sit ?? it. Ott thatt oieia',lst it qeetinca to have ...