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Advertisements & Notices

... TO BOOKSELLERS. .411 the Books underenentioned are sold at No.; 166, Fleed-street, London; and are to be had of atll he Booksellers in the Kinedonz. THR *COBBETT-LIBRARY. WHfIN I am asked wbat books a voung man or. young woman ought to read, I always answer, 4; Let him or hler read all the books that I have written. This does, it will doubtless be said, smell qf the shop. No matter. It is what ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published. COBBETT'S ZEGACY To PAaSON3; OR, Have the Clergy of the Established Church an equitable right to the Tithes, or to any other thing called Church Property, greater than the Dissenters have to the same ? And ought there, or ought there not, to be a separation of the Church from the State? IN SIX LETTERS, Addressed to the Church-Parsons in ge- neral, including the Cathedral and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MORISONS PILLS. Attested statement of Cases in Dorsetshire, From December, 1832, to August, 1834. By HARRIET HITT. To Mr. John Beanhamn, General Agent for I Dorset and Somerset. LA Virtu, e la verita, Sostanza, gloria d'umanita. No. 1. Case of Robert Gale. 7J'HIS man, who is about sixtv reals of age, tA has been frequently relieved from se- vere colds by taking the Pills, which, he being our ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Iti 1I' jS H ;N STITIJ'T IO N, PALL MALL. Ak3 The Gallery, with a Selectien of PICTURES by ANCIENT MASTERS, *anl nearly ONE HUNDRED PORT-,1ITS of Ilistinguished Persons in the Reign of Queen Elizabotb, in enamel, by toe later H. Bone, Esq. HA. ISOPEN daily, from Ten in the Morning until Six in the ryening. Admission. Is.-Catalogue Is. WILLIAM lAJitNARD, Keeper. -1HI1TE CONDUIT GARDENS.-Open ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE FOREIGN QUARTERLY. REVIEW, JL ?? XXX, Was published on Friday, July 10th. A. Richterand Co. Soho square; and Black and Armstrong, 2 Tavistock street, Covent garden. Just published, ia I vol. lImo- pric'o 6s. 6d. cloth, AH I S T O R Y of G R E E C E. ?? THOMAS ICEIGUTLPY, Author of The Outlines of History,' in Dr'Lardner's Vabinet Cycloptedia. * Mr K.'s services to the cause of education ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PATENT -UaTS;X Nors Nw Bn si'et ad'8 ~-Newgate street.-T. DUGGIN begs leave moot iwspectluuy to inform the NobilIty land Getry that he is enabled to supply them (for Cash) at wholesale - . ?? -Cash ?? V fery best Beaver Huats, weighing from 3 oz.oand. upwards- 21-s 205s SVcond quality, ditto .ditto . . I'Us '21s' Second quality, ditto . ?? * . 145 ,lb 1ds Ladies' Hats on the above termas; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CH.E2AP W NS and S P I R I T S. TO PRIVATE FAMILIES AND ECONOMISTS. PQRTS. per doz. SHERRIES. per doz. StoutWine frot thewood 24s. Very good . . 22s. Fine Old ditto . . . 30s. Excellent ditto, pale or Good Crusted ditto . . -2o. brown . , . 23s. Superior Old ditto . . 345- Flue Old ditto, straw- Very curious, of the moot coloured . 3ts. celebrated vintages . 40s., 46s. Very superior ditto . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CORRECTED TO AUGUST 1, 1835. In ISmo. price Os. TH E PARLIAMENTARY GUIDES a Concise History of the Members of both Houses of Parliament, their connexions, pursuits, &c. &c. By a' PARLIAM ENTARY-AGENT. No Elector should be without this invaluable little volunie.-Sun. This is decidedly the best which has ?? Sun. This Guide is really what it pretends to be.-Atlas. London: A. H. Bally and Co. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLOSE OF THE PRESENT EXHIBITION. 1RITlSH INSTITUTION, PALLIIALL- The Gallery J for the EXHIBITION anod SALE of the WORKS of BRITISH ARTISt S is open daily from Ten in the Morning until Five in the Evening, and WILL ho CLOSED on SATURDAY, the 25th ?? Is.; Catalogue ls. WILLIAM BARNAL'D, Keeper. The GALLERY will be RE-OPENED early in MAY, with a SELECTION of PICTURES by ANCIENT M4ASTERS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Price One Shilling. HE MONTHLY REPOSITORY for October will ?? on the Writings and Genius of the late William Hazlitt, by the Author of the as Exposition of tie False Medium, ice.; Sketches of Domestic Life, by Mrs Leman Grimstone; a Poem, by Ebenezer Elliott; the Will, by the Author of Bouglas DArcy; Bligli's Hints on Analytic Teaching; Poetry end Science; eon Education and the Condition of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ted PUBLIC AMUSEMITENTS. 110 BRITISH INSTITUTION, PALL-MALL.- ant NOTICE to EXIHIBITORS.-All PICTURES and WORKS of ART intended for EXHlIBITION and SALE, muit be sent to the Gaiiery on Milonday, theI th, usrdTuesday, the i2th of Jsnuury ne2t, ior, between the hours ?? is the Morning and Five in the Afternoon, otter which time no Picture or other WVork of Art will be received. Qa. Portraits and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~~WpINGINTMLLIGENCE. 09 BOMBAY and CHINA, last shipping f ie ?? Saturday, 7th November, arid will sail frinin on rho 1ull1, the tine teak-bru~t ship 'n'o LP I'ON CASTL.E, horizen thti roire, JA5Ii.s EDWARDI)VlOGlAN', Ciiuflnatder, 1et't liidia Faport Dicli. 'Thits ship has superior acciint. fo ?? ra ] cardrigees an experienced S'argerin.-Forir ,it rag aC 1jiiytUJOHN THACKER, 4, Leadeohlll ...