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Advertisements & Notices

... /LJaDZIV CI1 VIARITY. HE Comitte ofthe LADIES' CHARITY iatend lhaving a BAZAAR . FVor the benefit of the aboye institution, in the Ex. CiASo Rooms, during: the Hchrse-fair Week. Particulars will be given in a futare ndvertisemrent, ContributionS of work, howeevr stb5l1, are respect- fully requested, which may be fobrwiarded to any Ladly of the Cosnmitee, Preston. WANTED, 7 \ APPRENTICE to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW CLOTH HALL, FrSLSERGATE, PRESTON. J. WITCHELL & SOan, N tendering their grateful acknowledagements to .Ltheir very numerous customers and friends, re. specifilly solicit tile atention of c/c//i hnl/ers at the present Fair, to their very choice. anal excellerit stock of boil) Broad anal \7urrow CLOTHS, of all thle great varit ty ot'prevailing and fashionable coloura of tile day ; anel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 14-1 JUST PUBLISHED, 4 may be had at the Chronicle Office, price 2s. / neat/y bounn in cloAt, ?? copies oaly of , NARRATIVE OF AN EXCURSION from a MANCHESTER to LONDON. PARIS, NANCI, STRASBOUIRG, CARLSIUHFR. MENTZ, COLOGNE, ANTWERP, &c. commenced on the 8th (lay of April and continued until the 23rd of, May, 1831. To kinder skies, where gentler manners reign I turn; and France displays her ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXM', 'SIVE SALE OF BOOKS BY AUCTION. 2-9- JOHrN LAW TOY j ESPECTFULLY announces to the Visirlos R and Residents of Blackpool, that lhe will ?? for Sale at his Residence, near the Rose Cottage, O TU ESDAY, AUGUST the Iuth. antI following dlays a Valuable CsIlection of B 0 0 If S, ancient and modern, consisting of Law, Physic, Divinity, Sacred and Profane Hfistory, Biography, Architecture, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BUILDERS ANVD OTHERY. ti TOBE: LE T, BI CONTRAC'T, r HE Bnilding of a New VICARAGE, at Poul. A ton-le-Fy](le. al Thlle Plans and Specifications may be seen at the c Office of' Messrs. WILSON and ELLETSON, Soli- o cihors, Poulton, on nnd after Tuesday, September i the 1st. The Tenders to be delivered at the above Office, F before 12 o'clock, on Tuesday. September the Stb. V Further ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FASIIIONABLE DANCING. 2- w. a. WAWC 'U=CE]2WEiRLOT S lSPEC'I'FUJLLY infnnriq his Friends ontl the Pilbi. , I is ACADEiM , LllNE -STilEcT AS- suEorlil.\ HoIi(), will rc opo2n 0il Saturdany tile Silri of Auttulst, rt t;>ur o'clorl;, Holc'ri'iCt'S Call be intide to all tile first Ln~lics' Seilaries aud Gentlemlenl's Establishments in Pres- toil. Families annd Schools attended within tbiriy miles. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TA be Published by Subscription, vee ltrlle, 12nio., ?? printed, and hound in cleath, ICE 105L2tsclu ?? 4s.-srT.LTNs G ?? 4 i. Gd. Tn L ES , CH11FLY ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE NOBLER AFFECTIONS; THiF pRI7VATEER1, OR, THE ISLAND OF Sr. ANP1,0a 'i1le * f the !ZSea. TIflFISHElRMAN'S DAUGHTER, Olt TiE Foel ?? G or TIIE Wtctic ; a Tale of liver- ill tile Olden ITitne. ?? HIGHLAND WIDOW ; 'h origilnal Se. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M. A. .IERNAN, ,/ , Cross-5,erdt, bollom of C 6antoItrrect, MoST Respectfully returns thanks to the La- dies of Preston and its environs, for their ind patronage, and l desires to inform them she has I returned from London, vith a Fashionable s e- tionofof.MILLINERY DRESS ES, which will be I r yfll f nspetorl ns e ton TonSDAY, 19th M ay. LIVERPOOL HOUUSE, FISfXISGATE. MRS. EDWARDS IILL1 have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... French, Italian, & Draw ing. 1g!ADE M,!ISELLE SAUVAGE, FROMI PARIS, t viiG been educated in one of the most cc - I lebrat ed Seminalies in that Capital, has the iorto infoirm th e inhabitants of Preston an d its , ijy that she purposes to give private instruc. ,, jin FRENCH, ITALIAN, and DRAWING. tl1aille. S. wvas oblig-ed, from the state of her 1 to leave the ,School of Miss Hackney, No. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lObRR DIBL,]. APTIrICIAL TEETH, 7a PLACED WVITHOU7AWIRES OR OTHER LIGATURES, - e j d tsd ?? Sucedancnrn, for Fillrng Derayed Teeth without pain, Beet, or Pressure. - MONS. MALLAN, (OF THE FIIRMlI 01F MONVS. MALLAN j SONS, SURGEOlV DENVTISTS) l, GrC57 fuo7r11at rct, Bloortsbury7sqgare, and No. 0, Halaf Al00oon1-tre6t, Piccadilly, London, 40, Bold-street, 31, ?? and 36, .Mosley-street, 11raescl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... anrlD i AP'R'EN! ICf ?? PA', i3USIlNlSS, aipply to-C, Fonst-Aw, cxioss -OF, THE. 'SALE SDRAPERY; iATS, CL°OT , VAND LOAKS, u) Cr1O, U l T17d, REAbERVEj t3 pAY, SATVHDAV, THa ,T IN STANT, AND MsONDAY NeXT, THtE 1iO1t. BY T; 9RE~t, At Is1 Sale RoomsL 12% Fishergate. ,031,tINC E,41Cl DAY At' Two O'CLOCK. nXBTFAIReLOUGH-. _ BASa Fiat ia thie natur4e of a Cornmis. ?? is awarded and issued for'th , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r2' ( TO BE SOLD, ; rEE NI G H T-S OIL of the FISHWICK ao T MILLS, for the year 183$. Also sevoral Plots of BUILDING LAND situated near the * above Afills.-Applieation to be made at the Count. 1 ig House of Messrs. SWAINSON, BinLs', and Co. iS 27WANTED TO PURCHASE, d VIVE or SIX SHARES in the PRESTON r, AlVATER WOROKS COMPANY. '0 Also, TO BE SOLD, BY PRIVATE TREATF', FIVE, TEN, or FIFTEEN ...