Advertisements & Notices

... ?? EAF1 NEUS S.- NTRVTOUS DEAFNESS has been and still is deenel r~ ?? to beL a disease wichrcl neither F a rsr l.j pf ;rrlltii nor cure sorne weekls agoItiel, rilie tile public Prl ints on tire suil eect. I tolud thle IPulbi ! that I had die-F coererdi a ineethoriDI. or eu, aorid 1134 persons IriLVC now to rijolc te cttrepplaced thrinel ve uoder my care. Not to givi! publicity to;n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW AND REVISED EDITIONS.] TO MOTHERS, FATHi-ERS. GOVERNESSES, GUARDIANS,' SCHOOL TEACHERS, &e.El IBAYOF E LEMIIE N TA RY KNOWV- Is IJ3RARY ?? t I'd ilsYUGGNTEA OK (Fourth Edition.) S 2. MVI DAUGHTER's BOOK. (Second Editlon.) q 3. Tlhe BOOK for thet MNILLION, (First Edition.) 4,. F1MAI.E &NITUOLOGY. (in the Press-l I'he VOLUMES or the HEART. With illustrations of emiinent PI literairy aid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A'AIXV .LE ESTATES !Il SAVINEGATE, inl Leedls-Sly Mr. J01hN 'j'MSonTw-loh'. the 'J'iIFh .1 il/l' 1/a ?? 1113a, at Cross'-I 11111) H~otel, !in Leeds, (if hut prevovI ally Il imloed of by Prlivate CFootrac~, of which Notice wrill be giveo), Subjlect to Such ClId i ions ui shall thlen end there C e prolneed : Io. . A LI, those extettoive amid tiobe Piml- AN t EFFS. tit, oil noa n lie Sooltit ...

000OL.,andt Val. ri

... I sl lr nt IIs, itre' readly t0 t1a' ucdol piov~d 1ea Atpply, itlby let- 11ii E Annual Mdeetinig ol1 the S hb'i'ibers to the ahoyp InlotittitiOOn 'Vill be lioldenl at the TIown (af III i di thei 14th1 i olo ~ait, at Twselvye ii click preceiiidy alle Ii' soil lihavilg 41 Vlli 414IIe Society aire de'- 1' Ciot atoAtend.'IL AMS, . %liIA A ,%I lIEN Ry NV LAMS ~. . Opost 1tw Stqrolk. Hotel, St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY TIHE KING'S PATiEINTI. DR. SIBLY's It-NIMA'rING SOLAR pleasunt, ?? and elliceacious reaned' riear offoreil to tih' Medicine for Dubility C0nsiirp ions Nervolus and Rhen- Inist i csuiiplainl,~ ilars ot ?? Lnns itirits4, toil all tirL ticlistrn'ssiln; aftf'c Ivins ich harass the, weak, 'oluay, ande delicate. it, nui-eg no argifum'ent to cont'inici core than a trial, atter whIJ tho3e Who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -~ ?? THEATRE.UOYAL,, WCAS^Ttt vu iS present Friday Evening, by Desgire and RA- T clr thle Patronage of the Righ lo.LD a- V ENSWORTH, 'will be performed KnoRwles'tad d y of WILLIAM TELL to conclude with a musical Drama, founded on a popular V/est Iudian Tale, called PAUL and VI RGIN IA. On Monday, Shnkspeare's AS YOU LIKE IT, with the WOOD D)EMON forthe ?? o 10r Si S-T~WA-ssz5. On Wednesday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THZI G1MAI'MST AND D911T MWEDICINES rOR COUGHa, COLDS, AND A.STU AS. I{lURHIS COUGH DROPS, fur recent Colds, o uma.Iili Coughs, and conlirined Asthrmas, stand unrivel. l-.. Its ILpitatit or Ye lrs past, andthlie various I'estirno- ides ofits Ellicacv, is a ?? Ploo' ot the Estimation ih whlich it is held for all Asthmatic Alt'ections, recent Colds and Cutillis ho.vetver oiiStilaite, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... just published, Price Ss., in, Cloth, HE CUSrOMs SURE GUIDE, Or MER. ICHANT S ASSISTANT; containing Tables and Cal- culations of Rates and Duties on all Goods imported into, and exported from, the United Kingdom; in Phich is seen at one Viei, the exact Sum, within the 20th Part of a Penny, to bo paid on any Quantity. BY JOHN BLAKSTON, Landing Surveyor of his Nlajesty's Customs. London: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. OR MADRAS, with leave to touch at the F Cape of Good Hope, to sail from Gravesend the 25th of Fe- brultry, aud from Portsmouth the Ist of March, the fast.sanilng ship SRSOsTRis, 0oo Tons, Captain ALMXAroDna YATES. loasing in the WVest India Export Dock. This ship has superior ac- r,:;modatlons for Passengers, and carries an experienced Surgeon- Fir frc.git or Pansage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INThiLLIGENCE. pOR MADRAS, touching at the Cape of Frad Hope, is notw clearlng out at the Cuiltum-bouse. aud ?? Po itirely leave the Dock, 'Ihi, Day, January 1I, ?? Cs. lorkably fins* fastlsaalling teak-built ship CLAVDINX, 50O Tons ltegistwr, WILLIAm HtEArTHOo, Cowmmander, lying ID the West India Dock. This uhip has very superloraSc- coasmodattiuns for Passengers, ind carries an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSE~MENT~S. GALLERY of PRACTICAL SCIENCE, Ade- lal de-street, and Lowther-aeade, Strand.-Thlis GRAND EXTIti. IIITION Is RE-OPENED to the Public dolly, at Teati o'clock.- Steami Engine and Carriages trarellin,~ onl a Itnil.rosd-Cllfton So-. peonsion Betdge-Alignets of extraocdlesry Power, producing bril. hoot light and electric ?? Gun, dischargileg twen~ty boils In a ?? Illustratooss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~jjj~PIG INTELLIGENUEH. Ju.ST SHIP for C.ALCUTrA, aiidi Will lknd F ?? tostil ?? on the 10th and- MERCANT burn 600 Tons, LwI W. oneeft5'5r. coasiuouder (tate or the Lady Kennaway), LWis ;;t I diaLodk. Hun excellent accommodation for j~lg 15 te d.t52I5 ass expserienced Suargeon.-For freight or Moncrief, Jerusalem Coffee-house; Messrs. Co. tI, Old Broadlstirestj William Bruqe, 56, e;or to ...